Paresthesia Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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1 Paresthesia Disease

Paresthesia Disease

Paresthesia disease is a condition that changes how you feel in your body. You might feel tingling, numbness, or a burning sensation.1 It happens when nerves are damaged or are not working well. This can stem from insufficient blood flow, certain diseases, or even your medication.1 Paresthesia disease can happen in your hands, feet, arms, and other body parts. Its effects can be mild or quite strong.2 It’s important to find the real issue to treat paresthesia correctly.

Create an image that shows the tingling sensation associated with Paresthesia Disease. Use abstract shapes and colors to depict the discomfort that the affected body part is experiencing. Show how this sensation can create a disconnect between the person and their surroundings, making them feel isolated and alone.

Key Takeaways

  • Paresthesia is a medical condition characterized by abnormal sensations like tingling, numbness, and burning.
  • Paresthesia can affect various body parts, including the hands, feet, arms, legs, tongue, and scalp.
  • Underlying causes of paresthesia can include nerve compression, circulatory problems, metabolic disorders, and certain medications.
  • Proper diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause are crucial for managing paresthesia effectively.
  • Paresthesia can be transient or chronic, and persistent or worsening symptoms require medical attention.

What is Paresthesia Disease?


Paresthesia is a strange medical condition. It brings on feelings like tingling, numbness, or burning in parts of your body.1 These feelings come from nerve problems. They often have different causes. It can be either for a short while or all the time. These sensations usually happen in your hands, feet, arms, legs, tongue, or scalp.1

Definition and Overview

Paresthesia is when you feel things like tingling or numbness because of nerve damage.1 This condition can be mild or serious. And it really affects how you go about your day and your life.

Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms are numbness, tingling, and feeling like you’re being pricked or burned.1 These can happen in different body parts. They can be just a little bothersome or very hard to handle.1

Symptom Description
Numbness   A loss of sensation or feeling in the affected area is often described as a “pins and needles” sensation.
Tingling A prickling or tingling sensation may feel like the affected area is “asleep.”
Prickling A sensation of being pricked by needles or pins, often accompanied by a burning or itching feeling.
Burning The affected area’s burning or heating sensation can range from mild to severe.

Locations of Paresthesia

Paresthesia makes you feel tingling, numbness, or like your skin is being pricked. It can happen in many body parts.1 The hands, feet, arms, and legs are often affected. This is because these parts have lots of nerves. They are also susceptible to pressure or nerve damage. 3

Hands and Feet

Paresthesia in the hands and feet is very common. It’s often linked to issues like carpal tunnel syndrome.3 This happens when nerves in your wrist are pressed, causing tingling and numbness.1 These parts are more likely to feel paresthesia. They are very sensitive and can get hurt easily.

Arms and Legs

Paresthesia can also affect the arms and legs.1 Things like nerve pressure, blood flow problems, and some diseases can lead to weird sensations there.3 If you do tasks that wear out your hands, elbows, or feet, you might get paresthesia in your arms and legs.3

Tongue and Scalp

Paresthesia disease can affect the limbs, tongue, and scalp.1 You might feel tingling, numbness, or prickling in these places. This could signify many problems, like brain issues or health imbalances.

Where paresthesia happens might show what’s causing it. This information helps doctors figure out the best way to help.1 Knowing where paresthesia can be is key to treating this complicated issue well.

Causes of Paresthesia Disease

Paresthesia disease has many possible causes. These include nerve pressure or damage, blood flow problems, and issues with metabolism or hormones.4

causes of paresthesias

Nerve Compression and Injury

Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome can press on nerves. This can stop them from working right and cause paresthesia.4

Another cause is radiculopathy. It happens when nerve roots get pinched, irritated, or inflamed. This can also make you feel paresthesia.4

Circulatory Problems

You might get paresthesia if you have bad blood flow or something blocking your blood vessels. This is because your nerves won’t function well.4

Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders

Health issues like diabetes and problems with hormones can lead to nerve damage. Then, you might feel paresthesia.4

Neuropathy can also cause numbness, tingling, pins, and needles. High blood sugar is typically the cause, but other factors like trauma or inadequate vitamin intake can also be to blame. 4

If your nerves are damaged, you could lose feeling or not be able to move that part of your body.4

Several things could make you more likely to get paresthesia. For example, getting older, doing the same movement over and over that squishes nerves, and certain health conditions.4

These conditions include drinking too much alcohol without eating right, diabetes, autoimmune issues, and diseases that affect your brain and nerves.4

Sometimes, paresthesia goes away quickly. But if it doesn’t, it can make your daily life harder.4

How bad and long it lasts depends on why you got it.4

Avoid making the same motion too much to stop chronic paresthesia, and take breaks often. It also helps to manage any long-term health problems carefully.4

Using things like wrist splints can also prevent some types of paresthesia.4

About two-thirds of people with diabetes damage their nerves. This is the biggest reason for feeling tingling in their hands and feet.5

Over 20 million Americans, especially the elderly, have peripheral neuropathy.5

Diabetes causes a lot of peripheral neuropathy cases. But for some people, the cause is unknown.5

Other times, different factors lead to tingling in your arms and legs.5

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome can make your fingers and arms tingle or go numb.5
  • Ulnar nerve entrapment affects your inside forearm and palm.5
  • Radial nerve palsy comes from pressure on the nerve at the bottom of your arm.5
  • Peroneal nerve palsy targets your leg’s outside or foot top, causing a foot drop.5
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome is like a carpal tunnel but in your foot.5
  • Herniated disks can press on nerves and cause sciatica. This leads to tingling in the legs.5
  • Anxiety can also make your hands, feet, face, and mouth tingle.5
  • Fibromyalgia and cervical spondylosis sometimes cause limb tingling, too.5
  • Systemic diseases, lack of vitamins, excessive drinking, toxins, or infections might also be behind the tingling. 5
  • Autoimmune diseases, inherited issues, injuries, multiple sclerosis, and certain drugs can make you tingle.5
  • Conditions like chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy can also lead to tingling.5
  • So, doctors might do blood tests to check for things like diabetes or vitamin shortages.5
  • They might also use machines to test your nerves or use imaging like CT scans and MRIs.5

Paresthesia Disease: Symptoms

The main signs of paresthesia are numbness and tingling. You might also feel a prickling or burning sensation. Numbness and tingling feel like “pins and needles.” It’s like your body part has “fallen asleep.” These feelings can be mild or severe and can greatly affect your daily life.

Prickling or burning feelings are common, too. It feels like needles or a burning fire on your skin. This can make you really uncomfortable and mess with your usual day.1

Numbness and Tingling

Feeling numb and having a tingling sensation is very common in paresthesia. You might feel like your skin “fell asleep.” Your skin could also be less sensitive to touch or temperature. This can make doing normal things hard.4

Prickling or Burning Sensations

Paresthesia also causes prickling or burning sensations, like needles, or constant burning or tingling.4 These can be painful, especially in the hands, feet, or face.

Risk Factors for Paresthesia Disease

Several things can increase your chances of getting paresthesia. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a big one. It happens when a nerve in your wrist gets squished and causes tingling in your hands and fingers.3 Diabetes is also on the list. Both type 1 and 2 can harm your nerves, making you more likely to feel paresthesia in your hands and feet.3,6

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Doing the same hand movements over and over can press on your wrist nerve. This leads to the numbness or tingling you feel in your hands and fingers.1 Things like being a woman or being overweight raise the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome.3


If you have diabetes, your odds of getting paresthesia are higher. Both types 1 and 2 can hurt your nerves, causing that uncomfortable tingling sensation.3,6

Vitamin Deficiencies

Not getting enough B vitamins can mess with your nerves and lead to paresthesia.1 Drinking too much alcohol can make you low on these vitamins too. That’s why it’s another risk for paresthesia.6

Certain Medications

Some medications, like those for cancer, HIV, and heart problems, can cause paresthesia.1 They might damage your nerves, which could also make paresthesia worse.

Knowing these risk factors is key. It can help doctors and patients better find and treat the root cause of paresthesia.

Diagnosis of Paresthesia Disease

Diagnosing paresthesia means a full medical workup. This includes checking your medical history, looking at you physically, and doing some tests.1 Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, like where and how long you’ve felt them. They might test your nerves to see how they work and determine what’s causing the problem.1 Based on what might be wrong, more tests could be needed. These might involve checks on your nerve function, muscle tests, or scans. They help pinpoint the issue and start the right treatment.1

Diagnosing paresthesia disease focuses on finding its root cause. This could be due to nerve pressure, blood flow issues, certain diseases, or other issues.1 A thorough check helps get to the cause and treat it properly. This is essential for easing the sensations felt.1

A close-up view of a person holding their hand out with their fingers slightly curled and feeling tingling. In the background, show a medical professional with a chart or diagram explaining the different types of nerves and their location in the body.

There’s no single test for paresthesia, but your doctor may do several to understand your nerve function and find out what’s wrong.1 These tests might include studying your nerves’ electrical signals, muscle activity, or detailed images from MRIs or CT scans.1 These and your health details help your doctor plan your care.1

Treatment Options for Paresthesia Disease


The focus in treating paresthesia is to deal with its cause.4 This often means using medications to treat other health issues. For example, diabetes or vitamin deficiencies can lead to paresthesia.7

Addressing Underlying Causes

Healthcare workers might start by doing blood tests. They could be looking for low vitamin B levels or high blood sugar.7 Imaging tests like X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans help spot area damage linked to paresthesia.7  Nerve function tests, such as nerve conduction studies, give insights into paresthesia cases.7

Medications for Symptom Relief

Along with treating root causes, drugs can be given for paresthesia symptoms.7 Some medications are gabapentin, L-Carnitine, Qutenza, Carnitor, and Carnitor SF.7 Treating paresthesia might mean raising vitamin B levels, changing certain drugs, or using nerve drugs.7

Physical Therapy and Lifestyle Changes

Help can also come from physical therapy and life changes.7 These strategies often include preventing injuries, physical or occupational therapy, and keeping health problems like diabetes in check.7 Those with severe symptoms like sharp pain, tingling, or movement difficulty should get help immediately.7

How paresthesia is tackled varies based on the person’s health history, the cause, and the severity of the symptoms. 4 By dealing with the root causes, easing symptoms, and adopting lifestyle changes, healthcare workers aim to enhance the quality of life for those with paresthesia.4

Home Remedies for Paresthesia Disease

Along with seeing a doctor, those with paresthesia can try home remedies. These can help lessen their symptoms.4 Almost everyone sometimes feels temporary paresthesia, like a limb falling asleep. This kind usually goes away without needing any treatment.4 But, chronic paresthesia brings more intense symptoms. It can include numbness, tingling, and even pain that makes walking hard, especially in the legs and feet.4

Stretching and Exercising

Stretching and light exercises can boost flexibility and blood flow, easing paresthesia.8 Regular exercise lowers blood sugar and protects nerves, which is good for those with peripheral neuropathy.8

Improving Circulation

Activities like walking, yoga, and massage can improve blood flow, which might help.8 Taking a warm bath also boosts blood circulation and might reduce pain.8 However, smoking makes blood flow worse, which can worsen peripheral neuropathy symptoms.8

Dietary Changes

Eating certain foods can also lower paresthesia symptoms. Including more B vitamins and other nutrients that support nerve health in your diet can be helpful.8 Some peripheral neuropathy cases are linked to insufficient vitamins and minerals, like vitamin B12, copper, and vitamin E.8 Others show that abnormal levels of calcium and magnesium might play a role in neuropathy.8 Combining these dietary changes with medical advice creates a well-rounded approach to battling paresthesia.

Natural Remedies for Paresthesia Disease

Some people with paresthesia try natural remedies along with regular medical treatments. They use these as extra therapies. These natural approaches aim to offer a fuller way to deal with the condition.


Acupuncture for paresthesia diseaseAcupuncture is a centuries-old practice from China that can lessen paresthesia. It does this by touching certain spots on the body, improving how the nerves and blood move.8 This method tries to fix energy flow and help the body heal. This could help lessen the feelings related to paresthesia.

Homeopathic Treatment for Paresthesia

Paresthesia disease symptoms can be efficiently managed with the aid of homeopathy. In such circumstances, homeopathic remedies effectively treat symptoms such as tingling, burning, numbness, and weakening of the limbs. When these medications are used, relief comes gradually. Homeopathic medications are advised in certain situations with mild to severe symptoms and no apparent significant reason. If the symptoms are severe, coexist with other symptoms such as trouble breathing, slurred speech, loss of bladder or bowel control, difficulty walking, confusion, dizziness, loss of consciousness, paralysis, or if there is a more serious cause such as a stroke, then immediate assistance from a conventional mode of treatment should be sought. It is advised to take any homeopathic medication for paresthesia under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor, who can offer the appropriate medication after a thorough case review. If the doctor discovers a serious condition for which homeopathy is ineffective, he may redirect the patient to conventional treatment. Self-medication should never be done.

Homeopathic Remedies For Paresthesia

Kali Phosphoricum: To Control Nausea

This medication is excellent for treating numbness in the hands and feet. The numbness may be noticeable at the tips of the fingers, as well as in the arms and legs. This medication can also effectively treat the prickling feeling in the hands and feet. Finally, it assists those who experience burning in their toes and feet.

Hypericum: For Burning, Tingling, and Numbness

The plant Hypericum Perforatum, sometimes known as “St. John’s Wort,” is used to make it. This medication works wonders for treating limb numbness, tingling, and burning. It is among the greatest medications for treating injuries or trauma that results in nerve damage. A person in need of it may also experience intense, stabbing pain in addition to the symptoms listed above. Additionally, it is a well-suited medication for treating carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

Zincum Metallicum: For Tingling and Numbness

This medication is beneficial for those experiencing tingling and numbness. When necessary, tingling occurs in one of the limbs. When lower limb numbness develops, it helps. Extreme weakness might accompany it.

Arsenic Album: To Handle Weakness And Burning Pains

First of all, this medication works well for treating scorching pain in the limbs. Second, it is helpful in situations where limb weakness is present. In addition to the foregoing, tingling in the fingers is another sign that this medication is being used.

Agaricus: To Treat Prickly Toes

This medication is effective when toes prickle. There may also be a sensation of creeping. Sometimes, shooting pain in the toes can help.

Causticum: To Treat Limb Weakness

This medication is primarily recommended for treating limb weakness and heaviness. It also helps manage hand numbness and is an effective medication for treating carpal tunnel syndrome.

Gnaphalium: For the Treatment of Numbness and Sciatica

It is made from the plant Gnaphalium polycephalum, sometimes called “old balsam,” an eternal blossom with a lovely aroma. It is advised to use this medication to treat numbness that accompanies sciatica pain. Those who require it get sciatic nerve pain that is darting or cutting. Sitting provides relief from their agony, but walking exacerbates it.

Picric Acid: To Treat Limb Pin Needle Sensation

It is a crucial medication for treating pins and needles in the extremities. Those in need of it might also have limb numbness. Feet may get cold, and legs may feel weak.

Paris Quadrifolia: For the Treatment of Neck Pain and Finger Numbness

This medication is made from Paris Quadrifolia, also known as “Herb Paris” and “One Berry.” It is appropriate for patients experiencing neck pain and numbness in the fingers (asleep sensation). Pain in the neck may radiate down to the fingers, and a heaviness in the neck nape area may accompany it. If you rest, the pain subsides.

Kalmia: For Prickling and Numbness in the Limbs

This is an additional homeopathic medication that relieves limb numbness and prickling. It is made from fresh leaves of the shrub Kalmia latifolia, also called “mountain laurel.” This medication may be necessary when limb weakness is a common complaint, there may also be coldness in the limbs, or a person experiences a neck ache that travels down their arms.

Carboneum Sulphur: For Electrical Current-Related Tingling Sensation

This medication works well when limbs tingle, like an electric charge is touching them. It also helps manage numb fingers that make it difficult to grasp small objects.

Phosphorus: For Feet and Hand Numbness

This medication can be used to treat numb hands and feet. It is also possible for the fingers and toes to be numb. Finally, it is advised to treat arm weakness.

Oxalic Acid: For tingling and numbness

This medication is also recommended for treating limb numbness and tingling. It is quite helpful when numbness extends from the shoulders to the fingertips. Sometimes, sharp discomfort may occur in the limbs.

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements with alpha-lipoic acid or B vitamins might boost nerve health and lower paresthesia signs.89 They can fix nutrient gaps or have effects that fight inflammation and protect the nerves, which might ease paresthesia for some people.

Massage Therapy

Massage can also be helpful for those with paresthesia. It improves blood flow and loosens tight muscles, which might worsen the problem.8 It makes you relax and can change some underlying issues, which can help deal with paresthesia.

A cluster of vibrant green herbs and plants, arranged in a natural and organic manner, with a small jar or bottle containing a golden liquid nestled amongst them. Small water droplets surround the plants, creating a calming and refreshing atmosphere. In the background, a hazy blue sky adds to the soothing ambiance of the image.

Preventing Paresthesia Disease

Paresthesia can be hard to avoid sometimes. But, some steps can help prevent or lower the risk of this condition.4

Ergonomic Workstation Setup

It’s key to have a proper ergonomic setup at your workstation. This includes adjusting your desk and chair heights. Such adjustments can aid in preventing nerve compression. They also decrease the chance of getting paresthesia.4

Managing Underlying Conditions

It’s crucial to manage any medical conditions you might have. This includes diseases like diabetes and vitamin deficiencies. Doing this can help prevent paresthesia.45

Staying Active

Being physically active is very important. Regular exercise helps improve circulation and nerve function. This can lower your chances of getting paresthesia.4

By taking these preventive measures, you can maintain your nerve health, decreasing the risk of paresthesia.

When to See a Doctor for Paresthesia Disease

If you have paresthesia, seeing a doctor is crucial. This is especially true if the feelings persist or get worse.1 If tingling and numbness stick around or intensify, get medical help.4 Also, seek a doctor if you feel weak, have pain, or have any other troubling symptoms. Getting early diagnosis and treatment is key to managing paresthesia. It can also help avoid nerve damage.

Persistent or Worsening Symptoms

Long-lasting paresthesia might signal a health issue or nerve damage.1 If the symptoms don’t fade or if they get worse, see a doctor.4 Quick, sharp paresthesia that goes away in minutes is normal. But if it hangs around, you must find its cause for lasting relief.

Accompanying Weakness or Pain

If paresthesia comes with weakness, pain, or other worries, seek help.1 Untreated pinched nerves can lead to lasting damage, pain, and loss of feeling.3 Such symptoms could point to severe issues, like nerve damage or a nerve disorder. Getting the right treatment is crucial. This can help prevent serious problems.


Paresthesia is a tricky condition that can seriously affect someone’s life. 10. Learning about its symptoms, causes, and treatments is important. Though some cases are not bad and go away independently, others might point to bigger health issues. A doctor should examine these right away. 11. Knowing the signs of paresthesia, finding the main problem, and looking into treatment options can greatly help. This can reduce the symptoms and make life better.

Studies show that paresthesia is pretty common, affecting most of the population.1011 Things like nerve pressing, circulation issues, and certain health conditions can cause it. So, getting the right diagnosis and treatment is key.12 Keeping up with the latest about paresthesia can help healthcare workers and patients better manage it. Together, they can make things easier for everyone suffering from paresthesia.

In the end, paresthesia is a big challenge that needs careful handling. People can improve things by knowing the facts, getting quick medical help, and looking at different treatments.10,11,12 As we learn more about paresthesia, doctors and patients can join hands to find new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat it. This teamwork can lead to better lives for those facing paresthesia.


What is paresthesia?

Paresthesia is when you feel tingling, numbness, prickling, or burning. This happens in your body’s different parts. Usually, it’s from nerve problems or damage.

What are the most common symptoms of paresthesia?

Common signs of paresthesia are numbness, tingling, and a burning feeling. They can be mild or very strong.

Where can paresthesia occur in the body?

It can happen in the hands, feet, arms, and legs. Also, your tongue and scalp might be affected. Hands and feet are often the main spots.

What are the most common causes of paresthesia?

Nerve issues, circulatory problems, and some disorders can cause paresthesia. These include compression, injury, and health conditions.

What are the risk factors for developing paresthesia?

Certain diseases, such as diabetes, vitamin shortfalls, and specific drugs, increase the risk. So does carpal tunnel syndrome.

How is paresthesia diagnosed?

Doctors use medical history, exams, and tests to diagnose paresthesia. This gives them a full picture to work from.

How is paresthesia treated?

Treatment tackles the cause. It might include medicine, physical therapy, and lifestyle tweaks. These steps help manage paresthesia.

What home remedies can help manage paresthesia?

To help ease paresthesia, try stretching, exercising, and boosting blood flow. Eating right for nerve health also matters.

What natural remedies can be used for paresthesia?

Acupuncture, natural supplements, and massage are complementary. They work alongside conventional treatment for paresthesia.

How can paresthesia be prevented?

Keep your workspace right, care for your health, and stay active to stop paresthesia. These key steps can lower your risk.

When should someone seek medical attention for paresthesia?

Get help if paresthesia stays, gets worse, or brings weakness or pain. These signs might point to a bigger issue.

Natural Treatment for Paresthesia in Philadelphia

If you suffer from any form of tingling or numbness in any part of your body, you must seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent long-term consequences. The natural remedies for paresthesia mentioned above are safe and have a proven record of effectiveness. Your holistic practitioner might have to experiment with a few options before finding what works better. In many cases where allopathic treatments fail to produce results, natural paresthesia treatment appears beneficial. Besides, they have no known side effects and can be used in various demographic areas. 

Dr. Tsan gathered the best-in-class certified holistic providers at the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, where all forms of natural treatment for paresthesia are available under one roof.

If you need an appointment for a holistic evaluationcontact the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic at (267) 403-3085 or use our online scheduling application.

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