A Comprehensive Guide To Essential oils And Why You Might Want To Give Them A Try

Essential oils

Essential oils aka volatile oils are popular, safe, and effective for a variety of medical conditions.  By 2026, the essential oil business will be valued at a whopping USD 14.6 billion. Many people are resorting to these therapeutic oils for various benefits. Contrary to popular belief, volatile oils are not just for calming and soothing but can provide relief for a lot of health conditions. Additionally, due to its effectiveness and safety, it has increased in popularity. If you’re looking for an alternative approach for your health conditions, volatile oils can be a viable option. You can even combine it with other natural remedies to enhance the benefits.

essential oils aka volatile oils

Here is everything you need to know about volatile oils, how they work, how they are prepared, and how they can benefit you.

Essential oils: What you need to know?

They’re derived from various sources such as rinds, barks, herbs, and leaves of certain plants. They capture the plant’s flavor, scent, or ‘essence.’ Different aromatic compounds provide Essential oils with their unique traits. You can add these oils to bath gels, creams, and vegetable oils. You can also add them to your bath, rub them on your skin or simply smell them. Research shows that volatile oils can be very beneficial for specific conditions. However, if you’re not sure about the safety of specific volatile oils, it’s better that you consult a doctor.

How Are Volatile Oils Made?

They’re procured through distillation (via water/steam) or mechanical procedures such as cold pressing. After the aromatic chemicals are extracted, there are mixed with a carrier oil to produce a product for use. The method of producing volatile oils is essential; if they’re produced through chemical processes, they’re not regarded as pure volatile oils.

essential oils aka volatile oils

How Do Essential oils Work?

Essential oils are generally used in aromatherapy and are inhaled in numerous ways. However, volatile oils are not meant to be swallowed. Essential oils contain multiple chemicals that can interact with your body in various ways. When applied topically, your skin absorbs some of the plant chemicals. Particular application methods can enhance the absorption rate, such as applying with heat or to various parts of your body. 

Another popular method is inhaling the aroma of the Essential oil which can stimulate parts of your limbic system that plays a role in long term memory, sense of smell, behaviors, and emotions. The limbic system also plays a significant part in making memories. This explains how familiar smells trigger emotions and memories. It also plays a function in controlling various unconscious psychological functions like blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. And as such, it’s believed that volatile oils can also exert a physical effect on your body.

Are Essential oils Safe?

Generally, volatile oils are considered safe. However, it’s important to remember that just because something is natural doesn’t mean its safe. Essential oils can contain various bioactive compounds that may be injurious to your health. Keep the volatile oils away from an environment where there are pets, children, or pregnant women.

Essential oils can cause specific adverse effects such as:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Headaches
  • Asthma attacks
  • Rashes

Side effects are rare, and the most common are rashes. However, you must consult a medical practitioner before applying any volatile oils.

What Are Essential oils Effective For?

Essential oils can treat various conditions naturally and safely. Here are some of the most common illnesses volatile oils are resorted to:


Essential oils such as lavender and peppermint have been shown to be very promising for treating headaches and migraines. A popular Persian technique is applying a combination of sesame oil and chamomile to the temples as a natural remedy for headaches and migraines. Some studies also show that a combination of ethanol and peppermint oil on your temples and forehead can be a great relief for headaches and migraines. If you want to use Essential oils for headaches, there are various remedies available.


Studies estimate that about 43% of stress and anxiety patients resort to some sort of alternative therapy to help with their condition. Many studies have shown that volatile oils used in conjunction with traditional methods can be helpful for anxiety and stress patients.

Additionally, Essential oils for anxiety used alongside massage can be a very therapeutic and effective option.


If you have insomnia or lack of sleep quality, you might want to consider Essential oils for sleep. Studies show very promising results from lavender oil for treating insomnia as well as heart disease. Numerous studies confirm that lavender oil, in particular, can be very beneficial for improving sleep habits. Other volatile oils, such as vanilla, sandalwood, and citrus, can also be helpful.


Essential oils for cough are also a very popular and effective remedy. Various volatile oils work differently; however, they generally aid in killing microorganisms, thinning mucus, aid in coughing up mucus, supporting your immune system, function as a decongestant, kill bacteria, work as an anti-inflammatory, and improve your circulation. Various Essential oils, such as rosemary, peppermint, and eucalyptus, are popular remedies.

Eucalyptus, in particular, has been praised for its effectiveness for upper respiratory infections, including cough. Thanks to its decongestant properties, it can be very beneficial for cough.


Various Essential oils contain anti-inflammatory properties, and they can be helpful for inflammation. A study shows that a combination of oregano Essential oils and thyme can be beneficial for inducing the remission of colitis. Other volatile oils, such as thyme, rose, clove, bergamot, and fennel, can also be useful.

For minor problems, volatile oils can be very beneficial, safe, and effective. However, keep in mind that they are not effective for severe conditions such as HIV/Aids, cancer, and other terminal illnesses. They are generally recommended as complementary to other alternative and herbal remedies and can be effectively used with traditional methods as well.

essential oils aka volatile oils


No single essential oil will work for every patient. You might have to experiment with a few options before finding the right one. They can be useful for various health conditions and can even aid in the recovery process for major surgeries or treatments. They are also significantly safe in comparison to other methods. You should consult with your doctor to find the right essential oil for your specific condition.

Philadelphia Holistic clinic is the best place to get advice for the use of volatile oils as well as to order them. We don’t believe that volatile oils may be the complete treatment solution, but they are a great addition to all other holistic treatments. For all your medical needs contact Philadelphia Holistic Clinic  (267) 284-4305, schedule your first appointment for alternative holistic evaluation and ask Dr. Tsan if you may benefit from volatile oils.