Facial Acupuncture Performed by Da Wei Hu, LAc

Facial acupuncture

Facial acupuncture is developed on principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and thus becomes the foundation of the process of rejuvenation and revitalization. Cosmetic acupuncture addresses the underlying issues that impact how you look because your face reflects your total health. Try a natural method before undergoing risky and expensive surgical procedures!

Since the pandemic started, many people have developed a need for a more holistic approach to beauty, especially regarding skincare. Recent trends in the beauty industry include facial massage therapies like Gua sha, jade rolling, and cupping. According to Traditional Chinese medicine specialist Da Wei Hu, LAc, cosmetic acupuncture is one of these therapies.

Facial acupuncture

Looking better comes with feeling better. You can be questioned about past illnesses for the first time as part of a beautification procedure during a Facial acupuncture rejuvenation! You might take solace in the fact that many people have come before you. Since the Sung Dynasty in China’s ninth century, when the Empresses and their consorts employed it as part of their health and beauty regimen, Facial acupuncture has been a “fashion.”

Each person ages differently because of their experiences and illnesses, which leave marks on their bodies and faces that reflect their unique lives. Facial acupuncture begins with a constitutional treatment that corrects underlying imbalances and reduces stress while enhancing digestion, sleep, and immune function.

Cosmetic acupuncture, sometimes known as Facial acupuncture, focuses on a patient’s cosmetic issue specifically, usually one that affects the face. Similar to traditional acupuncture, it entails carefully positioning ultra-thin, sterile needles into various parts of the skin to increase blood flow and balance the body’s Qi (which, when translated, means “vital energy” in Traditional Chinese Medicine).

Even though the complexion is frequently the area to focus on for outcomes, the technique uses acupuncture sites across the body and face. Although there may be a paucity of clinical trials that specifically address its cosmetic advantages, conventional acupuncture patients have become more and more interested in it, and both dermatologists and acupuncturists have discussed its possible advantages.

Facial rejuvenation.

The skin suffers as a result of getting through the day. Over time, the stresses of daily life and the years we’ve survived start to show on our skin. It can be devastating to your self-esteem and a general feeling of satisfaction when age starts to show in your appearance. Our knowledgeable staff at Philadelphia Holistic Clinic is aware that face rejuvenation procedures are the finest approach to making you and your skin look better than before.

Benefits of facial acupuncture

Is it time to consider face rejuvenation procedures to improve your appearance? Many women and men struggle to determine the ideal time to undergo aesthetic procedures that revitalize and freshen their appearance; some believe that doing so too soon isn’t worth the time, while others are unsure of the severity of their aesthetic difficulties. However, the truth is that when you are unhappy with your appearance, then it is the greatest time for you to receive rejuvenation treatment.

Five Symptoms to Look for Facial Acupuncture Treatment

There are five signs of aging that prompt patients to think about receiving rejuvenation therapy. If you exhibit even one of these symptoms, regardless of how severe or mild your symptoms are, it may be time to take the plunge and begin your first round of treatment.

  1. Minor wrinkles and lines

Almost every part of the face can develop fine lines and wrinkles, but the ones that are most frequently linked to aging are the lines on the chin, frown lines, lines between the brows and on the forehead, expression lines around the lips and nose, and lines on the forehead. When collagen production in the skin starts to slow down, which occurs for the majority of adults between the ages of 40 and 50, wrinkles and fine lines typically start to appear.

  1. More Exposed Skin

Skin laxity is the term used to describe the skin’s increased thinness, dryness, and looseness. Skin laxity is most frequently observed around the eyes, brow, and cheeks, especially in the cheek hollows. Skin laxity, or the skin’s diminished ability to recover its shape, is referred to as skin elasticity. While chronic dryness can lead to some skin laxity, inadequate amounts of collagen and elastin in the subdermal layers of the skin are also a factor in skin laxity that worsens with age.

  1. An uneven skin texture and tone

Anyone can develop uneven skin tone and texture, although people over the age of 40 are more likely to experience it. You may have rosacea, ruddiness from broken capillaries, or other problems with the toning of your skin if your skin has an uneven skin tone, which is the distortion of your skin’s complexion. Uneven skin texture typically describes the skin as being dry and having a rough, bumpy, or dimpled surface.

  1. Acne and scarring from acne

Acne is a problem that affects adults as well as children. Even in their 30s and 40s, individuals still experience acne, particularly those with hormonal acne. Acne is characterized by enlarged pores that produce a lot of oil or sebum on the face, along with pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne scarring includes enlarged pores, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and the dimpled or “pit-mark” appearance of the skin’s surface.

  1. Discolorations and blemishes

Dark spots and blemishes are indications of skin deterioration that have finally manifested themselves. Blemishes can range from pockmarks to melasma, increased freckling, or new moles on the face. Dark spots and sunspots are typically caused by unprotected sun exposure. Older folks are more likely to develop flaws and dark patches.

An all-natural and secure alternative to surgery or other invasive cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation is Facial acupuncture.

What happens during a cosmetic acupuncture session?

To obtain a better understanding of how your current physical and emotional condition is influencing your complexions, such as puffiness, fine wrinkles, and acne, your practitioner may begin a visit by inquiring about your digestion, menstruation, sleep, energy levels, and food, according to Da Wei Hu, LAc.

facial acupuncture

The acupuncturist will next create a treatment plan, outlining where on the body and face the needles will be put and left in place until they are taken out. Facials, masks, microcurrent, face cupping, Gua sha, LED therapy, guided meditation, and other procedures may be used as part of enhanced therapies. It’s crucial to remember that your acupuncturist should also be a certified aesthetician or working hand by hand with an esthetician if you’re interested in hybrid treatments that involve LED or a facial.

Contraindications for facial acupuncture.

While Facial acupuncture does not cause any side effects, Dr. Da Wei Hu recommended using the following guidelines.

Facial acupuncture is not advised for anyone with certain pituitary abnormalities, cardiac conditions, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, pacemakers, bleeding, or bruising issues or who is currently, at the time of the procedure, experiencing migraine headaches.

Cosmetic acupuncture for facial rejuvenation should not be performed when pregnant, while sick with the flu or a cold, while experiencing an allergic reaction while experiencing an acute herpes outbreak, or within three weeks after receiving Botox, Restylane, or collagen injections. Please get in touch with us so that we can talk about whether you are a candidate for Facial acupuncture for skin rejuvenation.

What possible negative consequences might cosmetic acupuncture lead to?

According to Dr. Da Wei Hu, potential short-term adverse effects include temporary aggravation of symptoms, pain, bruises, muscle twitching, and mild bleeding at injection sites. To treat these side effects, one option is to remove the needles, apply direct pressure to the areas that are bleeding (during the session), and, in the case of bruises, use the topical and oral forms of Arnica Montana as directed by a doctor or healthcare professional.

Working with a qualified professional who has at least a master’s degree in the field is crucial, says Dr. Da Wei Hu. Finding a practitioner with a license and a lot of expertise can help limit the possibility of suffering any negative effects from cosmetic acupuncture to a minimum.

What is the price of facial acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture can range in price from $100 to $500 for each session, depending on the facility, your geographic location, the number of treatments you receive, and whether or not additional therapies are included in your appointments.

Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture in Philadelphia.

At the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, Da Wei Hu, Lac, the chairman of the acupuncture department, provides traditional Facial acupuncture treatments based on the 5-elements philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Da Wei Hu’s academic and clinical experience makes Facial acupuncture at the clinic highly effective and safe. We strongly recommend combining Facial acupuncture with a buccal massage performed by Marina Latman, LE, at the same clinic. This combinational treatment aims to completely rejuvenate facial skin and apply a sculptural effect, reducing wrinkles, lines, and puffiness, removing dark spots and blemishes, subsiding the relief of acne scars, volumizing lips, and improving blood circulation in general. After either buccal massage or Facial acupuncture, we always use 100% natural and organic facial sheet masks to reduce skin irritation and relax facial muscles.

Also, at the clinic, homeopathic practitioner Dr. Victor Tsan may prescribe, in addition to facial acupuncture, homeopathic remedies that will improve facial skin morphology and physiology.

To schedule your appointment, contact us at (267) 403-3085.