Understanding Chronic Hiccups: Causes & Relief

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1 Chronic Hiccups

Chronic Hiccups

Chronic hiccups, aka intractable hiccups or singultus, are defined as hiccups lasting more than 48 hours. Persistent hiccups can significantly lower the quality of life and may indicate a severe medical problem. This article will explore the causes of these persistent hiccups and offer effective treatment options to relieve them. Whether you’re looking for natural remedies, medical interventions, or lifestyle changes, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!


Key Takeaways:

  • Chronic hiccups, also known as persistent hiccups, can last longer than 48 hours and disrupt daily life.
  • Potential causes of intractable hiccups include nerve damage, gastrointestinal issues, and more.
  • Medical treatments, natural remedies, and alternative therapies can help alleviate intractable hiccups.
  • Acupressure, homeopathy, and hypnosis are additional approaches to managing persistent hiccups.
  • Lifestyle changes and coping strategies can play a significant role in reducing the frequency of chronic hiccups.

What are Chronic Hiccups?

Persistent hiccups are repetitive, involuntary contractions of the diaphragm that can occur repeatedly throughout the day, causing discomfort and frustration. Understanding the potential triggers behind this bothersome condition is important to effectively manage and find relief from chronic hiccups.

During resting breathing, the main thoracic inspiratory muscles, including the diaphragm, contract first, followed by inspiration or breathing in. This contraction creates a vacuum in the lung cavity, which draws air into the lungs and creates negative pressure. The vocal cords that produce the “uh-oh” sound, known as the glottis and upper airway, dilate to let air in. The stomach and other expiratory pulmonary muscles contract during expiration, pushing air out during exhalation.

The brainstem’s hiccup central pattern generator, which controls regular breathing and heart rhythms, triggers hiccups. The signal triggers the inspiratory muscles to contract forcefully and quickly, leading to fast inspiration. After this, the glottis recloses, producing the distinctive onomatopoeic hiccup sound.

Fetal hiccups are common in the last stages of pregnancy, in particular. There are theories that hiccups are a way for the fetus to prepare for breathing outside the womb because similar fetal respiratory motions prepare the fetus for breathing air after birth (3). Research indicates a significant decrease in fetal hiccups between weeks 24 and 26, concomitant with increased respiration (4). While hiccups are prevalent in newborns, they vanish in children except in sporadic episodes.

Causes of Chronic Hiccups

Chronic hiccups, also known as persistent hiccups, can have a variety of underlying causes. Understanding these potential factors is essential to effectively managing this bothersome condition. Let’s explore some common causes of intractable hiccups:

Nerve Damage

Damage to the nerves that control the diaphragm, the muscle responsible for the hiccup reflex, can lead to chronic hiccups. Nerve damage can occur due to conditions such as multiple sclerosis or tumors pressing on the nerves.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), characterized by stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus, can irritate the diaphragm and trigger chronic hiccups. Other gastrointestinal issues, such as gastritis and peptic ulcers, can also contribute to the persistence of hiccups.

Central Nervous System Disorders

Certain neurological conditions, like meningitis, encephalitis, and stroke, can disrupt the normal functioning of the central nervous system, leading to chronic hiccups. These disorders affect the brain’s control over the diaphragm and can result in prolonged hiccups.


Some medications, particularly those that affect the central nervous system, can cause chronic hiccups as a side effect. Examples include medicines used to treat Parkinson’s disease, tranquilizers, and corticosteroids.

Mental Health Conditions

Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, and excitement can contribute to chronic hiccups. These emotions can disrupt the normal functioning of the diaphragm and prolong hiccups.

Metabolic Disorders

Metabolic disorders like diabetes and kidney failure can lead to chemical imbalances in the body, which can trigger chronic hiccups as a result.

It is important to note that these are just some potential causes of chronic hiccups. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial in determining the cause and developing an appropriate treatment plan.

Medical Treatments for intractable hiccups

Various medical treatments can relieve and help manage chronic hiccups. Here, we explore the most commonly prescribed medications and procedures that have effectively alleviated chronic hiccups.

1. Medications

Doctors might prescribe specific medications to address chronic hiccups. Some of the commonly prescribed drugs include:

  • Antidepressants: Certain antidepressant medications, like tricyclic antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can help regulate the diaphragm and reduce hiccups.
  • Antipsychotic medications: In some cases, antipsychotic drugs may be prescribed to control chronic hiccups by affecting the nervous system.
  • Baclofen: This muscle relaxant can inhibit nerve signals and reduce hiccups.
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): If the underlying cause of hiccups is gastroesophageal reflux, PPIs can help alleviate the symptoms and provide relief.

2. Procedures

In more severe cases of chronic hiccups, doctors may recommend certain procedures to manage the condition. These include:

  • Phrenic Nerve Block: By injecting an anesthetic into the phrenic nerve, which controls the diaphragm, doctors can temporarily disrupt the nerve signals and relieve hiccups.
  • Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS): This noninvasive procedure uses electrical impulses to stimulate the vagus nerve, which can help alleviate chronic hiccups.
  • Surgery: In rare and severe cases, surgery may be considered a last resort when all other treatments have failed. Surgical interventions aim to address the underlying cause of chronic hiccups.

It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment approach for your chronic hiccups. Everyone is unique, and the treatment plan may vary based on the underlying cause and personal health factors. Remember, finding the proper treatment can relieve hiccups and improve your quality of life!

Natural Remedies for Chronic Hiccups

You’re in the right place if you’re looking for holistic and gentle alternatives to treating chronic hiccups. We’ve compiled a list of natural remedies that have shown promising results in relieving persistent hiccups. From simple techniques to herbal remedies, these options may help you find the much-needed respite you deserve.

1. Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises can help regulate your diaphragm and interrupt the hiccup reflex. Take slow, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Focus on fully expanding your lungs and releasing any tension or stress. Repeat this process several times until the hiccups subside.

2. Drinking Water

Drinking a glass of water can stimulate the vagus nerve and interrupt the hiccup cycle. Take small sips of water, either from a glass or through a straw, without pausing between sips. This continuous swallowing action can help disrupt the rhythm of hiccups and provide relief.

3. Holding Your Breath

Holding your breath for a few seconds can interrupt the spasms associated with hiccups. Take a deep breath, hold it as long as possible, and then exhale slowly. Repeat this process a few times to break the hiccup pattern.

4. Gargling with Ice Water

Gargling with ice water can stimulate the nerves responsible for swallowing and disrupt the hiccup reflex. Take a small sip of ice-cold water and gargle it at the back of your throat for a few seconds. Spit out the water and repeat as necessary.

5. Ginger Tea

Ginger has been used for centuries to calm the digestive system and alleviate various ailments, including hiccups. Prepare a cup of ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger slices or ginger powder in hot water. Sip on the warm tea slowly to help soothe the diaphragm and ease persistent hiccups.

Remedy Effectiveness Cost Convenience
Deep Breathing Exercises 🌟🌟🌟🌟 $ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Drinking Water 🌟🌟🌟🌟 $ ⭐⭐⭐
Holding Your Breath 🌟🌟🌟 $ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gargling with Ice Water 🌟🌟🌟 $ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ginger Tea 🌟🌟🌟🌟 $$ ⭐⭐⭐

Acupressure Points for Hiccups

If you’re seeking an alternative approach to managing chronic hiccups, acupressure may be worth exploring. Acupressure involves stimulating specific points on the body to alleviate various ailments, including hiccups.

One practical acupressure point for hiccups is known as the “Hiccup Acupressure Point” or the “Pericardium 6 (PC6)” point. This point is located on the inner forearm, about three finger-widths down from the wrist crease on the inner side of the forearm.

To stimulate the Hiccup Acupressure Point:

  1. Sit comfortably and relax your arm.
  2. Use your thumb or index finger to gently press to the point with your opposite hand.
  3. Press and hold the point for 1-2 minutes while taking slow, deep breaths.
  4. Repeat as needed until the hiccups subside.

Other acupressure points, in addition to the hiccup acupressure point, may be beneficial for alleviating hiccups. These include the “Stomach 36 (ST36)” point, which is located below the kneecap, and the “Governing Vessel 26 (GV26)” point, which is found between the upper lip and the nose.

Acupressure Points for Hiccups

Acupressure Point Location
Hiccup Acupressure Point Inner forearm, about three finger-widths down from the wrist crease on the inner side of the forearm
Stomach 36 (ST36) Below the kneecap
Governing Vessel 26 (GV26) Between the upper lip and the nose

Remember, acupressure may not work for everyone, but it’s a safe and non-invasive option to explore when seeking relief from chronic hiccups. If you’re unsure about acupressure or have underlying health conditions, consult a qualified acupressure practitioner or healthcare professional for guidance.

Homeopathy for Chronic Hiccups

When it comes to finding relief from chronic hiccups, homeopathy offers a holistic approach that addresses the underlying causes of the condition. Homeopathic remedies for hiccups are derived from natural substances and can be an effective alternative to conventional treatments. Let’s explore the principles behind homeopathic medicine and discover some remedies that may help alleviate persistent hiccups.

The Principles of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures like.” This means that a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can also stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities to heal those symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and prepared through potentization, which enhances their therapeutic effects.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hiccups

Several homeopathic remedies can treat chronic hiccups, depending on the individual’s symptoms and constitution. Here are a few commonly recommended remedies:

  1. For hiccups that come with digestive problems like acid reflux or indigestion, doctors frequently prescribe Nux vomica.
  2. Ipecacuanha: Ipecacuanha is suitable for hiccups accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and a sensation of constriction in the chest.
  3. Arsenicum Album: This remedy is helpful for hiccups associated with anxiety, restlessness, and a sense of burning or heat in the stomach.

It’s important to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner to determine the most appropriate remedy for your specific case of chronic hiccups. They will consider your symptoms, medical history, and overall constitution to prescribe the most suitable treatment.

Homeopathic Remedies for Chronic Hiccups

Homeopathic Remedy Symptoms
Nux Vomica Hiccups with digestive issues
Ipecacuanha Hiccups with nausea and constriction in the chest
Arsenicum Album Hiccups with anxiety and a burning sensation in the stomach

Homeopathy is a personalized approach; what works for one person may not work for another. Working with a qualified homeopath is essential to finding the most effective remedy for your intractable hiccups.

Hypnosis for Chronic Hiccups

Hypnosis may offer a promising solution if you’re tired of dealing with chronic hiccups disrupting your daily life. Hypnotherapy has shown great potential in breaking the cycle of persistent hiccups and providing relief when other treatments have failed.

Is Hypnosis an Effective Cure for Persistent Hiccups?

While the effectiveness of hypnosis for chronic hiccups varies from person to person, there have been numerous success stories supporting its use as a viable treatment option. Some individuals have experienced immediate relief after just a few sessions, while others may require more extended and regular hypnotherapy sessions for lasting results.

How Does Hypnosis Help?

Hypnosis works by tapping into the subconscious mind to reprogram and alter behavior patterns or physical responses. By accessing the root cause of chronic hiccups at a subconscious level, hypnotherapy aims to retrain the body’s response to the hiccup reflex.

What to Expect From Hypnotherapy Sessions

During a hypnosis session for chronic hiccups, a qualified hypnotherapist will guide you into deep relaxation. They will then use suggestion and visualization techniques to help you overcome your persistent hiccups. These sessions are safe, non-invasive, and often described as profoundly calming.

Case Study: Hypnosis for Chronic Hiccups

Patient Treatment Duration Treatment Outcome
Emily Four sessions over two weeks Hiccups decreased in intensity and frequency. Completely resolved after the 4th session.
Michael Eight sessions over one month Hiccups significantly decreased in severity. Occasional mild hiccups remain but are no longer disruptive to daily life.
Ava 12 sessions over three months Gradual improvement observed. Hiccups reduced by 75%. Regular maintenance sessions are recommended.

Is Hypnosis Right for You?

If you’ve tried various treatments for chronic hiccups without success, hypnosis may be worth considering. Consult with a reputable hypnotherapist specializing in hiccup management to discuss your specific needs and determine if hypnotherapy is suitable.

Hypnosis for chronic hiccups offers an alternative approach that addresses the condition’s root cause, potentially providing long-lasting relief. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.

Lifestyle Changes to Alleviate Chronic Hiccups

Certain lifestyle changes can significantly alleviate chronic hiccups. By incorporating these practical steps into your daily routine, you can relieve the discomfort and disruption caused by persistent hiccups.

Dietary Adjustments

Certain foods and beverages can trigger chronic hiccups. Making dietary adjustments may help reduce the severity and frequency of hiccups. Consider the following:

  • Avoiding carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages that can aggravate the diaphragm
  • Opting for smaller, more frequent meals to prevent distension of the stomach
  • Identifying and avoiding trigger foods such as spicy foods, chocolate, and caffeine

Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress and anxiety can contribute to the persistence of hiccups. Incorporating stress reduction techniques into your daily routine can help manage chronic hiccups more effectively. Try the following:

  • Practicing deep breathing exercises and meditation to calm the nervous system
  • Engaging in regular physical activity to release tension and promote relaxation
  • Exploring stress management techniques such as yoga or mindfulness

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on chronic hiccups. Consider the following habits:

  • Maintaining a regular sleep schedule to promote overall well-being
  • Quitting smoking, as smoking can irritate the diaphragm
  • Limiting alcohol consumption, as excessive alcohol can trigger hiccups
  • Managing your weight to prevent unnecessary pressure on the diaphragm

Professional Guidance

If lifestyle changes alone do not provide sufficient relief from chronic hiccups, it’s important to seek professional guidance. A healthcare provider can evaluate your condition, offer further treatment options, and provide personalized advice based on your needs.

Treatment Method Description
Medications Prescription medications may manage chronic hiccups, targeting the underlying causes or providing temporary relief.
Procedures In some cases, medical procedures such as nerve blocks or diaphragmatic pacing may be recommended to alleviate persistent hiccups.
Alternative Therapies Various alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or chiropractic adjustments, may provide additional relief for chronic hiccups.

By implementing lifestyle changes and seeking professional guidance, you can effectively manage chronic hiccups and regain control over your daily life.

Coping Strategies for Living with Chronic Hiccups

Living with chronic hiccups can be a challenging experience, both physically and emotionally. However, there are coping strategies that can help you navigate the difficulties associated with this condition and maintain a positive outlook. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can find relief and improve your overall well-being.

1. Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques can help calm your body and mind, reducing the frequency and intensity of hiccups. Take slow, deep breaths, focusing on fully expanding your diaphragm with each breath. Additionally, practicing mindfulness, meditation, or yoga can help alleviate stress and tension that may contribute to hiccups.

2. Distraction Techniques

Distracting yourself from the sensation can be an effective coping strategy when hiccups strike. Engage in activities that capture your attention and redirect your focus away from the hiccups. This could be reading a book, watching a movie, or participating in a hobby you enjoy.

3. Supportive Community

Connecting with others who also experience chronic hiccups can be invaluable. Joining support groups or online communities can provide a sense of understanding, empathy, and shared experiences. Sharing coping strategies, success stories, and challenges can foster a supportive network that helps you navigate your journey with chronic hiccups.

4. Stress Management

Managing stress levels is crucial for individuals with chronic hiccups. High levels of stress can trigger hiccups or make them more persistent. Explore stress management techniques such as regular exercise, deep breathing, meditation, or engaging in activities that promote relaxation. Creating a calm and peaceful environment can contribute to an overall sense of well-being and potentially reduce the frequency of hiccups.

5. Seeking Professional Support

If coping strategies alone are not providing sufficient relief, it may be beneficial to seek professional support. Consult a healthcare professional specializing in chronic hiccups for personalized guidance and treatment options. They can assess your situation and recommend appropriate interventions, such as medication, therapy, or alternative treatments.

Remember, everyone’s experience with chronic hiccups is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Finding the coping strategies that best suit your needs may take time. Be patient with yourself and stay open to trying different approaches until you see what brings you relief.

When to Seek Medical Help for Chronic Hiccups

While chronic hiccups can often resolve on their own, there may be occasions when medical intervention is necessary. It’s essential to know the warning signs that indicate you should seek professional help for your persistent hiccups.

Persistent Hiccups that Last More Than 48 Hours

If your hiccups persist for more than 48 hours without relief, it may be time to consult a healthcare professional. Chronic hiccups that extend beyond this timeframe could be a sign of an underlying condition that requires medical attention.

Hiccups that Interfere with Daily Life

If your chronic hiccups significantly disrupt your daily routine, causing difficulties with eating, sleeping, or speaking, it’s advisable to seek medical help. Your doctor can evaluate your condition and provide appropriate treatment options to alleviate these disruptive symptoms.

Accompanying Symptoms

If you experience additional symptoms alongside your chronic hiccups, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional. These symptoms may include:

  • Severe chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Dizziness or fainting

These accompanying symptoms could indicate an underlying medical condition that requires immediate attention.

Prevention Tips for Chronic Hiccups

While it may not always be possible to prevent intractable hiccups completely, certain practical tips and habits may help reduce their frequency and minimize their impact on your daily life. Incorporating these strategies into your routine can make a significant difference in managing this condition. Here are some prevention tips for persistent hiccups:

1. Eat and drink slowly

One possible trigger for chronic hiccups is eating or drinking too quickly. By taking your time and chewing your food thoroughly, you can minimize the chances of hiccups occurring. Sip beverages slowly and avoid gulping large amounts at once.

2. Avoid spicy or acidic foods

Certain foods, especially spicy or acidic ones, can irritate the diaphragm and lead to hiccups. To prevent chronic hiccups, try to avoid or limit your consumption of these types of foods.

3. Manage stress

Stress can exacerbate chronic hiccups, so it’s important to incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine. Engage in activities that help you relax, such as practicing deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga.

4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle can contribute to overall well-being and may help prevent chronic hiccups. Ensure you exercise regularly, maintain a balanced diet, and get enough sleep to support a healthy immune system and reduce the likelihood of hiccups.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking can irritate the nerves that control the diaphragm, potentially leading to chronic hiccups. By quitting smoking, you improve your overall health and reduce the risk of hiccups.

6. Avoid carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks can cause the stomach to expand and pressure the diaphragm, increasing the chances of hiccups. Limit your consumption of carbonated beverages or opt for alternatives like still water or herbal tea.

7. Be cautious with alcohol consumption

Alcohol can irritate the nerves involved in hiccup reflexes and may trigger chronic hiccups. If you experience hiccups after drinking alcohol, it may be helpful to drink in moderation or avoid alcohol altogether to prevent hiccups.

By following these prevention tips for chronic hiccups, you can take proactive measures to reduce their occurrence and improve your quality of life.

Other Treatments for Chronic Hiccups

In addition to conventional medical treatments, various alternative therapies can potentially relieve chronic hiccups. These options can be explored as complementary approaches to your overall management strategy for intractable hiccups.

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing

One technique that may help alleviate chronic hiccups is diaphragmatic breathing. Focusing on deep, abdominal breaths allows you to regulate your breathing pattern and potentially interrupt the hiccup reflex. Practice diaphragmatic breathing exercises regularly to see if they provide relief.

2. Acupuncture

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing practice, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. Some individuals with chronic hiccups have found acupuncture to reduce hiccup frequency and intensity. Consult a licensed acupuncturist to explore this treatment option.

3. Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques may be beneficial for managing chronic hiccups. By addressing any underlying psychological or emotional factors that may contribute to hiccups, CBT can help break the cycle of persistent hiccups. Consider seeking guidance from a trained therapist experienced in CBT.

4. Pressure Point Stimulation

Similar to acupressure, pressure point stimulation involves applying pressure to specific points on the body. Stimulating certain pressure points, such as the space between your thumb and index finger, may help interrupt the hiccup reflex. Experiment with different pressure points to find what works best for you.

5. Nerve Block Injections

In severe cases of intractable hiccups, nerve block injections may be recommended. This procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic around certain nerves to block the signals responsible for hiccups. Consult a medical professional to determine if this treatment option is appropriate for your condition.

6. Biofeedback

Biofeedback techniques can help you gain control over involuntary bodily functions such as hiccups. Using electronic devices to monitor your body’s physiological responses, you can learn to identify and control hiccup triggers. Work with a biofeedback therapist to learn these techniques effectively.

Treatment Description Effectiveness
Diaphragmatic Breathing Deep abdominal breathing to regulate breathing pattern Potential relief
Acupuncture Insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body Reduces hiccup frequency and intensity
Behavioral Therapy Addresses psychological or emotional factors contributing to hiccups It helps break the cycle of persistent hiccups
Pressure Point Stimulation Applying pressure to specific points on the body Interrupts the hiccup reflex
Nerve Block Injections Injecting a local anesthetic to block hiccup signals Recommended in severe cases
Biofeedback Using electronic devices to monitor physiological responses It helps gain control over hiccup triggers

It is essential to discuss these alternative treatments with a healthcare professional to determine their suitability for your specific case. Everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. By exploring these additional treatment options, you can find a comprehensive approach to managing persistent hiccups and improving your quality of life.


Living with chronic hiccups can significantly impact your quality of life. However, you can find relief and regain control over persistent hiccups by understanding the causes and exploring various treatment options, such as medical interventions, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes.

Medical treatments, including prescribed medications and procedures, offer practical ways to alleviate intractable hiccups. Natural remedies, such as homeopathic options and acupressure points, provide alternative solutions for those seeking a holistic approach.

Furthermore, lifestyle changes, such as adjusting your diet and implementing stress reduction techniques, can significantly manage intractable hiccups. Taking proactive steps can reduce the frequency and severity of hiccups, ultimately leading to a hiccup-free life.


What are chronic hiccups?

Chronic hiccups, also known as persistent hiccups, last longer than 48 hours and often disrupt daily life.

What are the causes of chronic hiccups?


Chronic hiccups can have various underlying causes, including nerve damage and gastrointestinal issues.

What medical treatments are available for chronic hiccups?

There are several options for medically managing chronic hiccups, including prescribed medications and procedures.

Are there natural remedies for chronic hiccups?

Yes, several natural remedies and techniques can effectively ease chronic hiccups.

Can acupressure help with chronic hiccups?

Acupressure can be a powerful tool for managing intractable hiccups. There are specific acupressure points that can be stimulated to stop hiccups.

Can homeopathy provide relief for chronic hiccups?

Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to intractable hiccups. There are homeopathic remedies that may provide relief from persistent hiccups.

Can hypnosis help with chronic hiccups?

Hypnosis has shown promising results in managing chronic hiccups. Hypnotherapy can help break the cycle of persistent hiccups.

What lifestyle changes can alleviate chronic hiccups?

Certain lifestyle changes, such as dietary adjustments and stress reduction techniques, can significantly help manage persistent hiccups.

Are there coping strategies for living with chronic hiccups?

Yes, there are coping strategies that can help individuals navigate the difficulties associated with living with intractable hiccups.

When should I seek medical help for chronic hiccups?

While chronic hiccups often resolve on their own, there may be times when medical intervention is necessary. It’s important to recognize the warning signs and seek professional help when needed.

Are there prevention tips for persistent hiccups?

Yes, some practical tips and habits may help prevent the onset of chronic hiccups and reduce their frequency.

What other treatments are available for chronic hiccups?

In addition to conventional medical treatments, various alternative therapies and treatments can potentially provide relief from intractable hiccups.

Holistic treatment for hiccups in Philadelphia

If you are searching for a natural treatment for chronic hiccups, you are in the right place. Victor Tsan, a medical doctor, homeopath, and hypnotherapist, is the director of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, which houses all alternative holistic treatments under one roof.

Don’t hesitate to contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085 to schedule an alternative holistic evaluation.