Natural Treatment for Glaucoma

Natural treatment for glaucoma

Natural treatment for glaucoma is effective, safe, and affordable. Natural treatment for glaucoma can be characterized as non-conventional, non-traditional glaucoma treatments. Always consult your physician before beginning any natural treatment for glaucoma.

A variety of complementary and alternative therapies may be used into a complete glaucoma treatment regimen (CAM). However, glaucoma should only be managed by a licensed ophthalmologist. Use complementary and alternative medicine to support a healthy body, not to replace traditional medicine. All of your medical professionals should be informed of any CAM therapies you are thinking about.

What is Glaucoma

Blindness may arise from the slow-moving condition glaucoma, which harms the eye’s optic nerve. About 3 million Americans suffer from open angle glaucoma, the most prevalent type of the condition. In the US, it is the main contributor of blindness. Since this condition typically has no early signs, 50% of those who have it are unaware. Most people can prevent severe vision loss and blindness with prompt treatment.

Symptoms of glaucoma

  • Even though there are initially no symptoms, as the condition worsens, you may lose your peripheral (side) vision and then your central vision. Some symptoms, such elevated pressure inside the eye and anomalies in the optic nerve, can only be found during an eye exam. Other patients might experience
  • inflamed eyes,
  • discomfort,
  • headaches,
  • brow aches,
  • rainbow-colored haloes surrounding lights

Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and headache.

What are the causes of glaucoma

The area at the front of the eye receives nourishment from a transparent fluid that moves in and out of the area. The fluid drains too slowly or doesn’t drain at all as a result of glaucoma. As the fluid accumulates, the pressure inside the eye rises, harming the optic nerve and impairing vision.

Caauses of Glaucoma

Who Is Most in Danger?

The following traits or conditions increase a person’s likelihood of developing glaucoma:

  • older than 60 years old
  • family background
  • ancestry of African Americans
  • diabetes
  • myopia (nearsightedness) (nearsightedness)
  • using specific pharmaceuticals, such as blood pressure meds or antihistamines
  • food intolerances
  • stress
  • sedentary kind of life
  • hypothyroidism
  • stomach fluke infection

Holistic glaucoma treatment

A holistic medical approach aims to help patients achieve balance between their physical, mental, and spiritual selves using different modalities of natural treatment for glaucoma. Healthy eating, exercise, and self-regulation methods, including meditation, biofeedback, and relaxation training, are some of the more well-liked therapies. Although holistic therapies can be a component of a healthy physical routine, there is little evidence to support their use in glaucoma treatment.


Although there are no studies that definitively link a particular meal to glaucoma, it is logical to believe that what you eat, drink, and your overall health have an impact on the condition. That’s why an appropriate diet is an essential part of natural treatment for glaucoma.

According to certain research, consuming large amounts of caffeine quickly can slightly increase intraocular eye pressure (IOP) for one to three hours. Other research, however, suggests that caffeine has no appreciable effect on IOP. People with glaucoma are recommended to keep their caffeine intake in check by keeping it to a moderate level.

Additionally, studies have shown that when consuming a whole quart of water over twenty minutes, 80% of people with glaucoma experience higher IOP, compared to only 20% of people without glaucoma. People with glaucoma are advised to drink water intermittently throughout the day because it is recommended in many commercial diet programs that you drink at least eight glasses daily.


Eating a balanced diet is the ideal approach to guarantee a sufficient supply of essential vitamins and minerals. You might wish to talk to your doctor about taking a multivitamin or multimineral nutritional supplement if you have concerns about your diet.

Zinc, copper, the vitamins C, E, and A (as beta carotene), and the antioxidant mineral selenium are some of the vitamins and minerals crucial for the eye.


There is some evidence to support the idea that regular exercise can lower eye pressure on its while also improving blood pressure and other glaucoma risk factors.

In a recent study, those with glaucoma who frequently exercised for three months saw an average 20% decrease in their IOPs. These individuals completed 40-minute stationary cycling sessions four times per week. At the end of three months, measurable improvements in ocular pressure and physical health were seen. The reduced IOP was lost if exercise was discontinued for longer than two weeks, but these positive benefits were sustained by continuing to exercise at least three times per week.


In a current study, glaucoma patients were able to lower their IOP without the need for beta blockers by walking vigorously for 40 minutes four times per week. There is hope that glaucoma patients with extremely high IOP who maintain an exercise routine and continue beta-blocker therapy could dramatically lower their IOP; however, final data are not yet available.

Regular exercise may help reduce vision loss due to glaucoma, but only your eye specialist can evaluate how exercise affects your eye pressure. While some types of glaucoma, like closed-angle, do not respond to the effects of exercise, others, like pigmentary glaucoma, may experience a brief elevation in IOP following strenuous exercise. Also, keep in mind that exercise cannot substitute for prescription drugs or doctor visits!


Although the long-term effects of repeatedly assuming a head-down or inverted position on the optic nerve head (the nerve that transmits visual images to the brain) have not been sufficiently demonstrated, glaucoma sufferers should be cautious about these types of exercises due to the possibility of elevated IOP.

Patients with glaucoma should inform their doctors if they engage in any recreational body inversion exercises that result in head-down or inverted positions for prolonged periods, such as shoulder and headstands in yoga.


Although further research is required, studies on IOP changes after relaxation and biofeedback sessions have inspired some hope in managing some cases of open-angle glaucoma.

However, research showing that biofeedback and relaxation techniques of the natural treatment for glaucoma can lower blood pressure and heart rate offers hope that non-pharmaceutical and non-surgical approaches of treating and controlling open-angle glaucoma may be successful.

Supplements for glaucoma

Aa, a part of natural treatment for glaucoma, among the nutritional advice are the following:

  • Remove all alleged food allergies from the diet, including dairy (milk, cheese, and eggs), wheat (gluten), soy, maize, preservatives, and additives. Your doctor might suggest that you get tested for food allergies.
  • Consume more fruits and vegetables (such green, leafy veggies and peppers) that are high in antioxidants (such as blueberries, tomatoes, and cherries). According to research, eating more fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of developing glaucoma.
  • Steer clear of processed meals like white spaghetti, bread, and sugar.
  • Lean meats, cold-water fish, tofu (soy, if no allergies), or beans should be consumed more often than red meat.
  • Use healthy fats in your food, like coconut or olive oil.
  • Reduce or eliminate trans fatty acids, which are present in processed foods, margarine, cookies, crackers, cakes, French fries, onion rings, doughnuts, and other commercially baked goods.
  • Steer clear of stimulants like coffee, alcohol, and smoke.
  • Every day, sip 6 to 8 glasses of filtered water.
  • If tolerated, engage in light exercise five days a week.

The following substances can help you overcome nutritional deficiencies:

  • daily multivitamin. Including trace nutrients like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and selenium, as well as the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E.
  • fatty acids omega 3. to assist in reducing inflammation, such fish oil. In sensitive people, such as those taking blood-thinning drugs, fish oil may worsen bleeding (including aspirin).
  • C vitamin. as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Q10 Coenzyme (CoQ10). to boost antioxidants Blood-thinning drugs, including warfarin (Coumadin), among others, may be affected by CoQ10.
  • acid alpha lipoic. to boost antioxidants. When using alpha-lipoic acid, make sure your thiamine levels are sufficient by consulting your doctor. Thiamine deficiency affects some groups, especially alcoholics, and it may be harmful when paired with alpha-lipoic acid.
  • for the support of antioxidants in eye health.

Acupuncture: A Natural Cure for Glaucoma

Acupuncture is another effective form of natural treatment for glaucoma. Many eye conditions, according to TCM, reflect interior health issues and dull the life force energy that illuminates the eyes. According to TCM, eye conditions such as glaucoma and dry eye syndrome are brought on by an improper flow of energy, blood, and nutrients to the eyes.

The liver is regarded in TCM as where blood and other physiological fluids are stored and distributed. It is believed that a weakening or obstruction in the hepatic system is to blame if there is insufficient tear generation in the eyes. The “spark of life” that emanates from the eyes is also found in the liver. Dryness and impaired vision could result from insufficient blood and Qi going from the liver to the eyes. The liver can produce an excessive amount of fire energy, which can result in swelling and pressure. This can result in glaucoma eye pressure, as well as eye pain or headaches behind the eyes.

Acupuncture - natural treatment for glaucoma

Glaucoma patients can benefit from acupuncture treatment, according to research:

  • In one research of glaucoma patients receiving treatment, the intraocular pressure was lower both an hour after the treatment and more generally after four sessions of treatment.
  • According to a review of studies, glaucoma patients who received acupuncture treatment had better vision than those who did not.
  • According to a different study, acupuncture for glaucoma treatment increased blood flow to the eye.
  • Patients receiving acupuncture for glaucoma and dry eye were compared to those receiving “fake” acupuncture treatments over six months in a University of Pittsburgh study. Participants who had acupuncture said their dry eye symptoms, such as scratchiness and redness, had improved. Even months after the procedure, the results were still better.
  • Acupuncture receivers produced more natural tears of high quality and had fewer complaints of dryness, vision problems, and eye pain, according to a study that compared patients who received acupuncture treatment and used artificial tears to those who used only artificial tears.

HOMEOPATHY FOR GLAUCOMA – The #1 natural treatment for glaucoma.

Homeopathic medicine proponents contend that symptoms are the body’s defense mechanism against sickness and that chemicals that cause such symptoms can aid the body in fighting off illness.

“The mirror of the mind” has been said to be the eye. The poet or the romantics may not have intended the full significance of this expression. This is especially true for homeopaths, who, by their ideology, view all disorders holistically. As a result, the state or illness of a body component that is closer to the surface and obviously and palpably disordered is not considered to be a local sickness but rather a widespread disease that is manifesting itself at that location during a specific moment. Consequently, to the homosexual, “An organ that requires “Local” treatments is not the eye. The organism, irrigated by the same blood, bathed by the same lymph, and innervated by the same neural current, is the subject of the statement.

Localized morbid affections are the only localized disorders that can be found.” Pierre Schmidt, MD. When homeopathy first emerged 200 years ago, this type of approach was not as well-liked as it is now. Despite the development of sophisticated medical technology and a rise in medical specialization, this approach is frequently underemphasized. To give a few straightforward examples, general diseases like Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hematological disorders, pulmonary symptoms of tuberculosis, syphilis, and other conditions may be present in the background of changes in the eye that result in ophthalmic complaints. Even refractive defects may have inherited inclinations, bad health, and other historical reasons. I start with these concepts to lay a foundation for the unusual approach that homeopathy takes to treating disorders of the eye or problems of any particular organ of the body.

The safety and efficacy of homeopathic remedies for glaucoma have not been examined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, scientific studies revealed the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies in glaucoma patients.

Phosphorus, Comocladia, Belladonna, Osmium, Physostigma, Prunus Spinosa, and Cedron are the leading treatments for glaucoma.

Phosphorus: For glaucoma with damage to the optic nerve

Phosphorus is at the top of the list of effective treatments for glaucoma. When the optic nerve is injured, glaucoma is also a potential indication (atrophied). Constant eye fatigue is the primary symptom that informs the use of this medication. Even when they are not doing much work, the eyes appear to be quite exhausted. The eyes appear to be worn out. The patient also experiences impaired vision due to eye fatigue, and while looking at objects, feels as though they are covered in dust. Another significant sign is the presence of haloes around light. The ability to marginally improve vision by covering the eyes with palms is another significant symptom. By doing this, the blurry things appear to be fairly clear. Phosphorus aids in reducing eye tiredness and vision impairment.

Comocladia: For Eye Fullness Sensation

Comocladia is one of the treatments for Glaucoma with discomfort recommended for individuals who feel as though their eyes are full. Pain in the eyes is the primary companion to the fullness. The eyes seem to be significantly enlarged. Warmth makes the eye pain worse, and in open air, the person has relief from the pain and eye fullness.

Belladonna: For acute symptoms of glaucoma

The most effective treatment for sudden glaucoma symptoms is belladonna. The primary symptoms include an abrupt increase in visual acuity. The eyes seem to be crimson. A significant headache and pain in the eyes are present along with this. The pain is highly aggressive. Moreover, nausea and vomiting could happen.

Osmium: To Enhance Low-Light Vision

Osmium is highly beneficial for enhancing low eyesight. Those who require osmium experience increased intraocular pressure. The patient’s most significant symptom is the object’s presentation of multiple colors when viewed from different angles, like a rainbow (iridescent vision). Additionally, the patient can be sensitive to light.

Physostigma: For Injury-Related Glaucoma

Injury-related glaucoma

Physostigma is the most effective natural treatment for glaucoma following damage. Dim eyesight, blurred vision, or partial blindness are possible symptoms. The patient may also have blurry vision and eye pain. Usually, the pain gets greater after using the eyes. Patients with myopia who have glaucoma also benefit from this medication.

Prunus Spinosa: For Acute Right Eye Pain

The best natural remedy for treating sudden pain in the right eye caused by glaucoma is Prunus Spinosa. Prunus Spinosa primarily relieves pain in the right eye. Eye pain can seem like it is exploding in the eyeball since it is so severe and forceful.

Cedron: For Severe Left Eye Pain

In contrast to Prunus Spinosa, the natural remedy Cedron targets a patient with glaucoma’s left eye for its therapeutic effects. The best treatment for intense, violent eye discomfort, especially in the left eye, is cedron. The onset of pain may have a cyclical pattern to it. Radiation to the nose may be present in the pain.

Medicinal Herbs for glaucoma

It’s thought that some plants can help with glaucoma treatments. Ginkgo, bilberry, and forskolin, in particular, might be advantageous. These herbal treatments for glaucoma have the following advantages:

Ginkgo (ginkgo biloba)

This herb has been demonstrated in several experimental models to enhance ocular blood flow.

Forskolin (coleus forskohlii)

By slowing the flow of aqueous fluid into the eye, this herb may lower IOP when given topically.

Medical marijuana (cannabis)

According to specific research, marijuana use regularly, which can result in potentially harmful side effects, may temporarily lower IOP.


Bilberry, an extract of the European blueberry, is sold at select health food stores and via mail order. It is most frequently promoted as an antioxidant supplement for eye health. Supporters assert that it can safeguard and strengthen the capillary walls of the eyes, preventing glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration in particular. Bilberry may enhance night vision and reduce glare recovery time, according to some research. However, there is no proof that it is helpful in the management or prevention of glaucoma. Bilberry (vaccinium myrtillus): Bilberry is well-known for being a powerful antioxidant. One study found that bilberry reduced retinal ganglion cell damage in mice, but no human studies have found a similar effect.

Although these herbs have showed promise in some trials, it is crucial to remember that they are not glaucoma medications that have been clinically tested. Before using any herbal treatments for glaucoma, speak with your doctor first. Some plants may even have serious side effects or problems with other prescriptions. And never use herbal therapies in place of those that a doctor has prescribed or advised.


If you are living in the City of Brotherly Love and suffer from glaucoma, contact Philadelphia Holistic Clinic to schedule an appointment with Victor Tsan, MD.

At the clinic, you will receive a comprehensive holistic evaluation and customized natural treatment for glaucoma. All holistic modalities are available at the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic.