Treatments for Hypocalcemia: Best Options

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1 Treatment for hypocalcemia.

Treatment for hypocalcemia.

Treatment for hypocalcemia and the options of hypocalcemia treatments do not fall under any specific protocol. This is because hypocalcemia has variable risk factors and causes. Depending on the medical condition that causes hypocalcemia, treatment would be different, and the treatment options may vary from OTC dietary supplements to surgical interventions.

Treatment for hypocalcemia

What is hypocalcemia?

“What is hypocalcemia?” is one of the most common questions women after 50 ask their physicians. “Do I have hypocalcemia?” This is another common question.

Hypocalcemia, a calcium deficiency disease, happens when the blood lacks enough calcium. This is called low calcium levels.

A long-term lack of calcium can cause dental changes, cataracts, changes in the brain, and osteoporosis, which weakens bones.

People who don’t get enough calcium may not show any signs at first. Although it isn’t usually dangerous, it can be very dangerous if they don’t get help.

This article discusses how to keep or treat calcium deficiency disease at bay or get better. We also talk about how it works and who is at risk.

Causes of hypocalcemia

Causes of hypocalcemia

Large amounts of calcium are usually flushed out when you urinate, or too little calcium is taken into your blood from your bones. People with certain genetic traits, vitamin deficiencies, or other problems could be blamed for this.

One of the following conditions can be a cause of hypocalcemia:


  • Hyperparathyroidism. A group of bones called parathyroids is found behind your ear and in the back of your neck. When your body needs calcium, your parathyroid glands make parathyroid hormone (PTH), which helps you get enough of it. Hypocalcemia is when you suffer from hyperparathyroidism and make less PTH than you need, which means you also make less calcium.
  • Pseudohyperparathyroidism. This is a condition that comes from your genes. Your body can’t respond to PTH. It makes you make too little calcium, which causes your body to be low on calcium.
    Having no parathyroid glands when you are born is bad. Some people are born with no parathyroid glands at all. It can also happen if you have DiGeorge syndrome, which is when you don’t have a part of chromosome 22. This can make your parathyroid glands smaller than they should be.
  • Hypomagnesemia. In this case, you have a very low level of magnesium in your blood, which can be dangerous. If you have less magnesium in your body, the PTH can’t work as well.
  • Lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a steroid that helps to keep calcium levels in the body normal. Having less vitamin D makes your body have a hard time taking in calcium. A lot of the time, this happens if you aren’t getting enough food or getting enough sun exposure.
  • Kidney trouble. Renal failure or disease drains the calcium levels in your blood constantly.
  • Calcium deficiency in food. If you don’t eat enough calcium or have a condition that makes it hard for your body to absorb calcium, this can cause hypocalcemia.
  • Pancreatitis refers to an inflamed pancreas. The body’s defenses against pancreatitis often cause low calcium levels in the blood.
  • Certain medicines. Drugs like rifampin, which is an antibiotic, and phenytoin and phenobarbital, which are anti-seizure drugs, can make you do this. Also, medicines that fight bone cancer and other bone problems are linked to hypocalcemia. These drugs are alendronate, ibandronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid. They can help people who have bone loss.

Causes of hypocalcemia

What are the symptoms of hypocalcemia?

Calcium is important for many bodily functions, so a lack of it can greatly impact everything from the muscles, bones, and teeth to your mental health.

If a low diet causes calcium deficiency, there are usually no early signs. Someone can get osteopenia in the long run when their bones aren’t strong enough. Without treatment, this can lead to osteoporosis, which is weak bones.

However, what people eat isn’t typically the cause of a calcium deficiency. It usually comes from health problems or treatments, like kidney failure, stomach removal, or the use of certain medications, like diuretics.

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Having too little calcium can make someone feel the following symptoms of hypocalcemia:

  • Aches, cramps, and spasms in the body
  • When you walk or move, you feel pain in your hips and arms, as well as numbness and tingling in your hands and arms. There is also pain around your mouth.
  • Some of these symptoms may come and go, but they don’t usually go away if you do many things.

Deficiency can cause more extreme feelings:

  • convulsions
  • A person is exhausted to the point where he or she can
  • People who don’t get enough calcium can get tired, which means they don’t have a lot of energy and feel sluggish. It can also make you sleepy.
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness, and brain fog, all symptoms of a calcium deficiency, can also make you tired. These symptoms include a lack of focus, forgetfulness, and confusion.

Symptoms of hypocalcemia on nails and skin

Long-term hypocalcemia can lead to:

  • Dry skin, nails that are broken, brittle, or have split ends
  • Hair loss caused by coarse hair alopecia, which causes hair to fall out in places,
  • An inflammation that can make body parts itchy or dry is eczema or dermatitis.
  • Psoriasis

Osteoporosis or osteopenia.

  • The bones store calcium well, but they need a lot of it to stay strong. When there is insufficient calcium, the body can take some from the bones, making them more brittle and easy to break.
  • Osteopenia, a loss of mineral density in the bones that can happen over time, can happen when you don’t get enough calcium.
  • This can cause osteoporosis, which weakens the bones and makes them more likely to break, as well as pain and problems with posture.
  • A calcium deficiency can cause osteoporosis and other problems in the body. It can take years for these problems to start.

Severe PMS – one of the symptoms of hypocalcemia.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can get very bad if you don’t get enough calcium.

A 2017 study found that participants taking 500 milligrams (mg) of calcium every day for two months were happier and less likely to have water retention.

In 2019, a study found that low levels of vitamin D and calcium in the second half of the menstrual cycle might be linked to PMS symptoms. The team thought supplements could help ease the symptoms.

Other symptoms of hypocalcemia manifest on your teeth.

When the body doesn’t have enough calcium, it takes it from places like your teeth. This can cause your teeth to become fragile. This can cause dental problems, such as:

  • Teeth start to decay
  • Brittle teeth cause the gums to hurt.
  • Teeth have weak roots and falling
  • Also, if an infant doesn’t get enough calcium, their teeth won’t grow properly.

Depression is another common symptom of hypocalcemia

Calcium deficiency may be linked to mood disorders, such as depression, but more research is needed to prove this.

Anyone who thinks they might be depressed because they don’t get enough calcium should see a doctor. After a doctor checks the person’s calcium levels, he or she may give them a calcium supplement or propose another strategy for treating hypocalcemia.

When to call a doctor regarding hypocalcemia

A doctor should talk to anyone who has symptoms of a low calcium level. They can order tests to see how much calcium is in the blood if they want to.

Hypocalcemia, or a calcium deficiency, occurs when blood calcium concentrations are below 8.8 milligrams per deciliter. Doctors call it this.

The recommended daily allowance for food for the prevention and treatment of hypocalcemia

Adults who are 19–50 years old should get 1,000 mg of calcium every day.

On the other hand, older people need more, but women at least 51 and men at least 71 should get 1,200 mg of calcium a day.

Calcium deficiency disease is not uncommon.

Health experts have yet to determine the prevalence of this deficiency, but some groups are more likely to have it.

  • Postmenopausal people are people who don’t get their period.
  • A deficiency can happen to people in the United States who are older than 4, especially women-teenagers. Males 9–18 or older than 51 may also be at risk.
  • According to estimates from 2015, 3.5 billion people worldwide are at risk of not getting enough calcium because they don’t eat enough calcium-rich foods.
  • In 2013, researchers in the United Kingdom said that calcium deficiency is still common in people with long-term illnesses.

Three years later, researchers in Pakistan said that of 252 women who were between the ages of 18 and 51, 41 percent said they didn’t get enough calcium and vitamin D, and 78 percent said they felt pain in their backs, legs, and joints because they didn’t get enough of these nutrients.

Overall, women are less likely than men to get enough calcium from their food. Many women don’t know that they have low levels.

Complications of hypocalcemia

Dietary rules and limitations to treat and prevent hypocalcemia

Diet is important for the management, prevention, and treatment of hypocalcemia.

It would be best if you ate a healthy, rich-in-calcium diet, paid attention to your weight, and worked out. Keep your bones strong, and you’ll be able to keep moving into your 70s and 80s.

You even ensure you have a healthy breakfast of natural whole wheat squares topped with cold, vitamin-D-fortified milk for the start of the day.

A healthy start to the day sounds good. But you might not want to eat whole-wheat cereal and milk to build up your bone mass. Some foods, like wheat, make it hard for your body to get calcium.

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Phytates take up calcium.

High-fiber foods have phytates, which stop the body from getting calcium from other foods. Eating high-fiber whole-wheat cereals with milk, macaroni, and cheese may be good, but they don’t help your bones grow.

Phytates, found in whole grains, legumes (dried beans), nuts, and soy products, bind the calcium of other foods when they are eaten simultaneously. This can cause your body to store too much calcium. When calcium is stuck together, the body can’t use it, so it can’t do anything.

Oxalic acid stops calcium from being absorbed.

Foods high in oxalic acid also make it hard for calcium to be absorbed because they clog up the mineral.

Spinach has a lot of calcium in it and a lot of oxalic acid, which can make you sick. The body can’t use the calcium it gets from the food. Oxalic acid can also be found in beet greens, rhubarb, and sweet potatoes.

These foods aren’t good for you because they don’t have a lot of calcium. However, they have other nutrients and minerals that help the body stay healthy.

No, protein doesn’t stop calcium from being absorbed.

Many nutritionists have said that a lot of protein makes the kidneys flush the calcium out of the body. However, new research shows that protein may help the body absorb calcium in the intestines.

More tests must be done to determine how protein affects the body’s ability to process calcium. Don’t drink milk when you eat beef stew, chili, or steak for dinner. Then, after your meal, drink your milk.

Beer, cheese, and snacks are a great way to lose calcium because they all contain calcium.

Alcohol and salty foods help flush calcium out of the body. As calcium levels in the blood fall, the body takes calcium from the bones to get the calcium it needs to work properly. There is a risk that flushing calcium can make the bones porous, leading to osteoporosis, which is weak bone.

You can eat spinach and get more calcium simultaneously, which is great.

Wheat and other “bad-to-the-bone” foods give you many other important vitamins and minerals for your health. If you drink milk or eat foods high in calcium, don’t eat these foods at the same time.

Foods that bind or flush calcium can be very good for your health if you eat them at the right time. Calcium-binding foods should be eaten at least two hours before or after you eat foods with a lot of calcium. This allows your body to get the most vitamins and minerals from all types of food simultaneously. It would help if you changed your meals immediately to get all the nutritional benefits from your food. This way, your body won’t be able to get the calcium it needs every day.

Management for hypocalcemia

To keep calcium from flushing out:

Avoid eating foods with more than 20% of the recommended amount of sodium.

Take it easy on the alcohol. Don’t drink more than two or three alcoholic drinks a day!

Therapies that are both complementary and alternative are highly effective for hypocalcemia treatment.

You need to take calcium and vitamin D supplements if you have hypoparathyroidism. Your doctor will give you the right dose based on your blood tests. The dose you take should not be changed without consulting your doctor. Your doctor will also tell you to take calcium several times a day to help your body absorb it.

Nutrition and supplements are important for your health and should accompany any form of treatment for hypocalcemia.

People who have hypoparathyroidism may feel better if they follow these nutrition tips.

  • Do not take supplements without consulting your doctor first.
  • Remove all possible food allergens from your diet, such as dairy, wheat (gluten), soy, corn, preservatives, and food additives. When you go to the doctor, he or she might want to check for food allergies.
  • Eat calcium-rich foods, like beans, almonds, and dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and kale), to keep your bones strong. If you aren’t getting enough of a certain food, talk to your doctor about how much you should eat.
  • Avoid foods like white bread, pasta, and sugar that aren’t whole foods, like milk, eggs, and meat.
  • Eat less red meat and lean meats, cold-water fish, tofu (soy), or beans for protein, and avoid eating as many red meats as possible.
  • Use olive oil or vegetable oil when cooking.
  • Reduce or eliminate trans fats, which are found in commercially baked goods like cookies, crackers, cakes, and donuts. Also, don’t eat French fries, onion rings, processed foods, or margarine, and don’t use margarine on your food.
  • Limit carbonated drinks. Because they have a lot of phosphates in them, they can take calcium from your bones.
  • Coffee and other stimulants, alcohol, and tobacco should not be taken in large amounts.
  • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water that has been filtered every single day.
  • If you’re not allergic to soy, drink soy milk for bone health unless you don’t like soy.
  • You should work out for at least 30 minutes daily, five days a week.

You can help your body get the nutrients it needs by taking the following supplements:

  • A multivitamin daily, with antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, the B-complex vitamins, and trace minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and selenium. These vitamins and minerals help your body stay healthy.
  • You should take 200 mg of ipriflavone (isoflavones from soy) a day for bone loss. Ipriflavone can interact with many different medicines and may not be safe for people with weak immune systems.
  • Take 1 to 2 fish oil capsules or 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls of oil daily to reduce inflammation and keep your body running at a healthy rate.
  • Some blood-thinning drugs, like warfarin (Coumadin) and aspirin, may work better with omega-3 fatty acids.

Best food for calcium deficiency

Foods that are high in calcium are an important part of treatment for hypocalcemia.

  • Almonds\Legumes
  • Greens with dark leaves
  • It is made from blackstrap molasses, which is a type of sugar.
  • Oats\Sardines
  • Tahini\Prunes\Apricots

Taking calcium with a glass of orange juice may help your body absorb calcium better. Squeezing lemon juice over leafy greens can also add acid to your food.

Herbs as a treatment for hypocalcemia

Herbs are usually sold in pills, capsules, or tablets made from standardized dried extracts, teas, or tinctures (alcohol extraction unless otherwise noted). Liquid extracts can be mixed with your favorite drink. A cup of tea should have 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls of tea in it. The tea should be steeped for 10 to 15 minutes (roots need longer).

For the parathyroid gland, you should take 20 to 40 mg of the standardized extract of the Chaste Tree (Vitex Agnus Castus) every day before breakfast. Chaste trees can interact with many medications, especially hormone-based medications and some hormonal conditions. It would be best to talk to your doctor about this before taking it.

Homeopathy is the #1 holistic treatment for hypocalcemia

Professional homeopaths may use the following remedies to treat hypoparathyroidism based on their knowledge and experience: There have been very few studies on the effectiveness of specific homeopathic therapies. If you’re going to be given a homeopathic remedy, homeopaths take into account your constitutional type, which is how you’re made up physically, emotionally, and psychologically. An expert homeopath looks at everything when deciding which treatment is best for each person.

The most commonly used homeopathic remedies for the treatment of hypocalcemia are:

  • Calcarea Carbonica
  • Calcarea Phosphorica
  • Calcarea Fluorica
  • Silicea
  • Magnesia Carbonica
  • Magnesia Muriaticum
  • Magnesia Phosphorica
  • Zincum Metallicum
  • Natrum Muriaticum
  • Natrum Phosphorica
  • Kalium phosphorica

Naturopathic Treatments for Hypocalcemia in Philadelphia

A lack of calcium in your diet, health issues, or medical procedures could all contribute to a calcium deficiency.

The best thing to do is to eat more calcium. When this isn’t possible, a doctor might suggest taking supplements, either oral tablets or injections, to help your body.

Most people who get treatment for hypocalcemia start to see a change in their symptoms of hypocalcemia in a few weeks. However, if calcium deficiency has already caused osteoporosis, a change in diet will not resolve the problem. In this case, more specific holistic approaches that force calcium to return to bones are acupuncture, homeopathy, and energy healing.

All these methods are available for patients separately or in combination at the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic. 

The team of holistic professionals works here under the supervision of medical doctor Victor Tsan.

To schedule your initial evaluation appointment and discuss your best treatment options with Dr. Tsan, contact us at (267) 284-3085 or use our online secure application.