Safe And Natural treatments To Manage Interstitial Cystitis

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1 Treatment for interstitial cystitis

Treatment for interstitial cystitis

Treatment for interstitial cystitis is always a challenge. No simple therapy eliminates the signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis, and no one treatment works for everybody. You may need to attempt various treatments or mixes of therapies before you discover a technique that eases your symptoms.

Physical therapy

Stretching excercises for interstitial cystitis

Dealing with a physical therapist might relieve pelvic discomfort related to muscular tissue tenderness, restrictive connective tissue, or muscle mass irregularities in your pelvic flooring.

Oral medications

Oral medicines for Interstitial cystitis

Oral drugs that may enhance the signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others) or naproxen salt (Aleve), are used to alleviate pain.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline or imipramine (Tofranil), assist in relaxing your bladder and also block pain.
  • Antihistamines, such as loratadine (Claritin, others), may reduce urinary system seriousness and regularity and soothe other signs.
  • The Food and Drug Administration accepts pentosan polysulfate salt (Elmiron), especially for treating interstitial cystitis. Exactly how it functions is unidentified; however, it may restore the inner surface area of the bladder, which safeguards the bladder wall surface from substances in urine that could irritate it. It might take 2 to four months before you begin to feel pain relief and up to six months to experience a decrease in urinary system frequency.

Nerve stimulation.

Electrical nerve stimulants, also known as neuromodulators, send weak electrical impulses to the nerves in the lower back and help control urinary function or relieve chronic pain. Neuromodulators have proven beneficial for many patients with interstitial cystitis who do not receive sufficient relief from other treatments.
Some neuromodulators are worn externally. Others are surgically implanted devices. Most implanted neuromodulators work by sending weak electrical impulses to the nerves in the lower back. These nerves, called sacral nerves, affect the bladder and surrounding muscles that control urinary function. A test stimulation is performed under the skin before surgery, usually in the lower back. Only patients who respond positively to the test stimulator are considered for permanent implants. Learn more about neuromodulation for people with IC.

Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS).

With TENS, moderate electrical pulses relieve pelvic pain and, sometimes, reduce urinary frequency. 10S may increase blood flow to the bladder. This may strengthen the muscular tissues that assist in controlling the bladder or cause the release of important substances that obstruct pain.


Electrical cables positioned on your lower back or simply above your pubic area deliver electrical pulses; the length and frequency of therapy depend on what works best for you.

Sacral nerve stimulation.

Sacral nerve stimulation for Interstitial cystitis

Your sacral nerves are a key link between the spine and the nerves in your bladder. Stimulating these nerves may reduce the severity of the urinary system symptoms associated with interstitial cystitis.
With sacral nerve excitement, a slim cord near the sacral nerves sends electric impulses to your bladder, similar to what a pacemaker does for your heart. If the treatment lowers your symptoms, you may have a long-term tool surgically implanted. This treatment does not take care of pain from interstitial cystitis, yet it might assist in soothing some signs of urinary frequency and necessity.

Bladder distention

Bladder instillation

Some people see a short-lived improvement in signs after cystoscopy with bladder distention. Bladder distention is the stretching of the bladder with water. If you have lasting improvement, the procedure may be duplicated.

Medicines instilled into the bladder

In bladder instillation, your doctor positions the prescription medication dimethyl sulfoxide (Rimso-50) into your bladder through a slim, versatile tube (catheter) placed with the urethra.

Sometimes, the option is mixed with other medications, such as an anesthetic, and continues to be in your bladder for around 15 minutes. You urinate to exclude the option.

You might receive dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO, therapy regularly for six to eight weeks and then have maintenance treatments as required, such as every couple of weeks, for up to one year.

A more recent approach to bladder instillation utilizes lidocaine, sodium bicarbonate, pentosan, or heparin.

Surgical treatment for interstitial cystitis

Physicians rarely use surgical treatment to deal with interstitial cystitis because removing the bladder doesn’t ease pain and can lead to other difficulties.
People with severe discomfort or those whose bladders can hold just extremely small volumes of pee are possible prospects for surgery. However, usually, just after other therapies fall short, signs influence lifestyle.

Surgical treatment for IC

Surgical alternatives consist of the following:


This minimally intrusive method involves inserting tools into the urethra to burn off ulcers that may be present with interstitial cystitis.


This is an additional minimally intrusive method that includes the insertion of tools through the urethra to reduce any abscess.

Bladder augmentation.

In this treatment, a surgeon raises your bladder’s ability by putting a spot of an intestinal tract on the bladder. However, this is carried out only in very specific and unusual circumstances. The treatment does not eliminate discomfort; some individuals must clear their bladders with a catheter, often daily.

What is interstitial cystitis (IC)?

It is a chronic condition that causes pressure, pelvic pain, and sometimes bladder pain. The intensity of the pain can range from mild to severe. For some people, IC symptoms can flare up and subside after some time, while others can experience constant pain. IC symptoms are similar to urinary tract infection symptoms; however, the difference is that IC shows no sign of infection, and bacteria and antibiotics are inept at managing the pain. IC can affect both genders but is more prevalent among women.


Currently, IC has no cure, so treatment primarily aims to minimize pain symptoms, urgency, and frequency. A successful reduction of these symptoms can allow IC patients to live comfortable lives.

You’ll have to try various remedies before finding the proper treatment for your symptoms. There are various natural remedies, and home treatment for interstitial cystitis can also be beneficial.

Diagnosis of interstitial cystitis.

Interstitial Cystitis

Bladder diary and medical history.

Your physician will ask you to describe in detail the symptoms you are experiencing and may ask you to keep a bladder journal, recording the volume of fluids you drink and the amount of urine that passes.

Pelvic examination.

During a pelvic exam, the doctor examines the external genitals, the vagina, and the cervix and palpates the abdomen to assess the internal pelvic organs. Your doctor can also examine your anus and rectum.

Urine test.

A urine specimen will be evaluated for signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI).


The urologist inserts a thin tube with a tiny camera (cystoscope) through the urethra, showing the bladder’s lining. The doctor may also inject fluid into the bladder to measure the bladder capacity. Also, the urologist may execute this procedure, known as hydrodistension, after being numbed with an anesthetic drug to make you feel more comfortable.

Diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis


During anesthesia cystoscopy, the urologist specialist may extract a small tissue sample from the wall of the bladder and urethra for a microscopic inspection. This test rules out bladder cancer and other rare causes of bladder pain.

Urine cytology.

Your doctor collects a urine sample and tests the cells to rule out cancer.

Potassium sensitivity test.

The doctor places water and potassium chloride solutions in the bladder, one at a time. You are asked to rate the pain and urgency you feel after each solution has been vaccinated on a scale of 0 to 5. If you feel noticeably more pain or a sudden need after using a potassium solution, your doctor may diagnose interstitial cystitis. People with normal blisters cannot tell the difference between the two.

Causes of interstitial cystitis.

Causes of interstitial cystitis

The exact causes of interstitial cystitis are unknown, but many factors are likely to contribute. For example, people with interstitial cystitis may also have a defect in the bladder’s protective membrane (epithelium). A leakage in the epithelium of the internal lining of the bladder can allow toxic constituents in the urine to irritate the cells of the bladder wall.

Other possible but unproven factors include autoimmune reactions, heredity, infection, or allergies.

Risk factors for interstitial cystitis.

Risk Factor of IC

These factors are associated with an increased risk of interstitial cystitis:

  • Your sex.

Women are diagnosed with interstitial cystitis more often than men. Symptoms in men can mimic interstitial cystitis but are most often associated with prostate inflammation (prostatitis).
Your skin and hair color. Having fair skin and red hair has been associated with an increased risk of interstitial cystitis.

  • Your age.

Most people with interstitial cystitis are diagnosed in their 30s or older.

  • Having a chronic pain disorder.

Interstitial cystitis may be associated with another chronic pain disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome or fibromyalgia.

Symptoms of interstitial cystitis.

Symptoms of interstitial cystitis diverge from person to person.

If you suffer from interstitial cystitis, symptoms may change over time, periodically erupting in response to common triggers such as menstruation, prolonged sitting, stress, exercise, and sexual activity.

Signs and Symptoms of Interstitial cystitis

Signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis include:

  • Pain in the pelvis or between the vagina and the rectum in women
  • Pain between the scrotum and anus in men (perineum)
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • A persistent, urgent need to urinate
  • Frequent urination, often in small amounts, during the day and night (up to 60 times a day)
  • Pain or discomfort when your bladder fills up and relief from urinating.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

The severity of symptoms varies from person to person, and some people may experience asymptomatic periods.

Although the signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis may resemble those of a chronic urinary tract infection, there is usually no infection. Nevertheless, symptoms of interstitial cystitis may deteriorate if a patient with interstitial cystitis gets a urinary tract infection.

Home treatment for interstitial cystitis

Home treatment for interstitial cystitis is safe and effective. Conventional medications are generally prescribed for the palliative treatment of interstitial cystitis. However, they can sometimes lead to adverse effects and worsen symptoms. There’s no cure for the condition, making treatment even more difficult. The proper treatment can suppress the symptoms to such an extent that they don’t bother your life.

home treatment for interstitial cystitis

Some studies show that natural and alternative treatments can provide great relief. Natural remedies for interstitial cystitis are generally safe and can provide life-long relief.

Natural remedies for interstitial cystitis—the most common natural treatment for interstitial cystitis.

The good news is that various natural and home remedies for interstitial cystitis can manage your symptoms. Many of these have scientific support as well. They might take some time to show results, but they are significantly safer and more affordable.

A healthy diet is an essential part of any treatment for interstitial cystitis

Diet for interstitial cystitis

Changing your diet is an effective home treatment for interstitial cystitis and can be very beneficial. There is no particular diet for IC patients, so you might want to work with a nutritionist to find the right plan. Generally, it’s recommended that you eliminate caffeine, alcohol, sugar, soy, and other processed fats, carbohydrates, and food additives. Instead, incorporate more foods low in histamine, oxalate, and FODMAPS. Acidic fruits like cranberries should also be avoided.

Stress management is an essential part of treatment for interstitial cystitis.

Stress relief for interstitial cystitis

Stress management should be a key priority if you’re looking for a potent home treatment for interstitial cystitis. Studies show that reducing stress can, in turn, lead to a reduction in bladder inflammation. Stress can induce free radicals and inflammation in your body, so reducing free radicals and oxidation can aid in managing IC symptoms. Additionally, some studies show that there might be a link between IC flare-ups and cortisol levels.

To reduce your stress levels, take 30–40 minutes of low-impact exercise or massage, see a therapist, or join a support group.

Heat/Cold Therapy: Physical treatment for interstitial cystitis

For relieving pain from interstitial cystitis flare-ups, heat or cold therapy can be an effective home treatment for interstitial cystitis. Depending on the type of flare-up, you can opt for cold or heat, or maybe even a combination of both. Muscle and bladder wall flares can be effectively treated with heat. The simplest way would be to place a hot water bottle or heating pad over your abdomen whenever your bladder experiences spasms. Heat therapy will soothe your bladder and aid in relaxing tense and spasming muscles.

For a pelvic floor flare, numbing the area can be useful. For severe urethra burning, placing a cold water bottle against your urethra can be a potent home treatment for interstitial cystitis.

Supplements – another effective treatment for interstitial cystitis

interstitial-cystitis supplements

Certain supplements can be useful in managing your interstitial cystitis symptoms. Calcium glycerol can reduce the acidity of your food, and L-arginine can relax your bladder. Aloe vera is also helpful in rebuilding your bladder’s mucous layer, which IC damages in many patients. Melatonin can also protect your bladder from irritants.

Homeopathy: the best natural treatment for interstitial cystitis

Homeopathy has repeatedly proven that it’s very effective in managing chronic conditions. Homeopaths intensely evaluate past and present conditions to get to the root of the problem before prescribing remedies. It can provide life-long results. Homeopathy incorporates various natural remedies for interstitial cystitis, such as Kali Carb, Sarsaparilla, Lycopodium, and Cantharis, to help manage various cystitis symptoms.

Another huge advantage is that the remedies are natural; there are minimal or no side effects. Homeopathy can provide better results for some patients where even conventional methods fail.

Interstitial cystitis is a condition that can be effectively treated with homeopathic remedies. It efficiently treats symptoms such as lower abdominal discomfort, pelvic pain, eagerness to urinate, painful or burning urination, frequent urination, pain during sexual activity, pain in the vulva and vagina in females, and pain in the scrotum and testicles in males. With these medications’ help, the symptoms’ frequency and severity gradually decrease. Since the homeopathic medications used to treat illness are made from naturally occurring chemicals in microdoses and have no adverse effects, they are quite safe.

1. Staphysagria heals a condition in which a persistent desire characterizes interstitial cystitis.

A great homeopathic remedy for cystitis and other urinary tract infections is Staphysagria. Staph does a fantastic job of treating urinary issues. Patients who need staph have symptoms like involuntary urination and ripping pain in the urethra. The urine is so strong that it burns the area around the genitalia, causing skin deterioration and making it hard for the patient to move. Urine passes through with a lot of burning. The person feels a persistent urge to urinate despite the pain and burning. The urine is pale in color and passes in large quantities. Staphysagria is appropriate for newlywed women who present with a UTI complaint known as honeymoon pyelitis.

2. Cantharis: A homeopathic remedy used when interstitial cystitis’ primary symptom is burning

Cantharis is a popular homeopathic treatment because of its amazing anti-infection and anti-inflammatory properties. It provides instant relief in burn conditions. It is best used in circumstances where there is severe burning in the genitalia and discomfort associated with bladder irritation. The intense burning throughout the peeing process causes the urine to pass drop by drop. Urine is retained, yet the individual feels frequent urination. The bladder’s partial clearing is the cause of this. The person experiences excruciating urges to urinate that send them into fits. It can be applied to cases of interstitial cystitis when a persistently irritated bladder is the underlying reason. Unbearable urge to urinate and unbearable bladder pain that cuts before, during, and after urination. Urine passes with a steady urge to urinate, drop after drop.

3. Apis Melllifica: A homeopathic treatment for interstitial cystitis in cases where urination is difficult

In cases of interstitial cystitis, a chronic bladder inflammation, Apis mellifica is a great homeopathic therapy. Apis aids in the healing of the irritated area and lowers swelling. It has been discovered that the optimum use case for Apis is when a patient has hot pee that passes drop by drop due to burning, which corrodes the skin and makes it hard to urinate. In certain situations, the pee has a distinct color and smell. An incessant urge to urinate results from incomplete urination. Apis can be utilized to great effect when treating vaginal swelling-related urinary problems. It can be applied to young boys with cystitis due to renal irritation. The boy is afraid of passing urine since it hurts so much. Additionally, apis is a fantastic treatment for infantile urine retention. A well-known treatment for kidney issues. Urine is incontinent and has a strong burning sensation when it passes especially the last drops. Puffiness in the face and bags under the eyes are symptoms of body edema. Another important factor in prescribing Apis is thirst.

4. Equisetum hyemale is a homeopathic treatment for an unrelenting urge to urinate.

A simple but effective treatment for interstitial cystitis. Urinating does not relieve a sharp, dull, aching discomfort in the bladder area. They experience excruciating pain at the end of urinating and an incessant, frequent urge to urinate. Persistent need to urinate and an insatiable thirst for copious amounts of transparent, watery urine.

5. Sarsaparilla: Homeopathic treatment for excruciating or severe discomfort following urination and slimy, flaky, red, and sparse urine.

It is recommended for people with dark hair who have lithic diathesis. Bright, clear, but irritating urine that comes in large quantities; painful distention and bladder soreness; pee that drips while seated. Severe or unbearable pain after urination. Ineffectual urging, urging with constipation. Urine dribbling when seated, intense pain after urinating, and renal colic. Screams before urinating, tender and enlarged bladder, weak stream of bladder tenesmus. Sometimes, there is little, slimy, flaky, and bloody urine.

6. Uranium nitrate: Homeopathic treatment for excessive urine production

An additional crucial treatment for Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS). Heavy urine during the day and at night. Urine leakage; unable to hold pee without discomfort. Pale, milky urine that smells like fish.

7. Lycopodium: A homeopathic treatment for urine containing heavy red sediments.

Back pain that goes away after urinating.has to strain for urination, retention, increased frequency at night, and heavy red sediments in urine

8. Kali carbonica: a homeopathic remedy for involuntary urination while coughing or sneezing.

Obliged to rise from bed at night frequently for urination, pressure on bladder long before urine comes, involuntary urination while coughing or sneezing.

Acupuncture: a great ancient Chinese natural treatment for interstitial cystitis

Many interstitial cystitis patients have witnessed tremendous improvement after trying out acupuncture. After intensive evaluation, acupuncturists place very thin needles in strategic points of your body. It has been documented to help deal with bladder pain syndrome, IC, and even bladder infections. As stress can lead to inflammation, acupuncture can greatly help lessen stress levels. The chances of side effects are also minimal, and acupuncture can be beneficial in improving the overall quality of life.

Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic

AE showed greater improvement in pain interference muscle sensitivity of the pelvic floor, with continuous effects on pain scores at 12 weeks compared to MA. This study demonstrates that patients tolerate and improve with weekly sessions of acupuncture treatment and that AS, specifically, can improve the quality of life of women with PBS.

Effectiveness of Acupuncture for interstitial cystitis pain control.

Physical Therapy for interstitial cystitis

Pelvic floor dysfunction is also common in many IC patients. In this case, physical therapy as a home treatment for interstitial cystitis can help alleviate the pain. Patients with IC experience constant pain and discomfort, which tightens the muscles in their pelvis. This can make urination uncomfortable. Physical therapy can aid in the relaxation of your pelvis and core strengthening. You should consult a physical therapist to find a solution for your symptoms.

Natural remedies for interstitial cystitis are generally safe and are a far more affordable option. They can help manage your symptoms considerably and provide significant relief. The effects can be even more profound when combined with other remedies or treatments.


IC symptoms can be very frustrating and challenging to manage. However, the right natural treatment for interstitial cystitis and customized natural remedies for interstitial cystitis can alleviate the condition to such an extent that it will not hinder your life. It’ll probably take a few experiments before you find the right remedy. Natural and home treatments for interstitial cystitis can be safely utilized for an effective solution. If you still don’t feel relief, you should consult your doctor immediately.

For the natural treatment of interstitial cystitis, contact the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic at (267) 403-3085 to schedule an appointment for an alternative holistic evaluation.