Natural Remedies To Help You Deal With Your Headaches

Home remedies for headaches

Home remedies for headaches are safe and effective, and they often kill pain better than pharmaceutical drugs. Everyone suffers from headaches occasionally. Most people use prescription drugs to deal with them. They can effectively cure headaches but, at times, can have adverse effects and make a simple condition worse. Natural and alternative treatments have garnered much attention due to their effectiveness and safety. Since they are natural approaches, side effects are minimal or none.

If you’re wary of conventional methods, you might want to try natural remedies for headaches. There are various options, many of which have scientific support.

What are headaches?

What are headaches

Headaches are a common medical symptom most people suffer from at least numerous times. The key symptom of any headache is pain in the head or face area. The pain can be pulsating, persistent, tenacious, harsh, or dull. Most headaches can be cured with medications, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, stress relief, medicinal herbs, and biofeedback. Headaches can be more complicated than most people believe. Different types of headaches can manifest with specific symptoms, arise for unique reasons, and necessitate diverse treatments. Once you know the type of headache you have, you and your doctor can find the treatment that is most likely to help and even try to prevent it.

What are the types of headaches?

There are over 150 types of headaches. According to the causes of headaches and location of headaches, they are classified into two main categories: primary and secondary types of headaches.

Types of pain

Primary headaches

Primary headaches are those that are not the result of another medical condition. The category includes:

  • Cluster headache.
  • Migraine.
  • New persistent daily headaches (NDPH)
  • Tension headache

Secondary headaches

Secondary headaches start as a result of another medical condition, such as:

  • Brain blood vessel diseases include angiospasm, tumors, stroke, brain injury, and post-traumatic conditions.
  • Head injury.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Infection.
  • Excessive use of drugs.
  • Sinus congestion.
  • Trauma.
  • Tumor.

What are the causes of headaches?

The pain you are experiencing during an episode of headache comes from a connection of signals flanked by your brain, blood vessels, and adjacent nerves. Individual nerves in the blood vessels and muscles in the head turn on and send pain signals to the brain. However, it is not clear how these signals are turned on in the first place.

headache causes and triggers

The most common causes of headaches are:

  • This can include infections, colds, and fevers. Headaches often accompany medical conditions such as sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, or an ear infection. In some cases, headaches may result from a blow to the head or, rarely, a sign of a more serious medical problem.
  • Emotional tension. Emotional stress and depression, alcohol consumption, skipping meals, changing sleep patterns, and taking too many medications. Other causes of headaches may be a cervical spine strain due to poor posture or an inappropriately selected pillow.
  • Your surroundings include second-hand tobacco smoke, strong odors from household chemicals or perfumes, allergens, and certain foods. Stress, pollution, noise, lighting, and changes in weather are other possible causes of headaches.
  • Genetics may be the cause of headaches. Headaches, especially migraines, usually run in families. Most children and teenagers (90%) with migraines have other family members who get them. If both parents have a history of migraines, there is a 70% chance their child will have them too. If only one parent has a history of this headache, the risk drops to 25–50%.

Most standard home remedies for headaches

Home remedies for headache

You don’t have to spend a fortune to eliminate your headaches. Generally, these home remedies for headaches should be enough to deal with them.

Hot or Cold compress: the most straightforward but effective home remedy for headaches

This is a tried-and-tested natural relief for headaches that many swear by. Whenever you feel like you’re going to have a headache, reach out for a compress. Placing a compress on your head stimulates your face and scalp nerve endings and signals your brain to reduce pain levels. Most people prefer cold compresses for their headaches. However, it all comes down to your personal preference.

Essential Oils are another excellent home remedy for headaches

Essential oils are also great for the natural relief of headaches. Rosemary, lavender, and peppermint essential oils are known for their pain-relieving properties. Not only can they subdue inflammation, but they can also desensitize pain fibers that are linked with migraines.

Essential oils - effective home remedies for headaches

Peppermint contains menthol, which is very useful in relieving headache pain.

Studies also show that breathing in lavender oil can mitigate headaches. Rosemary oil also possesses anti-pain and anti-inflammatory properties.

You can add a few drops of your preferred oils to a washcloth and use it as a compress to massage your temples or forehead. If you want effective home remedies for headaches, consider investing in high-quality essential oils.

Supplements: essential natural remedies for headaches

Headaches are a sign that your body is not in optimal condition. Supplements like coenzyme Q10 and vitamin B2 won’t immediately stop your pain but can prevent future attacks. If you want to try supplements, magnesium is easily one of the best natural remedies for headaches. It is especially useful for migraines.

Magnesium aids in managing muscle and nerve control function and can also minimize cortisol levels, a typical trigger for headaches. You can also add magnesium-rich foods, like dark leafy greens. Supplements can be a great natural relief for headaches. Make sure you consult your doctor before stocking up.

Caffeine is the most common medicinal home remedy for headaches

You can also reach out for a cup of coffee for natural relief from headaches. Caffeine effectively constricts the vessels in your head, which is helpful during a migraine attack. However, make sure you consume only a generous amount of caffeine. Too much of it can lead to rebound headaches. Try to keep your caffeine intake below 150 milligrams per day.

Balanced Diet: The most vital home remedy for headaches

A balanced diet should be a primary focus if you’re following natural remedies for headaches. Your body requires various nutrients and minerals. Any deficiency can negatively impact your health and lead to headaches and other health conditions. Also, make sure that you have your meals at the appropriate times.

diet - one of the essential home remedies for headaches

If you have headaches or migraines, the following food items are considered safe:

  • Natural flavors or sweeteners
  • Cooked or dried fruits
  • Brown rice
  • Tap, spring, or carbonated water
  • Green, orange, and yellow vegetables

Food rich in vitamin B2 is also an effective natural relief for headaches, such as red meat and salmon.

Yoga – beneficial and popular home remedy for headaches

By decreasing muscle tension and allowing relaxation, yoga can be an excellent remedy for headaches, particularly migraines. Yoga can reduce stress, maintain a healthy nervous system, and increase circulation. Daily yoga practice can prevent headaches and migraines.

Research also shows that yoga and conventional treatments and medications can potently reduce headache intensity and frequency. It can also alleviate the negative impact of headaches in your life. It can also lead to an improvement in overall quality of life.

Acupressure and acupuncture: alternative home remedies for headaches

TCM Diagnostic helps to find effective home remedies for headaches

This ancient Chinese tactic can successfully alleviate pain symptoms by applying pressure to particular acupuncture points in your body. Stimulating sensitive spots can relieve headaches. It has shown great promise in dealing with menstrual-related migraines. Research also shows that it can be beneficial for the nausea that results from migraines. Applying pressure to the PC6 point is an effective acupressure tactic for remedying headaches.

Herbal Teas

Herbal tea is an excellent way of hydrating yourself and receiving benefits from natural compounds. They are safe and natural remedies for headaches. Ginger tea can be beneficial for dealing with headaches. A study shows ginger tea has similar effects on sumatriptan in treating migraines. You can mix ginger powder with warm water for this natural remedy to alleviate your symptoms.

Lavender, chamomile, and peppermint are also potentially calming herbal teas.

Homeopathy – #1 holistic home remedy for headaches

While homeopathy is medical since we include it in the category of home remedies for headaches because you can take homeopathic remedies in the comfort of your home.

Homeopaths first conduct a complete and extensive evaluation before prescribing homeopathic remedies. This makes it possible to unearth the root cause of your headaches and find long-term solutions. Homeopathic remedies can also prevent future headaches from occurring.

There is no specific medication, but homeopathy has various natural remedies for headaches to deal with particular symptoms. Some popular ones include Spigellia, Sanguinaria, Nux Vomica, Iris, Gelsemium, Bryonia, and Belladonna. Medications will be prescribed specifically for your program.

Since they are natural, the possible chances of side effects are meager or none. It can take some time to see positive results, but often, they can be more successful than conventional methods.

Combining various natural remedies and alternative treatments can also provide remarkable results. They can also be used alongside conventional treatments and medications.


For most people, headaches subside after a few days. They are usually not a significant problem. You can try natural remedies for a safe and alternative approach. These remedies and treatments are often sufficient to deal with the condition. They are also significantly lighter in your pockets. However, you should consult your doctor immediately if you still don’t see any positive results. There may be more significant problems underneath.

For your natural treatment of headaches, contact Philadelphia Holistic Clinic at (267) 284-3085 to schedule your appointment for evaluation and treatment.