Effective Natural treatments For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

Treating carpal tunnel syndrome should begin immediately after the onset of symptoms. At first, simple things you can do alone can make the problem disappear.

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For example:

  • Take more breaks to rest your hands.
  • Avoid activities that make symptoms worse.
  • Apply cold compresses to reduce swelling.

Other treatment options include a wrist splint, medication, and surgery. Splints and other conservative treatments are more likely to help if you’ve only had mild to moderate symptoms that come and go for less than ten months. If you experience numbness and weakness in your hand, consider seeing a doctor ASAP.

Non-surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

If the condition is diagnosed early, nonsurgical methods can help improve carpal tunnel syndrome, including:

Wrist splinting.

The splint, which keeps the wrist still while you sleep, can help relieve night-time tingling and numbness symptoms. Even if you only wear a brace at night, it can help prevent daytime symptoms. An overnight splint can be a good option if you are pregnant, as it does not require any medications to be effective.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) can help relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome in the short term.
However, there is no evidence that these medications improve carpal tunnel syndrome.


The doctor may inject a corticosteroid such as cortisone into the carpal tunnel to relieve pain. Sometimes, the doctor uses an ultrasound to guide these injections.
Corticosteroids diminish inflammation and swelling and thus relieve pressure on the median nerve. Oral corticosteroids are less effective than corticosteroid injections for treating carpal tunnel syndrome.
If carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by rheumatoid arthritis or another inflammatory arthritis, treating arthritis can reduce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. However, this is not proven.

Surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

Surgical intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome may be appropriate if the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are severe and do not respond to other conservative treatments.
Carpal tunnel surgery aims to relieve pressure by cutting the ligament by pressing on the median nerve.
Surgery can be performed using one of the following two different techniques:

Endoscopic surgery.

The surgeon uses a telescope-like device with a tiny connected camera (endoscope) to see inside the carpal tunnel. The orthopedic surgeon cuts the ligament at the level of the wrist. Some orthopedic surgeons may use an ultrasound probe instead of a telescope to guide the scalpel or laser knife.

Endoscopic surgery may cause less pain than open surgery in the first days or weeks after surgery.

Open surgery.

The orthopedic surgeon makes an incision in the palm above the carpal tunnel and cuts the ligament to free the nerve up.

Discuss the risks and benefits of each technique with your surgeon before surgery. Operational risks can be:

  • Incomplete release of the tape
  • Wound infections
  • Scarring
  • Injury to nerves or blood vessels

During the healing process after the operation, the ligament tissue gradually grows back together and leaves more space for the nerve. This internal healing process usually takes several months, but the skin heals in a few weeks.
Your doctor will generally encourage you to use your hand after the ligament has healed and gradually return to regular use while avoiding initial vigorous hand movements or extreme wrist positions.
Pain or weakness can take several weeks to a few months to resolve after the operation. If the symptoms are severe, you may not experience 100% relief after surgery.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pathology of carpal Tunnel Syndome and Natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

When there’s pressure on your median nerve, you can suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. Ligaments and bones surround the carpal tunnel on your hand’s palm side. When this median nerve is compressed, you can suffer from weakness, tingling, and numbness in your hands and arms.

Your wrist’s anatomy, health issues, and repetitive hand motions can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. With effective treatment, numbness and tingling can be relieved, and typical hand and wrist function can be restored. Natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome can be practical if you suffer from this condition.

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression on the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel.
The median nerve runs from your forearm to your hand through a passage in your wrist (carpal tunnel). It provides a feel for the palm side of your thumb and fingers, except for the little finger. It also provides nerve signals to move the muscles around the base of the thumb (motor function).

Causes of CTS
Anything that squeezes or irritates the carpal tunnel space’s median nerve can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. A wrist fracture can narrow the carpal tunnel and irritate the nerve, as can the swelling and inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
Most of the time, carpal tunnel syndrome has no single cause. A combination of risk factors may contribute to the development of the condition.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you’re suffering from carpal syndrome, you may experience the following symptoms

  • Weakness: One of the most common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is a weakness in your hands. This can result from the weakness of your thumbs, pinching muscles, or numbness in your hands, which are controlled by your median nerve.
  • Numbness or tingling: If you have carpal tunnel, you’ll also experience numbness or tingling in your hands or fingers. The most affected areas are usually the ring, middle, index, and thumb fingers. The sensation is quite similar to an electric shock. Generally, these symptoms occur while you’re holding a newspaper, phone, or steering wheel, or the symptoms may wake you up while sleeping.


Many people resort to shaking their hands to relieve the symptoms. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you can try out alternative treatments for carpal tunnel.

Natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

Natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome often appears to be more effective than the only one known traditional treatment – surgery. Natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndromeThere is a general lack of awareness about carpal tunnel. It’s not life-threatening, but if left untreated, this condition can result in a lack of coordination and weakness in your thumb and fingers. However, the pain generally fades away with effective treatment, and you’ll experience no permanent damage to your wrist or hand. Most people resort to traditional methods for treatment, but these can often bring a lot of adverse side effects. For a safe alternative, you can opt for a natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, which can provide beautiful results without any adverse effects.

Approaches and Techniques

Natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

The below-mentioned natural and alternative treatments can provide excellent results. You might have to try a few before finding the proper treatment for your condition.

Yoga – effective natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

If you want an alternative treatment for carpal tunnel at home, yoga is a beautiful option. Yoga stretches for your forearm, wrist, and hand can be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of carpal syndrome. Various yoga exercises targeting your hands, arms, and wrists can benefit carpal tunnel syndrome patients.

However, remember that yoga for carpal tunnel will require some practice and time to perfect. If you do it wrong, you might end up causing more damage. Seek a qualified yoga practitioner before trying this natural carpal syndrome treatment. After you master it, you can safely try it at home.

Acupuncture – the most popular natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

Acupuncture for carpal tunnel syndrome is another excellent natural remedy. In this ancient Chinese method, very thin needles are placed in specific points of your body to encourage natural healing. Research confirms that acupuncture can significantly relieve carpal tunnel symptoms more than general care and even anti-depressants. Acupuncture for carpal tunnel syndrome works by ‘remapping’ your brain. It can also impart a healing effect at the root of the pain in your wrists, providing significant relief. A major advantage of acupuncture is that it is non-invasive and has no known side effects.

After your acupuncture session, there will be no bleeding or bruising. However, make sure that your acupuncturist is well-trained and licensed. Another advantage of acupuncture is that it’s an excellent complementary treatment. You can combine it with alternative treatments, like homeopathic treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Homeopathic remedies for carpal tunnel

Various research supports the effectiveness of homeopathy for carpal tunnel syndrome. Various homeopathic remedies for carpal tunnel can provide significant relief from symptoms. Homeopathy doesn’t just concentrate on your symptoms; the whole self and treatment can be personalized, particularly for your condition. Some common homeopathic remedies for carpal tunnel include:

  • Arnica Montana: This homeopathic remedy can be excellent if you suffer from strains.
  • Hypericum: If you’ve encountered injuries to your nerves or severe pain with a crawling sensation, hypericum can provide excellent results
  • Plumbum Metallicum: If you have trouble lifting objects or suffer from paralysis due to overexertion, this homeopathic remedy can be very effective. The symptoms can also get worse at night.
  • Ruta: If you’re experiencing stiffness and pain in your hand and wrists or contraction of your fingers, Ruta can help minimize the symptoms.

Homeopathy, a natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, causes no known side effects. The results can be outstanding in conjunction with other alternative treatments.

Lifestyle Changes – the essential part of Natural treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome

Along with alternative treatment for carpal tunnel, you can also initiate some lifestyle changes to help reduce the symptoms.

Experts suggest the following measures:

  • Prevent sleeping on the hands or with your wrists in bent postures
  • Don’t exert too much pressure on your hands while carrying out activities like writing
  • Avoid using tools that vibrate, like floor sanders or jackhammers
  • Don’t hold objects in the same position for a long time
  • If you’re doing activities that require repetitive hand movements, take breaks frequently
  • If you feel numbness, pain, and discomfort, stop the activity immediately
  • Whenever possible, avoid frequent wrist and hand movements


The sooner you seek treatment, the better the results. You can fully recover from this condition with effective carpal tunnel treatment. If you choose a natural treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, the remedies mentioned above can provide excellent results. Most people can give great results even compared to traditional allopathic surgery.

It’ll take some time to see results, but they are safe, gentle, and non-invasive. They are also significantly more affordable. Along with some lifestyle changes, natural treatment will help you achieve full recovery. If you still don’t see any changes, you must seek medical intervention as there might be more significant problems.

Philadelphia Holistic Clinic houses different natural treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome

The best specialists in each method will work with you and bring the functioning of your radial nerve to normal.

Contact our clinic to schedule your first appointment for the alternative comprehensive evaluation with the medical doctor Victor Tsan, who will discuss your treatment plan and assign your medical case to the proper medical provider.