Hysteria Treatment by Dr. Tsan

Hysteria Treatment

Hysteria treatment is not something that can be done by a protocol. The world womb has produced such an enormous number of different types of hysterical disturbances that the concept of hysteria can now be more easily studied from all sides. Ancient medicine has taught us to look at what we usually called “hysteria” as only the outward sign, the symptom of the basic causal factor, the hysterical psychological background. So when we talk about the hysteria treatment and healing of these patients, we are wrongly saying that we have cured the hysteria; we have only cured the hysterical symptom(s). What most doctors in their zeal have left untouched and untreated is the hysterical psyche that caused the symptoms that left the patient incapacitated. This is important to remember when the question arises of returning a hysterical subject to the same environment that originally caused the hysterical symptom.

Hysteria treatment

The current approach to hysteria treatment includes intensive physiotherapy accompanied by psychotherapy and, in some cases, psychoanalysis. Antidepressants and anxiolytics may be required, and more recently, cognitive and behavioral therapy. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is a new investigational technique that has promise in patients with motor conversion syndrome (motor deficit or movement disorder). Functional neurological disorders remain a challenging problem as malfunctions and chronic disabilities often develop. This highlights the need for therapeutic innovation in the future.

Today, psychiatrists such as Julie Holland, author of Moody Bitch, argue that Big Pharma’s flurry of marketing on daytime television and in women’s magazines is creating a “new norm” in which understandable and biologically natural female emotions are overtreated.

This brings us to today’s antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs: SSRIs are used by at least 25 percent of American women in their 40s and 50s. The national average is about 10%, with one in ten Americans taking antidepressants. With the introduction of Prozac in the late 1980s, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as Zoloft and Paxil have enjoyed relatively unconditional dominance as the leading blockbuster drugs over the past two decades. One reason for the drugs’ unimpeded success is the absence of harmful side effects such as those seen with valium, barbiturates, and morphine.

As drugs for hysteria treatment went off patent in the 2000s, Big Pharma is now earning less, and SSRIs have fallen behind in popularity. The next frontier appears to be that of antipsychotic drugs of the class usually used to treat psychosis or bipolar disorder. Abilify, for example, is currently the best-selling drug in America, surpassing even non-psychiatric drugs.

Anti-anxiety drugs for hysteria treatment

If needed, doctors can prescribe traditional anxiolytic medications for hysteria sufferers. Xanax and Ativan are two of the most commonly prescribed drugs.

However, anxiolytic medications should only be given to patients with severe or violent symptoms of hysteria. Anti-anxiety medications can aggravate symptoms and can also have unpleasant side effects. For instance, some of the side effects of Xanax are jaundice, hopelessness, and unhappiness; Ativan can lead to vertigo and forgetfulness.

Antidepressants for the treatment of hysteria

Antidepressants are often prescribed to control mood swings and thoughts of suicide. Lexapro is one of the most frequently prescribed antidepressants. Lexapro is effective, although it can make suicidal thoughts worse.

Again, these drugs should only be used in extreme cases. If an antidepressant is deemed necessary, it is advisable to consider St. John’s wort mentioned above.

Painkillers in hysteria clinic

Pain medications are often prescribed to patients with pain disorders and somatization disorders. Vicodin and oxycodone are two common pain relievers. Caution is advised, however, as the pain associated with hysteria is mostly psychological in nature. In addition, most pharmaceutical pain relievers have unpleasant side effects. For example, Vicodin can cause bowel problems, and oxycodone can cause seizures and breathing problems. When treating painful symptoms of hysteria, it is advisable to use either natural remedies or placebos.

Don’t expect it to stay that way forever. “The whole gig, the whole blockbuster status is based on the magic of ‘this will make everything better,'” says Herzberg.

And when that magic wears off, as has been proven, over and over, it’s on to the next big thing.

What is hysteria?

Womb and illness

In order to find the proper treatment for hysteria, it is important to understand the mechanism of this complex medical condition, causes of hysteria, and hysteria symptoms. When it comes to explaining what is hysteria, you may have heard a few variations:

  • In antique Greece, females’ wombs (uterus) were thought to roam their bodies, triggering madness (hystera = womb; hysterikos = womb).
  • Hysteria stems from sexual frustration in women.
  • And the one you most likely heard about the hysteria treatment: in the 19th century, women who were hysterical were “treated” with vibrators by their doctors.

self-massage fo hysteria

All of these are simplifications, maybe even pure misogyny. Indeed, the idea of hysteria has changed throughout the history of Western Europe: the disease has been a panacea (tragically) for far-reaching ailments such as epilepsy, infertility, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and menopause. Urban traditions simplified from hysteria make expectations about the endurance of females’ sexuality. As historian Helen King clarifies, hysteria is neither a single ailment entity with an ongoing history nor an illness with an unending sequence of symptoms.

The history of hysteria

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, perhaps the first to diagnose hysteria, explained the disorder as “suffocation of the uterus”—when the uterus moved throughout the body, it produced different symptoms in response to its trapped location. One of the remedies used for the hysteria treatment was to anoint the head with “lily oil” and massage the patient. In ancient Rome, Celsus prescribed bloodletting or cupping followed by the application of hot and wet dressings to the genital area. In the ancient text of Soranus (c. 100 CE), the main objective of these treatments for hysteria was to help pain or no menstruation.

Modern understanding of what is hysteria

Hysteria can be a defense mechanism to avoid painful emotions by subconsciously transferring this stress to the body. This can have a symbolic function; for example, a rape victim can develop paralyzed legs. As a disease, hysteria has long been associated with the feminine. Although male ailments were identified and discussed at times, it was viewed primarily as a women’s disease. An essential aspect of the manifestation of hysteria was that it affected the sufferer’s body in a mutable manner and could not be traced back to any tangible cause.


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The classic symptoms of hysteria included a feeling of suffocation, coughing, dramatic seizures, paralysis of the limbs, fainting spells, but also sudden inability to speak and hearing loss. Many cases that would have been described as hysteria were reclassified by Freud as anxiety neuroses. Various symptoms of hysteria in other conditions such as schizophrenia, convective disorders, and anxiety attacks are now recognized. Psychotherapy is generally the treatment of choice for histrionic personality disorder. It focuses on supporting the patient and helping to develop the skills needed to form meaningful relationships with others.

Diagnostic criteria of hysteria



The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is the creation of more than 10+ years of hard work by hundreds of worldwide specialists in all aspects of mental health. Their dedication and hard work have produced a reliable volume defining and classifying mental disorders in order to improve diagnosis, treatment, and research.

In DSM-5, the disorder has been renamed to somatic symptomatic disorder (SSD) and includes SSD with predominantly somatic complaints (formerly called somatization disorder) and SSD with painful features (formerly known as somatic disorder).


The DSM-IV-TR provides sets of diagnostic criteria to help the clinician make a correct diagnosis and an additional section on differential diagnosis when people meet diagnostic criteria for more than one disorder. The purpose of this information is to help the clinician determine which specific mental disorder is present, the identification of which will hopefully indicate the presence of a specific pathology and suggest specific treatment. However, it is clear that the DSM-IV-TR generally fails in achieving this goal, despite the best efforts of the leading clinicians and researchers who have compiled the guidelines.

The diagnostic criteria for hysteria in DSM-IV-TR are:

  • A history of somatic complaints spanning several years, beginning before the age of 30.
  • Such signs cannot be fully described by any general ailment or substance abuse, or, when there is an accompanying medical condition, the impairments due to the somatic signs are more severe than expected.
  • Complaints are not faked, as in the case of a sham or factitious disorder.
  • All symptoms of hysteria do not have to occur at the same time but can occur during the course of the disease. A somatization disorder itself is chronic but fluctuating and rarely resolves completely.
  • Diagnosis of somatization disorder is difficult because it is difficult to determine to what degree psychological factors are exacerbating subjective feelings of pain. For example, chronic pain is common in 30% of the US population, making it difficult to determine whether or not the pain is due to predominantly psychological factors.

The diagnosis of hysteria also includes the following subgroups of somatization syndrome:

  • Undifferentiated somatoform disorder.
  • Somatoform autonomic dysfunction.
  • Persistent painful somatoform disorder.
  • Other somatoform disorders, such as those predominated by dysmenorrhea, dysphagia, pruritus, and torticollis.
  • Somatoform disorder, unspecified.

What causes hysteria?

In many cases, hysteria is caused by an environmental incident, such as a polluted water supply system, which literally makes people sick, even if they are otherwise perfectly healthy. In other cases, people who witness people around them getting sick unwittingly deceive their bodies into showing the same symptoms. In other cases, social or emotional pressures become too strong for the community, leading to widespread anxiety in the form of neurological problems such as blindness or numbness. All three situations are examples of psychosomatic disorders, that is, the brain causes diseases in the body, but experts say that they are no less real and painful than any other disease with physiological roots.

The New York Times Magazine published the perfect example of mass hysteria in 2012.

Before the media vans took over Main Street, before the environmental testers came to dig into the ground, before the doctor came to take blood samples, before an unfamiliar person began knocking on doors and enquiring unstoppable questions, Katie Krautwurst, a cheerleader at a high school in Le Roy, NY, woke up from a nap. Immediately, she knew something was wrong. Her chin jutted forward uncontrollably, and her face twitched in spasms. A few weeks later she was still squirming when her best friend Thera Sanchez, captain of one of the school’s cheerleading teams, woke up stammering from a nap and then started twitching, waving her arms and shaking her head. . Two weeks later, Lydia Parker, also a senior, broke out into tics and arm swings and buzzing. Then a word got out about another performer, Chelsey Dumars, who later moved to town, was making the same weird noises, the same weird movements, leaving school early on the days she could get to class.

These numbers grew—12, then 16, then 18, in a school of 600—and as they grew, the ranks of sufferers expanded to include the broader Le Roy hierarchy: girls who were not cheerleaders, girls who stuck together and had studs in the mouth. There was even one boy and an older woman, 36. Parents cried when their daughters stuttered at the table. The teachers closed their classroom doors when they heard the roar of explosions, one scream triggering the other, sending increasingly familiar sounds ricocheting through the classrooms. In the months that the film crews continued to descend, the community barely recognized itself. One expert after another came to pontify what was wrong with Le Roy, a city of 7,500 in western New York that has long prided itself on the success of everything. The children here were healthy and happy; their parents insisted—”cheerleaders and honored students,” one father said—the produce of a place that, while not perfect, consisted more of what was good in small-town America than what was angry.

Now, however, the girls’ contortions and stuttering suggested something unsettling, either coming from within the community or being perpetrated upon her, a mystery that proved to be irresistible to onlookers, whose attention would be paid. soon to be part of the story itself.

“These are real symptoms,” Dr. Gail Saltz told Today. “These LeRoy students need psychiatric or psychological treatment.”

This does not mean that students are crazy or mentally retarded.

“This kind of thing could happen to anyone,” David Lichter, MD, said in a story for BuffaloNews.com. Lichter is a clinical professor of neurology at the University of Buffalo as well as a movement disorder specialist and has evaluated at least one of the girls involved. The important thing to focus on, he says, is to get students’ help.

what causes mass hysteria

Treatment for hysteria as well as for mass hysteria varies depending on the situation but can include separating the individuals involved and then addressing each person’s underlying stressors and specific symptoms—a solution that some parents think falls short.

“Of course we’re not just accepting that this is a stressful thing,” said Jim Dupont, whose daughter is one of the affected girls. “It’s heartbreaking. You’re afraid your daughter won’t have a normal life. “

Symptoms of hysteria

Symptoms of hysteria

Conversion symptoms of hysteria:

Almost all symptoms of organ disease can be faked on a hysterical basis; for example, symptoms mimicking the illness of a deceased relative. A variety of sensorimotor symptoms have been considered specific and characteristic of hysterical neurosis. Weakness and paralysis of muscle groups are common; spasms and abnormal movements are less frequent. Motor disturbances are usually accompanied by impaired sensitivity, especially those involving touch, pain, temperature, and sense of position.

Particularly characteristic is the distribution of glove-and-stocking motor and sensory disturbances when they affect the limbs; the distribution is determined by the body image concept of the functional arm and leg, not by the innervation of the dermatome of the affected area. Another common spread is complete hemianesthesia, which extends exactly to the midline of the body forward and backward. Less commonly, special feelings and functions may be affected, for example, with hysterical blindness, deafness, and aphonia. Both visual and auditory hallucinations are possible.

Dissociative phenomenon—one of the common symptoms of hysteria:

A variety of altered states of consciousness can result from the dissociative process. 

Dissociative disorder


In sleepwalking, the patient appears to be out of touch with his environment, apparently unresponsive to external stimuli, and in many cases appears to be experiencing a vivid and hallucinated drama, often the memory of some emotionally traumatic past event. In amnesia, the most common form of dissociative hysteria, the patient usually has a complete loss of memory for all previous events, covering a period of several hours to several weeks. Anterograde amnesia can occur, in which amnesia overlays the memory of events as they are experienced, the patient continually forgetting, from moment to moment, what he has just thought, felt, and done. For a discussion of amnesia as a functional syndrome in organic brain disease.

Hysteria is the psychogenic, involuntary loss of neurological function. It can be associated with a variety of conversion or dissociation reactions, including the following hysteria symptoms:

  • Paralysis: e.g. B. hemoparesis, Quadriparesis (muscle weakness that affects all four limbs), Paraparesis (muscle weakness that affects both limbs), and Monoparesis (muscle weakness that affects one limb)
  • Numbness
  • Movement disorders: e.g. B. chorea, tremor, and ataxia
  • Dysphagia and dysphonia
  • Urinary retention
  • Pains in different locations all over a body
  • Dementia
  • Gait disorders: e.g. Astasia-Abasia
  • Fugue states and coma
  • Seizures without symptoms of lab studies that prove epilepsy.
  • Loss of vision, anosmia, and deafness
  • Amnesia
  • Somnambulism
  • Multiple personality states

Patients with hysteria can present with episodes of alleged loss of consciousness. These can be difficult to diagnose, especially since some patients with true epileptic seizures also have hysteric seizures. Many of these patients are hysterical and immature and dependent on a history or family history of psychiatric illness.

The attacks themselves are often bizarre, with pronounced opisthotonos and powerful movements. The brutality of the latter may appear comparative to the degree of hesitancy. Incontinence and tongue-biting do not occur. The plantar answers remain flexor. During an episode, the patient’s eyelids can be difficult to open, and when they are open, the eyes turn to the floor, even if the patient is turned from side to side (Henry and Woodruff, 1978).

Typically, trained observers can distinguish true seizures from hysterical seizures, but when in doubt, Trimble (1978) showed that true major seizures are followed by a significant increase in serum prolactin levels after 15–25 minutes. Such growth does not follow hysterical attacks. Where diagnostic difficulties remain, in-hospital observation with, if necessary, continuous EEG telemetry and simultaneous CCTV video recording usually distinguishes true from false attacks (Bowden et al., 1975).

Hypnosis and Hysteria: #1 Hysteria treatment approach.

A historical trace is given of the search for an explanation of the still elusive nature of hypnosis and hysteria, of their mutual relationship, and what they lead to psychopathology. Charcot regarded hypnosis as an artificially induced hysterical neurosis, and it was he who first introduced Freud to these two states. Freud was the first to describe hypnosis as an experimental tool for understanding psychopathological mechanisms.

Clinical Hypnosis

His subsequent conceptualization of psychoanalysis stems from these two phenomena in this pivotal period. In 1895, Freud attempted to carry out a psychophysiological synthesis of the mental apparatus in his “Scientific Psychology Project,” but then decided not to publish it. Whether or not recent advances in neurophysiology are important enough to lead to this synthesis remains an open question. In recent years, some psychoanalysts have become interested in hypnosis, which one of them described as a focal point for psychophysiological and psychoanalytic investigations.

Any theory of the psychic apparatus that does not account for such an obvious psychic phenomenon must necessarily be incomplete. Since Charcot, hysteria has offered almost no new openings for experimental work. It is suggested that the solution of the psyche-soma interaction can be sought in the study of hypnosis. Hypnosis is postulated to be a “fourth organismic state,” not yet objectifiable (in contrast to the waking, sleeping, and dreaming states): a kind of natural or innate mechanism that acts as one of the regulators of man’s relations with the environment. The author briefly discusses the aims and methodology of future interdisciplinary research on hypnosis and the study of the transition from one state of consciousness to another and its potential application to a wide range of subjects, viz., with the environment.

By studying hysteria through hypnosis, Charcot emphasized the psychological etiology of neuroses. Among his students, only Freud saw this epistemological turning point from which he made his significant discoveries. But hysteria and hypnosis still remain largely unknown today. We have yet to explain the “mysterious leap” between the psychological and somatic in the former and between the relational and instrumental in the latter. Although psychoanalysts continued to engage in hysteria, they showed a lack of interest in hypnosis after Freud quit its practice. According to Freud, transference would make the effect controlled by cognition, a point of view perfectly suited to satisfy his rationalist view.

Acupuncture for Hysteria—an ancient Chinese hysteria treatment

In Chinese medicine, hysteria is sometimes associated with Qi-phlegm, a so-called “pattern of disharmony.” TCM understands the body as a whole structure, not as a set of isolated organs. A “pattern” is when the harmony of the system is broken. It is not equivalent to the Western concept of “disease” because both concepts derive from totally different ways of seeing the human body.

Acupuncture for Hysteria

To understand whether someone’s hysteria could be caused by the Qi-phlegm pattern, it is necessary to look for signs and symptoms associated with the pattern in addition to what one might typically experience from hysteria alone. In fact, if the hysteria is caused by Qi-phlegm, patients also experience symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, a feeling of a lump in the throat that comes and goes, and choking of the chest and diaphragm. Likewise, patients with Qi-phlegm typically exhibit slippery (Hua) or thread-like (Xian) wrists and a tongue with a thick white coating.

Hysteria is a type of neuropsychiatric disorder caused by psychological stimuli or undesirable suggestions. Most of them have a sudden onset and are defined as transient mental abnormalities or sensory and movement disorders, but with no underlying structural disease. Hysteria is more common in young women. Psychological factors, such as depression, irritation, and sentimentality, cause the Qi to work dissonantly or the Qi to be unfavorable and phlegm to stagnate. Thus, the meridians are blocked and the top holes are blocked. Acupuncture treatment aims to promote Qi to dissipate phlegm and to activate the meridians through resuscitation.

Acupuncture for hysteria treatment is very effective. Threaded needles and electronic needles are often used in clinical practice. Primary treatment should be given great importance, and it is imperative to achieve an increase in effectiveness for the first time. During treatment, remain silent and avoid adverse irritants. Psychological consequences can be combined with treatment. Use thicker, longer thread needles for lift-insert and rotary techniques. Make sure patients feel the injection and allow them to feel the response and improvement. In this way, the trust of patients can be easily won, which is good for cooperation in treatment.

Homeopathic treatment for hysteria & most common homeopathic remedies for hysteria

Are you looking for a homeopathic treatment for hysteria? This article discusses homeopathic hysteria treatment along with the best homeopathic medicines for treating hysteria.

The term “hysteria” symbolizes a diagnostic class, substituting it with more exactly distinct types such as somatization conditions.

Somatization disorder is a mental disorder characterized by recurrent, repeated, and timely clinically significant complaints of somatic symptoms, although it is no longer considered a clinical diagnosis.

A neurotic disorder is characterized by a wide variety of somatic and psychological symptoms resulting from dissociation, usually beginning in adolescence or early adulthood and occurring more frequently in women than in men.

Homeopathy is the most popular structure of holistic medicine, founded by Samuel Hahnemann. The choice of homeopathic remedies for hysteria is based on the theory of individualization and similarity of symptoms using a holistic approach. This is the only way to return to full health by removing all the signs and symptoms that the patient is suffering from. The goal of homeopathic hysteria treatment is not only to treat hysteria but also to eliminate its root cause and individual susceptibility. With regard to therapeutic drugs, there are several remedies for the hysteria that can be selected depending on the cause, location, sensation, modality, and degree of the complaint. For individual homeopathic treatment of hysteria, the patient should personally consult a qualified homeopathic physician. Below are some important medications for gout that are very helpful in treating the symptoms of hysteria: Homeopathy offers a favorable prognosis for cases of hysteria.


Ignatia is the best homeopathic remedy for La Grande’s neuroticism. In your tests, it’s a hysterical remedy. Briefly, your homeopathic remedy Ignatia Amara for the symptoms of hysteria is highly sensitive to external impressions. In Ignatia, there is an emission of clear and abundant urine, which often relieves headaches. Conditions of flatulence and contortion of the muscles are present in the patient Ignatia. Globus hystericus is found under a number of drugs, but Ignatia and Asafoetida have the most prominent.


One of the characteristic features of hysteria is the Globus hystericus, or the feeling of a ball in the throat. Asafoetida has this symptom very prominently. There appears to be some kind of reverse peristalsis with this drug, and it is especially the remedy when the nervous symptoms are in any way due to control of habitual secretions. Another major symptom of asafoetida is the accumulation of gas in the abdomen; it goes up and causes suppressed breathing. For this reason, the symptom is found that this spherical feeling referred to above starts from the stomach and rises to the throat, and it is naturally exacerbated by overeating and exercise. It is a bursting feeling, as if everything is coming out of your mouth. Asafoetida, therefore, treats hysterical colic well. In Asafoetida, there is great restlessness and fear and a changeable psychological state. The muscles twitch and twitch. The whole system is oversensitive. Hysterical convulsions due to suppressed discharges often indicate Asafoetida. The preponderance of throat symptoms should make one think of Asafoetida all the time.


Fainting is Moschus’ big dominant note. When hysterical outbreaks are accompanied by fainting, other drugs may be indicated. Asafoetida may be indicated, as may Cocculus, Ignatia, or Nux Moschata, but in most cases, Moschus will be the homeopathic medicine for hysteria similiimum. It is mainly the cure for paroxysm. Stimulation of tetanus spasms, unconsciousness, or frequent fainting will indicate Moschus. Hughes says no cure is as effective as Moschus for this condition, and Dr. J. Heber Smith has called it an indispensable cure for hysteria. Muscle contractions are present and violent spasms or narrowing of the chest. It may even turn blue in the face, foam in the mouth, and feel cold. Moschus also manifests by a plentiful discharge of pale urine, hysteria, headache, and flatulent signs. Often, fainting and unconsciousness are apparently caused by gas pressure on the sympathetic solar plexus. In such cases, sudden gas outbursts occur, which they soothe. Uncontrolled laughter is also a symptom of Moschus, as are the alternating moods of joy and sadness. Sexual desire increases and symptoms of nymphomania or stereopsis may be present. Bouts of hysteria or hiccups can happen to Moschus, and in loud nervous eruptions of hysterical people, it is said to be our best medicine. Moschus’ mental state is a tendency to scold himself and the patient to complain about an attack. Palladium is another remedy for a sharp tongue and scolding. In summary, Moschus is indicated by fainting, suffocating bouts of crying and laughing, Globus hystericus, profuse pale urine, and sudden bouts of unconsciousness. Another animal-based medicine similar to Moschus is Castoreum, which also exhibits a long line of nervous symptoms. It adapts in many cases to the symptoms that precede hysteria, such as irritable weakness. Those who are on the verge of hysteria can benefit from Castoreum.

Tarentula Cubensis

Among the animal homeopathic remedies for hysteria—and they are all great producers of nervous symptoms—the spider poisons stand in the first place of the homeopathic remedy for hysteria, in that they produce hysterical symptoms. Perhaps the most pronounced one is the Tarentula hispana, not the Tarentula cubensis, which is the carbuncle remedy, but the Spanish spider. This remedy is useful in hysteria; the seizures tend to be fake, and the patient has inordinate seizures of uncontrollable laughter. However, the most noticeable symptom of the drug is restlessness and tremors of the limbs; the patient is forced to keep moving. There is excessive hyperesthesia, the spine is tender, the ovaries are tender, and the person is prone to nymphomania. It has been shown to be useful in hystero-epilepsy, which, incidentally, is a fairly rare condition. Theridion and Mygale are two of the spider poisons that can be useful in hysterical states; the great prevailing sensitivity to sound will evoke Theridion, and the chorea-like twitches will suggest Mygale. Tarentula will be easily recognized by the constant movement of the extremities, perhaps by the fact that the music soothes, by a constricting headache, and by the feigned fits of uncontrollable laughter. For severe restlessness of the feet, always think of Zincum valerianat; it is our best medicine for this condition. It is a common symptom in hysterical conditions where the chronic uterine disease is present.

Platinum Metallicum

The platinum homeopathic remedy for hysteria has an entirely different form of hysteria from that of animal poisons and is quickly and easily characterized by its arrogant mind-coding. You might say, as an English girl said, “She goes around with the h’air de h’an h’empress.” Self-esteem is prominent, and she despises everyone. No other drug in the Materia Medica exhibits this symptom as prominently as platinum. There are also paroxysms of laughter, which are very loud and noisy; in fact, the condition often verges on manic. The genitals are very sensitive; there can be excitement, even nymphomania. It is in these genital cases that she finds her best use. Hysterical convulsions call for platinum when caused by nervous excitement; there is a narrowing of the esophagus and a feeling of suffocation. Platinum can be easily distinguished from Ignatia by the state of mind mentioned above. Ignatia is decidedly ostentatious, while Platinum is absurdly haughty. Melancholy states can also be found under platinum; the patient is grumpy and dissatisfied and has a tendency to cry. The extreme nervousness makes her sleepless. Hyoscyamus must be compared to platinum. It has nymphomania, but with more desire to discover itself. The drug’s proud state of mind will always set it apart. Palladium is very similar to platinum; in many ways, it can be characterized by lacking the arrogance of platinum and having a tendency to become “insignificant” all the time.


Valeriana is a homeopathic medicine for hysteria, widely used in the allopathic school of hysteria, and is one of the main elements of their treatment. As a cure for hysteria in the homeopathic sense, it has several beneficial symptoms. As with Tarentula, the patient must constantly move, but tension causes a headache, and the slightest pain causes fainting. It feels like something warm is rising from the stomach; this causes breathing difficulties; there is also present anxiety, tremors, and palpitations. In Valeriana there is a general state of nervous excitement; the patient tends to be cheerful, lively, and talkative. There is often a tendency towards heat flushing. It also has the globus hystericus, and there are many pains that simulate rheumatism. Nervous excitement is the most noticeable symptom, and this should be distinguished along with a sensation of warmth rising from the stomach. The pronounced mood swings associated with the drug should not be overlooked. It seems to be the cure for the hysterical habit.

Nux Moschata

This is also one of our effective remedies for hysteria. It is particularly suitable for nervous hysterics who quickly switch from serious to cheerful, but its big distinguishing features are its sleepiness, bloated feeling, and dry mouth. He also has fainting spells; the patient is exhausted from the slightest exertion. There is a tenacious, endless nervous pressure, which differs from Ignatia in that the latter is paroxysmal. The symptoms of flatulence that usually occur after eating are reminiscent of Lycopodium and Carbo Vegetabilis, but both remedies lack the hysterical element of Nux Moschata flatulence. Nux Moschata also has a dry, nervous, hysterical cough, tight chest, and fainting spells. The tendency to faint is quite common with the drug.


This homeopathic remedy for hysteria has some marked symptoms that indicate its usefulness in hysteria. It is especially the remedy for hysterical convulsions with glottic spasms. There is excessive irritability of mind and body with vascular excitation, semi-stupor with languor, and prostration. There is a feeling of a lump in the throat that cannot be swallowed, and there is an abundant flow of pale, nervous urine. Gelsemium is working for masculine and feminine onanists and matches particularly to the hysteria of the latter class. The bone stiffness so characteristic of Gelsemium is usually found in hysterical women who suffer from great nervous excitement, hence the usefulness of this remedy in this condition. Great numbness of the extremities, also fear and apprehension; however, languor and malaise are almost always present.


The hysterical symptoms of this homeopathic medicine for hysteria are quite noticeable. Constriction in the throat seems to be making speech difficult. The patient’s feelings and symptoms are constantly changing, and there is again copious, watery urine. Like Ignatia, there is melancholy, sadness, and crying, but the Ignatia patient weeps in solitude, while the Pulsatilla patient pours out his grief wherever he goes and seeks sympathy and consolation and seems to be recovering from it. The open air certainly brought relief to the Pulsatilla patient. Menstrual bleedings are scanty, and the patient complains of constant chilliness. Hysterical attacks during puberty may indicate Pulsatilla. Fainting spells are common, and there is a tendency to suppress menses, leading to nervous attacks. Sepia is also a popular cure for hysteria associated with uterine symptoms, but it is easily distinguished by its general symptoms. Apis is hysterical during puberty with amenorrhea and awkwardness; the patient drops things clumsily.


Belladonna can be a remedy for hysteria when there is violent excitement, facial flushing, dilated pupils, and general symptoms of the remedy. In spasmodic attacks, congestion of blood to the head and a wild look. Hyoscyamus has a desire to open up and go naked, possibly due to hyperesthesia of the skin, silly laughter, and muscle twitching; and Stramonium may take a turn when the patient is full of absurd fantasies, talkativeness, etc., but these remedies are rare in the treatment of hysteria.

Kali Phosphoricum

This drug, one of the tissue drugs, has been clinically recognized as one of our good hysteria drugs. It is required for attacks of sudden or intense emotions or passions in very nervous and excitable patients; globus hystericus is present; bouts of crying, laughing, and yawning. Cramps may appear unknowingly. The eardrum and abdomen are sensitive to the slightest pressure. Kali Phosphoricum can be recalled with the following symptoms: Nervous fear without cause, looks at the dark side of everything, sighs and is depressed; restlessness and trembling.

Other remedies

Agnus Castus can spawn where there is lust. Anacardium, in which there are two wills, one contradicting the other. The cactus has a few hysterical symptoms, such as sadness, crying for no reason, consolation increases, love of loneliness, fear of death, and the whole body feeling trapped in wires. Cocculus, hyperesthesia, and fainting. Arsenicum, hysteria, and dysmenorrhea. Sticta, post-blood loss hysteria, and Cannabis Indica. “This medicine,” says Hale, “is more related to hysterical disease than any other drug in our Materia Medica.” Isolated symptoms may require isolated measures, and treating hysteria and its multiple phases homeopathically can be done by more than all known nerves.

The above information on the homeopathic treatment for hysteria is for informational purposes only. Please consult a professional homeopath before taking homeopathic medicines for hysteria.


Hysteria is curable in almost all cases. Since the causes of hysteria are both physical and mental, treatment should be directed to both body and mind. Respect for his physical well-being is paramount. A healthy and functional body is better able to keep the spirit of reasoning in the control of the whole organism.

Measures on the physical side should include a well-ordered hygienic lifestyle, a nutritious and bland diet, adequate mental and physical rest, daily exercise, enjoyment, occupancy, fresh air, regular eating and sleeping times, bowel regulation, and healthy company with others. On the mental level, the patient must learn self-control and be educated in positive thinking. Her mind must be somehow removed from herself. Good sex education should be given immediately, especially with regard to the sublimation of normal sexual or sexual desire indulgence for the married patient.

Natural remedies are some of the cheapest and most effective ways to treat the symptoms of hysteria. However, no matter how simple hysteria treatment may seem, it should only be administered under the guidance of a qualified professional.

Alternative medicine is always a viable hysteria treatment option, simply from the point of view that these treatments rarely cause adverse effects.

For diagnostic and natural treatment for hysteria, always see the well-trained professional. At Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, the team of medical professionals under the supervision of the internationally recognized medical doctor and homeopath Victor Tsan has a way above average success rate in hysteria treatment.

For an appointment, contact our clinic (267) 284-3085 or use our online application.