Numbness, Tingling, and Pain in Your Legs? How to Fight Neuropathy.

Treating-Peripheral-Neuropathy Holistically

Holistic treatment for neuropathy in Philadelphia

Holistic treatment for neuropathy is highly demanded, and more and more people are switching to a holistic lifestyle. You’re not alone if you’re experiencing numbness, tingling, or pain in your legs. Neuropathy, a condition affecting millions of people worldwide, can be a frustrating and debilitating experience. As someone living with diabetes, you may be all too familiar with these symptoms, which can significantly impact your daily life. But here’s the good news: while Western medicine may not have a solution, holistic treatment for neuropathy can help you regain control over your health. In this article, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of neuropathy and, more importantly, discuss effective ways to manage and alleviate your symptoms, from acupuncture and homeopathic remedies to lifestyle changes that can make a real difference.

What is Neuropathy?

Understanding how neuropathy affects one’s life is imperative to understanding how to fight it.

Definition and Types of Neuropathy

To put it simply, neuropathy is a condition that occurs when damage occurs to the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, also known as peripheral nerves. This damage disrupts the communication between the brain and the rest of the body, leading to uncomfortable and often debilitating symptoms.


There are several types of neuropathy, including:

  • Diabetic neuropathy: caused by high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes
  • Peripheral neuropathy: damage to the peripheral nerves
  • Autonomic neuropathy: damage to the nerves that regulate involuntary functions, such as heart rate and digestion
  • Focal neuropathy: damage to a single nerve or group of nerves
  • Proximal neuropathy: damage to the nerves close to the spine

Assume that you’re not alone in this struggle; neuropathy affects millions of people worldwide, with diabetes being the most common cause.

Type of Neuropathy                                                       Description
Diabetic Neuropathy Caused by high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes
Peripheral Neuropathy Damage to the peripheral nerves
Autonomic Neuropathy Damage to the nerves that regulate involuntary functions, such as heart rate and digestion
Focal Neuropathy Damage to a single nerve or group of nerves

How Neuropathy Affects Daily Life

It affects your daily routine in ways you never thought possible, from struggling with everyday tasks to disrupting your sleep patterns.

Understanding how neuropathy impacts your daily life is crucial in developing a plan to manage its effects. For you, it may mean adjusting your daily routine to accommodate the numbness, tingling, and pain in your legs. It may also mean relying on others for support or finding new ways to accomplish once-easy tasks.

Understanding that neuropathy is not just a physical condition but also an emotional one is vital. It can lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and depression, making it imperative to address the emotional toll it takes on your life as well.

Symptoms of Neuropathy

You’re not alone if you’re experiencing numbness, tingling, and pain in your legs. These symptoms are all too common for those suffering from neuropathy.


Numbness and Tingling in the Legs

Tingling sensations in your legs can be unsettling, to say the least. You may feel like pins and needles are pricking your skin or your legs are “asleep” even when you’ve been active. This numbness and tingling can make walking, balancing, or even performing everyday tasks difficult. For many people with neuropathy, these sensations can be a constant companion, making it hard to enjoy activities you once loved. As the numbness and tingling progress, you may feel like you’re walking on clouds or that your legs are made of wood. This lack of sensation can lead to accidents, like tripping or falling, since you may not be able to feel the ground beneath your feet.

Pain and Discomfort

For many people with neuropathy, pain is a major symptom. You may experience sharp, stabbing pains or a dull, aching sensation in your legs. This pain can be intense, making it hard to focus on anything else. It’s not uncommon for people with neuropathy to feel like they’re “on edge” all the time, waiting for the next wave of pain to hit. Plus, the pain can be unpredictable, striking at any moment, even when you’re resting. This unpredictability can be frustrating and anxiety-provoking, making it hard to plan your day or enjoy activities you once loved.

Other Common Symptoms

The symptoms of neuropathy can vary widely from person to person, but some common complaints include muscle weakness, cramping, and fatigue. You may also experience sensitivity to touch or temperature changes, making wearing certain clothing or walking barefoot uncomfortable. Another common symptom of neuropathy is a feeling of burning or heat in your legs, which can be uncomfortable and even painful. This burning sensation can be especially bothersome at night, making falling or staying asleep hard. Note that you’re not alone in your struggles with neuropathy. By understanding the symptoms and causes of this condition, you can take the first steps toward finding relief and regaining control over your health.

Causes of Neuropathy

Many people struggle with numbness, tingling, and pain in their legs, and it’s imperative to understand the underlying causes of neuropathy to effectively manage and alleviate these symptoms.

Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders

The most common cause of neuropathy is diabetes, which affects millions of people worldwide. If you have diabetes, you’re likely to experience numbness, tingling, and pain in your hands and legs. Unfortunately, Western medicine doesn’t have a solution to completely reverse diabetic neuropathy, but there are alternative approaches that can help.

Diabetic neuropathy

Metabolic disorders, such as prediabetes and metabolic syndrome, can also contribute to neuropathy. These conditions often involve insulin resistance and damage nerves over time. Addressing these underlying metabolic imbalances can reduce one’s risk of developing neuropathy.

Nutritional Deficiencies and Vitamin Imbalances

An inadequate diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which can cause or exacerbate neuropathy. For example, lacking vitamin B12 can damage your nerves, leading to numbness, tingling, and pain.

Vitamin deficiencies, particularly B vitamins, can disrupt nerve function and lead to neuropathic symptoms. Additionally, an imbalance of essential minerals like potassium, sodium, and magnesium can also contribute to neuropathy.

Disorders such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis can lead to malabsorption of essential nutrients, increasing your risk of developing neuropathy.

Injuries and Trauma

Trauma, such as a car accident or fall, can cause nerve damage, leading to neuropathy. Injuries can compress or crush nerves, disrupting their function and leading to numbness, tingling, and pain.

Repetitive strain injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome, can also cause neuropathic symptoms. By addressing the underlying injury or trauma, you can reduce your symptoms and promote nerve healing.

Imbalances in your body’s physical structure, such as a herniated disk or spinal stenosis, can also put pressure on your nerves, leading to neuropathy.

Infections and Autoimmune Disorders

To make matters more complex, certain infections, such as shingles, Lyme disease, and HIV, can cause neuropathy. Autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can also lead to nerve damage and neuropathic symptoms.

Some bacterial and viral infections can directly damage your nerves, while others may trigger an autoimmune response, leading to neuropathy.

A healthy immune system is imperative for maintaining healthy nerves. Addressing underlying infections and autoimmune disorders can reduce your risk of developing neuropathy.

Conventional Treatment Options

All conventional treatment options for neuropathy aim to manage symptoms, slow down the progression of the disease, and improve quality of life. While there is no cure for neuropathy, these options can help alleviate discomfort and enable you to regain control over your daily activities.

Medications for Pain Management

Options for medications to manage neuropathic pain include antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and opioids. Antidepressants, such as amitriptyline and duloxetine, can help relieve pain by increasing the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine. Anticonvulsants, like gabapentin and pregabalin, can also effectively reduce pain by slowing the release of excitatory neurotransmitters. Opioids, such as tramadol and oxycodone, may be prescribed for short-term pain relief, but they carry a risk of addiction and should be used with caution.

Work closely with your healthcare provider to find the right medication and dosage. You may need to try a combination of medications or adjust dosages to achieve optimal pain relief. Discuss any potential side effects and interactions with your other medications.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

In addition to medication, physical therapy, and rehabilitation can play vital roles in managing neuropathy. A physical therapist can help you develop a customized exercise program to improve your balance, strength, and flexibility. This can reduce fall risk, improve mobility, and enhance overall functional ability.

Additionally, physical therapy can help you learn techniques to manage pain and discomfort. For example, you may learn to use heat or cold therapy, massage, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to alleviate pain. A physical therapist can also guide you in proper posture, body mechanics, and ergonomics to reduce strain on muscles and joints.

Conventional physical therapy and rehabilitation approaches often focus on improving range of motion, strength, and endurance. However, it’s necessary to work with a physical therapist with experience in treating neuropathy patients, as they can tailor a program that addresses your unique needs and limitations. Incorporating physical therapy into your treatment plan can improve overall function, reduce pain, and help you regain independence in your daily activities.

Holistic Treatment for Neuropathy: Options, Approaches, and and Effectiveness

Your search for relief from neuropathy symptoms doesn’t have to stop at conventional treatments. Holistic treatment for neuropathy can offer natural approaches to managing your condition, and many people have found it effective in reducing numbness, tingling, and pain.

Acupuncture for Neuropathy Relief is the #1 holistic treatment for neuropathy

The ancient practice of acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions, including neuropathy. This traditional Chinese medicine technique involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and balance. Studies have shown that acupuncture as a form of holistic treatment for neuropathy can increase blood flow to the affected areas, reducing inflammation and promoting nerve regeneration.

Acupuncture is the is the most popular holistic treatment for neuropathy

Acupuncture can also help to regulate the body’s natural pain response, reducing the need for medication and promoting a sense of well-being. Many people with diabetes, the most common cause of neuropathy, have found acupuncture to be an effective way to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Homeopathic remedies: highly practical and Safe holistic treatment for neuropathy

Neuropathy can be a frustrating and debilitating condition, but homeopathic remedies offer a gentle and noninvasive approach to managing its symptoms. Homeopathy focuses on treating the individual rather than just the symptoms and can help promote overall health and wellness.

Holistic Treatment for Neuropathy Using Home Remedies

Homeopathic remedies such as Hypericum, a natural nerve tonic, and Arsenicum album, which can help reduce numbness and tingling, may be beneficial in managing neuropathy symptoms. Additionally, homeopathic remedies can help address underlying causes of neuropathy, such as nutritional deficiencies or environmental toxins.

With homeopathic remedies, you can take control of your health and work towards reducing your symptoms of neuropathy. By addressing the root causes of your condition, you can promote healing and regeneration and improve your overall quality of life.

Lifestyle Changes for Managing Neuropathy

Unlike relying solely on medication or medical treatments, lifestyle changes can significantly impact managing neuropathy. Incorporating simple yet effective habits into your daily routine, in combination with other techniques of holistic treatment for neuropathy, can reduce symptoms, improve nerve function, and help you regain control over your health.

Dietary changes for nerve health should be a part of any holistic treatment for neuropathy.

One of the most critical steps in managing neuropathy is to focus on a diet rich in nutrients that support nerve health. Eating foods high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which contribute to nerve damage. Include foods like leafy greens, berries, fatty fish, and whole grains to give your nerves the necessary building blocks for repair and regeneration.

In addition to incorporating nutrient-dense foods, it’s important to limit or avoid foods that can exacerbate neuropathy symptoms. Processed foods, sugary drinks, and foods high in saturated fats can worsen inflammation and hinder nerve function. By making conscious dietary choices, you can create an environment that supports nerve health and reduces the risk of further damage.

Exercise and Physical Activity

The benefits of regular exercise extend far beyond physical fitness; it can also play a crucial role in managing neuropathy. Exercise has been shown to improve nerve function, reduce symptoms, and even promote nerve regeneration. Incorporating gentle exercises like yoga, swimming, or cycling into your routine can improve circulation, reduce pain, and enhance overall well-being.

Exercise can also help you manage blood sugar levels, which is particularly important for individuals with diabetes, a common cause of neuropathy. Regular physical activity can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce the risk of further nerve damage, and promote overall health.

Lifestyle changes, such as incorporating exercise into your daily routine, can profoundly impact managing neuropathy. Committing to regular physical activity can reduce symptoms, improve nerve function, and help you regain control over your health.

Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques as a part of a Holistic Treatment for neuropathy

Stress management is an important part of holistic treatment for neuropathy. Chronic stress can exacerbate symptoms, worsen pain, and hinder nerve function. Incorporating stress-reducing techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation into your daily routine can reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and create an environment conducive to nerve health.

Relaxation techniques can reduce stress and help you cope with the emotional toll of living with neuropathy. By acknowledging the emotional impact of this condition and taking steps to manage stress, you can improve your overall well-being and regain control over your health.

To improve your stress management, consider incorporating activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time with loved ones. By prioritizing self-care and stress reduction, you can reduce symptoms, improve nerve function, and enhance overall quality of life.

Final Words

From above, you’ve learned that neuropathy is a complex condition that can significantly impact your quality of life. You’ve discovered that it’s not just a matter of numbness, tingling, and pain in your legs but a multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive management approach. While Western medicine may not have a definitive solution, you’ve been empowered with knowledge about holistic treatment for neuropathy. It could be acupuncture, homeopathy, or reiki. All of them can provide relief.

Recall that taking control of your health is key. By making lifestyle changes, such as incorporating healthy habits and stress-reducing practices, you can reduce the severity of your symptoms and improve your overall well-being. Don’t let neuropathy hold you back any longer. You have the power to fight back; with the right tools and mindset, you can regain control over your health. Take the first step today and start living the life you deserve, free from the debilitating effects of neuropathy.

Neuropathy Treatment by Dr. Tsan at Philadelphia Holistic Clinic

Victor Tsan, MD, the medical director of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, is an integrative medicine practitioner with 40+ years of academic and clinical experience in OBGYN and integrative medicine. Find his professional profile HERE Dr. Tsan is also available to provide online evaluations during the pandemic.

If you suffer from any form of neuropathy, you must seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent long-term consequences. The different forms of holistic treatment for neuropathy mentioned above are safe and have a proven record of effectiveness. You might have to experiment with a few options before finding what works better. In many cases where allopathic treatments fail to produce results, holistic treatment for neuropathy appears beneficial. Besides, they have no known side effects and can be used in various demographic areas.

Dr. Tsan gathered the best-in-class certified holistic providers at the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, where all forms of natural treatment for neuropathy are available under one roof.

If you need an appointment for a holistic evaluationcontact the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic at (267) 403-3085 or use our online scheduling application.
If you need an appointment for a holistic evaluation, contact the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic at (267) 403-3085 or use our online scheduling application.

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