Natural Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

Natural and Home Remedies for UTIs

Home remedies for UTIs are the most commonly used form of urinary tract infection treatment.

Natural and home remedies for UTIs is Google’s #1 search criterion. Most women suffer from urinary tract infections at least once in a lifetime. Antibiotics are not the only answer if you want to eliminate urinary tract infection symptoms. It’s estimated that 40% of women will eventually suffer from UTI. But the good news is that natural home remedies for UTIs exist and can help you deal with the symptoms. You don’t need a prescription, and these home remedies for UTI can be carried out in the comforts of your home.

However, it’s essential to be cautious when trying DIY treatments. Ensure you don’t go overboard with them and consult your doctor beforehand.

These home remedies for UTIs can effectively eradicate UTI symptoms or prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Natural home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection

What Is A UTI?

Whenever bacteria enter your urinary tract, generally through the urethra, and multiply, a urinary tract infection develops. Your urinary tract includes the urethra, ureters, kidneys, and bladder. Infection can spread in any part of the urinary tract. However, UTI typically spreads from the bladder or urethra. If neglected for a long time, the infection can spread to the kidneys.

Generally, E. coli is the primary cause of UTI, but other fungi, viruses, and bacteria can also lead to an infection. The human body naturally possesses E. coli bacteria, but if it exists in large amounts, it can cause food poisoning and various infections. Natural home Remedies For UTIs are an effective and safe approach to UTI treatment.

Causes of UTI

A urinary system infection is known as a urinary tract infection (UTI). This kind of illness may affect one or more parts of your urinary tract:

  • Urethra (urethritis).
  • Bladder (cystitis).
  • Kidneys (pyelonephritis).

A result of your kidneys’ blood-filtering function is urine or pee. When your kidneys filter out waste materials and extra water from your blood, pee is produced. Usually, urine passes through your urinary tract cleanly. On the other hand, bacteria can enter your urinary system and lead to UTIs. When the body’s natural defenses cannot prevent it, bacteria can enter the urinary tract through the urethra, setting off an infection in the bladder. Generally, women are affected by these urinary tract infections, although anyone can get one. If the bacteria is allowed to spread, it can cause a full-blown infection of the urinary system.

There are different risk factors for urinary tract infections in different locations.


Escherichia coli (E. coli) is typically the cause of this kind of UTI. One kind of bacteria that is frequently discovered in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is E. coli. However, other microorganisms can also be the source.
You don’t need sexual activity to get a bladder infection, but having sex can increase your risk. Due to the anatomy of women, bladder infections are a common occurrence. The urethra and anus are near in females. Additionally, the bladder and the urethral entrance are near. This facilitates the entry of bacteria surrounding the anus into the urethra and subsequent passage to the bladder.

Urethritis (infection of the urethra.

The transmission of GI bacteria from the anus to the urethra can result in this kind of UTI. Sexually transmitted infections can also result in an infection of the urethra. They consist of mycoplasma, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes. Women’s urethras are located close to the vagina, which makes this possible.

UTI symptoms

Not all UTIs result in symptoms. Also, the symptoms depend on the location of inflammation. The severity of the symptoms may vary.

Affected part of the urinary tract  Signs and symptoms
  • Lower back pain radiating to the side of your lower back
  • High fever
  • Chills
  • Nausea and stomach sickness
  • Vomiting
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Lower stomach discomfort radiating to the genital area
  • Repeated, aching urination
  • Hematuria
  • Burning during and especially after urination
  • Blood and pus in discharge from the urethra

Risk factors for UTI

In women, UTIs are common. A lot of women get UTIs more than once in their lifetime. Particularly for women, risk factors for UTIs include:

  • Anatomy of women. Compared to men, women’s urethras are shorter. Bacteria have to travel less distance to reach the bladder as a result.
  • Engaging in sexual activity. The risk of UTIs appears to increase with sexual activity. Risk also rises when one partners sexually.
  • Some birth control methods. Diaphragm use as a method of birth control may raise the risk of UTIs. Additionally, using spermicidal drugs may raise risk.
  • Menopause. Urinary tract alterations result from a decrease in circulating estrogen after menopause. The modifications may make UTIs more likely.

Additional UTI risk factors are as follows:

  • Digestive tract issues. Urination difficulties may be experienced by newborns born with urinary tract issues. UTIs can result from urine backing up in the urethra.
  • Obstructions in the urinary system. Urine might become stuck in the bladder due to kidney stones or an enlarged prostate. The risk of UTIs is increased as a result.
  • A weakened defense mechanism. The body’s protection against pathogens the immune system, can be weakened by diabetes and other illnesses. The chance of UTIs may rise as a result.
  • Use of catheters. Individuals who cannot urinate independently frequently need to use a catheter or tube.

UTI risk is increased when using a catheter. Those who are hospitalized may utilize catheters. Those who are paraplegic or have neurological conditions that make it difficult to control urination may also use them.

A recent urological operation. A urinary tract infection (UTI) can be more likely to occur after a urinary surgery or a medical instrument-assisted urinary tract check.

Complications as a result of UTI

Lower urinary tract infections rarely result in problems when treated correctly and quickly. However, if addressed, UTIs can lead to major health issues.

A UTI’s complications could include:

  • Recurrent infections are defined as two or more UTIs in six months or three or more in a year. Recurrent infections are more common in women.
  • Irreversible kidney damage brought on by an untreated urinary tract infection.
  • Having a low birth weight or premature baby results from a pregnancy-related UTI.
  • A male urethral narrowing caused by recurrent urethral infections.
  • Sepsis is an infection-related consequence that may be fatal. This poses a concern, particularly if the infection progresses to the kidneys through the urinary tract.

Most common home remedies for UTIs

The first step, of course, is prevention. It’s always easier to prevent the problem than fight it.

The following actions could reduce the risk of UTIs:

  • Consume a lot of liquids, primarily water. Urine can be diluted by drinking water. This causes more urination, which helps to remove bacteria from the urinary tract before an infection starts.
  • Consider cranberry juice. Research into whether cranberry juice shields against UTIs is ongoing. On the other hand, cranberry juice is probably safe to consume.
  • From front to back, wipe. Follow up with this after a bowel movement and after peeing. It aids in halting the transfer of bacteria from the anus to the urethra and vagina.
  • Not too long after having sex, empty your bladder. To further aid in removing bacteria, sip a full glass of water.
  • Refrain from using feminine items that could irritate you. They may irritate the urethra when used in the genital area. Deodorant powders, douches, and sprays are some of these products.
  • Modify the way you use birth control. Bacterial growth can be facilitated by diaphragms, unlubricated condoms, or condoms coated with spermicide.

Drink Plenty of Water – #1 home remedy for urinary tract infection

If you have a UTI, the first thing you should do is gulp down your water glasses. It is an easy way of dealing with UTI symptoms. Drinking sufficient water can help in flushing away the infection-causing bacteria. It’ll put you on the right path to recovery.

You must drink plenty of water throughout the day, not just when thirsty. The Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends men drink about 125 ounces of water per day and 91 ounces every day for women. Drinking plenty of water is the #1 home remedy for urinary tract infections.

Increase Your Vitamin C Intake – #2 home remedy for UTIs

Increasing your Vitamin C intake is also a powerful natural remedy for urinary tract infections. Vitamin C can effectively increase your urine acidity, eliminating the infection-causing bacteria and helping your body fight against UTI.

In 2007, a study about UTIs among pregnant women tracked the result of taking 100mg of Vitamin C daily. The study concluded that Vitamin C led to a shielding effect, reducing the possibility of UTIs by more than half in those who took Vitamin C compared to those who didn’t.

Consuming Vitamin C-rich fruits like kiwifruit, grapefruit, oranges, and red peppers is an excellent way of fulfilling your required Vitamin C intake.  These fruits contain the recommended dosage in just one serving.

Sip Cranberry Juice – ranked #3 amongst home remedies for UTIs

If you’re looking for a natural cure for UTI, cranberry juice remains one of the most popular choices. Research conducted by the Journal of Nutrition reports that sipping cranberry juice can reduce the chances of a UTI by up to 26%.  The active ingredients in cranberries obstruct bacteria from sticking to your bladder walls, which is beneficial in combating UTIs. This natural remedy for urinary tract infections can benefit women experiencing recurrent UTIs.

Urinary Tract Infections in Women

Try Some Parsley or Turmeric

Parsley tea is another excellent natural remedy for UTIs. Not only does it possess detoxifying properties, but it’s also a diuretic, which will increase your urine flow. You can purchase some parsley tea or try some DIY by steeping 1/4th cup of freshly chopped parsley into a cup of boiling water for up to 5 minutes.

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are very advantageous in remedying UTI symptoms. Turmeric tea can be beneficial when experiencing the classic burning symptom. A generous amount of turmeric tea can significantly reduce the pain associated with UTI.

Homeopathic Remedies – #1 home remedies for UTIs

Homeopathy also offers numerous Natural Remedies For UTIs. They’re natural and safe and provide a practical alternative approach. When it comes to homeopathic remedies, the goal is to find remedies that match the symptoms. Even minute details like urine odor and color are taken into consideration. Following are some common homeopathic remedies:

Cantharis is the #1 Homeopathic remedy for UTI and is an effective remedy for burning urine. The symptoms associated with burning urine are:

  • A constant urge to pee
  • Hot and cloudy-looking urine
  • A sensation of burning and itching in the urethra
  • The primary occurrence of pain in the urethra and not in the bladder
  • Burning pain that worsens after peeing

Cantharis can be used to relieve many symptoms.

Apis Mellifica 6x is a remarkable homeopathic remedy for UTIs manifested in stinging pain. Stinging pain includes the following symptoms:

  • Scalding urine
  • Milky-looking urine with a pungent odor

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you can get yourself Apis Mellifica 6x from any homeopathic store.

Other homeopathic home remedies for urinary tract infections:

Staphisagria is an excellent remedy for suppressed anger. If you’re repressing your anger or just underwent an invasive surgery before the occurrence of UTI, Staphysagria is an effective treatment. Your mental health significantly affects your physical health. This homeopathic remedy will significantly benefit you in relieving your anger as well as the symptoms associated with UTI. It’s also an excellent remedy for low backache that’s typical with UTI due to inflammation of the kidneys or from referred pain. Staphysagria is a beautiful remedy for suppressing your UTI symptoms until you refer to a homeopath.

Equisetum is an exceptional Homeopathic remedy for urinary tract infections accompanied by dull but severe pain that’s not relieved even after urination. With such pain, there’s a constant urge to pee. However, even after constant urination, you may still experience severe pain. The urine is commonly light or clear-colored and in excessive amounts. Additionally, Equisetum is also an effective treatment to prevent bedwetting among children.

Consulting a homeopath is the best solution to receiving personalized treatment for your symptoms.

Conclusion on Natural  Home Remedies for UTIs

These are not the only ways you can suppress or prevent UTI symptoms. Along with these, you must practice good sexual and bathroom hygiene. You should also prevent holding your urine for extended periods.

UTI is quite common but can be excruciating to experience. However, initiating healthy habits, staying hydrated, and incorporating some bacteria-fighting ingredients in your diet should be enough to deal with it. If the symptoms don’t subside after following the above-mentioned tips, you should consult a medical professional. Remember that natural home remedies For UTIs are safe and effective. In many cases, it can help you with the symptoms of UTI and prevent new episodes of this illness.

Treatment with natural home remedies for UTIs near me.

Are you looking for Natural treatment for UTI in your area – you are in the right place. Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic – The Division of Philadelphia Holistic Clinic is Philadelphia’s #1 homeopathic center, directed by the Medical Doctor and Homeopath Victor Tsan.

Contact us at (267) 403-3085 to book your appointment with Dr. Tsan for initial evaluation and treatment, or use our online scheduling application.