Dry eyes

Treatment for dry eyes

Treatment for dry eyes often depends on the cause of your condition. Looking at a computer or digital device reduces blinking frequency by 60%, so greasy tears don’t flow down your eyes to lubricate and nourish them. Add to that stress or insufficient sleep, which undermines the immune system. These tears eventually coagulate in the meibomian glands with an uncontrolled bacterial flora.
Traditional treatments for dry eye include artificial tears, lacrimal plugs, prescription eye drops: Restasis and Xyidra, steroid drops, antibiotic drops, proprietary serum drops (making eye drops from your plasma), and prescription drugs that cause dry eyes. Listed below are some of the most common approaches to treatment for dry eyes.

Treatment for dry eyes

Lacrimal plugs

This is one of the treatments for dry eyes in which your eye doctor might use plugs to block the drainage holes in the corners of your eyes. This is a relatively painless, reversible procedure that slows tear loss.

If your condition is severe, the plugs may be recommended as a permanent solution.

Treatment for Dry Eyes

Surgery Options

This is one of the ways how to help dry eyes; it involves the closure of the holes in the inner corners of your eyelids. Closing your tear drainage holes allows the limited volume of tears to remain in your eyes longer.

Medicines for dry eyes

Medicines for dry eyes are another way how to help dry eyes. The most commonly prescribed medicine for dry eyes syndrome is an anti-inflammatory called cyclosporine (Restasis). The drug increases the number of tears in your eyes and lowers the risk of damage to your cornea.

Alternative medications include cholinergic, such as pilocarpine. These medicines for dry eyes help stimulate tear production. If another medication is causing your eyes to dry, your doctor may switch your prescription to find one that doesn’t dry out your eyes.

However, another option for dry eye treatment that many people are considering is the natural treatment for dry eye options. This is because natural remedies for dry eyes help relieve dry eyes without any side effects.

Eye drops for dry eyes.

Cyclosporine (Restasis) is the leading medicine in the category of eye drops for dry eyes that treats inflammation that causes eye dryness. This type of inflammation usually stems from a condition known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, also called dry eye syndrome. This eye drop for dry eyes is usually used twice a day to help increase tear production. Cyclosporine is recommended for long-term use. It’s only available as a prescription and can cause side effects.

Eye drops for dry eyes

Eye drops for dry eyes come in two forms: those with preservatives and those without.

Preservatives are added to eye drops for dry eyes to help prevent the growth of bacteria. Some people find eye drops for dry eyes with preservatives irritating to their eyes. They’re generally not recommended for people with more severe eye dryness. Eye drops for dry eyes with preservatives include HypoTears, Soothe Long-lasting, and Eye Relief.

Eye drops for dry eyes without preservatives are recommended for people with moderate or severe dry eyes. They’re sometimes packaged in single-use containers.

What are dry eyes?

Do you have very dry, irritating, or gritty eyes? You may have dry eye syndrome, which is very common and affects people of all ages. It has a higher occurrence rate in windy, dry, or dusty countries.

Dry eye is a condition whereby the lacrimal or tear-producing system malfunctions in layman’s terms. This could be because it isn’t producing enough aqueous tears or the lipid layer over the tear film produced by meibomian glands is insufficient.

What is dry eyes

Dry eye syndrome can occur at any age and in people who are otherwise healthy. It is more common with older individuals when they produce fewer tears. It is also more common in women than in men. It is more common in places where malnutrition results in a vitamin A deficiency.

What causes dry eyes?

The question ” What causes dry eyes?” has no answer. It could be anything from hormonal changes to genetic predisposition, eye inflammation, virus infection, etc. Both men and women can get dry eyes. However, it is more common in women, especially those who have gone through menopause.

Listed below are some of the causes of dry eyes:

  • Environmental irritants, such as wind, low humidity, air-conditioning, sun exposure, smoke, chemical fumes, or heat, are some of the causes of dry eyes.
  • Skin diseases in or around the eyes or diseases of the eye glands
  • Allergies
  • Eye surgery, such as refractive surgery (LASIK) and cataract surgery
  • Chronic inflammation of the eye
  • Infrequent blinking or a condition called exposure keratitis, in which the eyelids don’t close completely during sleep
  • Various medicines, such as antihistamines, nasal decongestants, tranquilizers, blood pressure medication, Parkinson’s disease medication, and antidepressants
  • Excessive or insufficient vitamin intake
  • Long-term contact lens wear

Causes of dry eyes

Other causes of dry eyes are:

  • Certain vision problems often result in dry eyes as a symptom
  • Spending extended periods in front of screens is a common cause of dry eyes
  • Age: Age is another cause of dry eyes. Dry, itchy eyes are experienced by 75% of those over 65, by which time you have 40% of the volume of tear film that you had when you were 18.
  • Post-menopause gives rise to a decrease in estrogen production, which has been linked to poor functioning of the meibomian gland. This gland produces an oily substance called meibum, which lies on top of the tear film and protects it from rapid evaporation.8
  • Some other causes of dry eyes are smoking, drinking a lot of coffee, wearing contact lenses, and being in air-conditioned or heated places with low humidity.

Types of Dry Eye

Types of dry eyes

There are two types of dry eye:

Aqueous tear-deficient dry eye

The eyes’ lacrimal glands fail to produce enough of the middle aqueous layer of tears, resulting in low tear production.

Evaporative dry eye

The eyes’ meibomian glands don’t produce a solid outer lipid layer of tears, resulting in tears that evaporate too quickly. In addition to dry eye syndrome, dry eye is also sometimes known as:

  • Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
  • Dysfunctional tear syndrome
  • Lacrimal keratoconjunctivitis
  • Evaporative tear deficiency or aqueous tear deficiency

Symptoms of dry eyes

Symptoms of dry eyes

The most common symptoms of dry eyes are:

  • Burning
  • Pain
  • Redness

Symptoms of dry eyes

Other common symptoms of dry eyes include:

  • Watery tearing
  • Stringy mucus
  • Eyes get tired faster than they used to
  • Difficulty reading or sitting at the computer for long periods
  • Blurry vision
  • The feeling of having sand in your eyes

Natural remedies for dry eyes are effective and safe treatments.

Dry Eyes treatment

Natural remedies for dry eyes have been proven to be effective and have helped relieve symptoms of dry eyes.

Listed below are natural remedies for dry eyes:

Home remedies for dry eyes are the most common form of natural treatment for dry eyes.

Home remedies for dry eyes are natural remedies for dry eyes that are easy to achieve at home. Listed below are home remedies for dry eyes

Blink More

  • Staring at a computer curbs the number of times you blink per minute. So try to blink often when you’re online. Follow the 20/20 rule: close your eyes every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. Another simple trick to keep your eyes moist at the computer is setting your screen below eye level. You won’t have to open your eyes as wide, which may help slow tear evaporation between blinks.

Eat (Naturally) Oily Fish

  • Salmon and tuna, such as sardines, trout, and mackerel, contain omega-3 fatty acids. Research suggests these healthy fats help the oil-making glands in your eye work better, which can ease irritation. Other foods naturally high in omega-3 fats include walnuts, vegetable oils (like canola and soybean oil), and flaxseed. You can also take omega-3 fatty acids as a pill or tablet. Talk to your doctor before you start any new supplement to ensure it won’t affect any conditions or the medicines you take.

Natural Treatment

Stay Hydrated

  • Every body part, including your eyes, needs water to stay healthy. Drinking water is another home remedy for dry eyes that helps keep them moist. But don’t wait until you’re thirsty to sip water. By then, you may already be slightly dehydrated. Instead, aim for eight to 10 glasses throughout the day. If you don’t like plain water, any other liquid that doesn’t have alcohol or caffeine will do. Water-rich foods like cucumbers and watermelon also count.

Wear Wraparound Sunglasses

  • This style can help protect your eyes from drying winds, which cause tears to evaporate more quickly. Avoid blowing air toward your eyes from your hairdryer, air conditioner, or fan at home.

Diet for dry eyes – an essential part of any natural treatment for dry eyes

Diet for dry eyes is another relief for dry eyes; the body absorbs nutrients better when you eat food rather than taking a pill.


Listed below are the main rules of diet for dry eyes


  • Fish is a diet for dry eyes that contains omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation in the eye, especially in the tear ducts. Having healthy tear ducts makes it easier to have healthy, high-quality tears. Most fish contain omega-3s. Fish with the most nutrients are salmon, halibut, herring, and tuna. You can also get omega-3 fatty acids from mollusks like oysters.


  • Seeds, like chia seeds and flaxseed, are another excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. They’re a great alternative to fish for vegetarians and vegans, a diet for dry eyes. In fact, flaxseed oil is often a recommended alternative to fish oil and other fish-based omega-3 supplements. Seeds can also be good to have besides a variety of fish to have a well-rounded diet. Your diet should contain enough protein and omega-3 fatty acids for the healthiest eyes and better health.


  • Nuts are high in omega-3 and vitamin E, which relieve dry eyes. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, much like Vitamin C. It can fight age-related damage, including damage to tear production. Walnuts and cashews are the best nuts, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E.

Herbs for dry eyes – excellent home-based treatment for dry eyes

Not many herbs for dry eyes have been proven scientifically to be effective in relieving dry eyes, but some of these herbs below help reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.



  • Chamomile tea is one of the herbs for dry eyes that have been effective. Brew a weak tea with dried chamomile flower tops and distilled water to make an eye wash. Strain the mixture with the help of a coffee filter and let the liquid cool down. Apply it every few hours for a couple of days.

Fennel seeds

  • Fennel seeds are a very good medicine that causes relief for dry eyes. Add two teaspoonfuls of fennel seeds to a glass of water and boil this concoction for the next few minutes. Let it and then strain the mixture. Use it as an eye wash two or three times a day.


  • Calendula is another relief for dry eyes. It is deemed to be very soothing to both the inner and outer parts of the eyes. It helps to reduce itching, swelling, and inflammation.

Acupuncture for dry eye – ancient Chinese treatment for dry eyes

Acupuncture for dry eyes is an effective traditional natural remedy for dry eyes that is safe and effective for treating dry eyes. In a controlled study, acupuncture for dry eyes significantly enhances the rate of positive patient outcomes for patients using lubricant eye drops for dry eye syndrome.


Patients receiving acupuncture for dry eyes plus eye drops for dry eyes had a 76.92% effective rate. Patients receiving only eye drops for dry eyes had a 53.85% effective rate.

Homeopathy for dry eyes – the #1 natural treatment for dry eyes

Homeopathy for dry eyes is sourced from natural substances and is safe with zero side effects. Homeopathy for dry eyes also relieves symptoms but strikes at the root of the problem, leading to Dry Eyes.

Homeopathic Eye Drops

Listed below are homeopathic remedies for dry eyes


  • Aconite is the top homeopathic remedy for dry eyes. It acts as an excellent agent to decrease the redness of the eyes. Aconite is also a natural medicine of great help in providing relief from pain in the eyes, which worsens with the motion of the eyes.


  • Sulphur is the best homeopathic remedy for dry eyes that controls itching and burning in eyes with dryness.

Natrum Mur

  • Natrum Mur can help relieve burning, smarting pain in the eyes with dryness in the eyes on reading. Natrum Mur is also the best remedy for sand-like sensations in eyes and blurred vision with Dry Eyes while reading.


Dry eyes are the number one vision problem treated by optometrists and ophthalmologists. Many natural remedies can help relieve any unpleasant symptoms of dry eye you may be experiencing. In most cases, lubricating eye drops will provide sufficient relief from symptoms that arise from exhaustion or living in a dry climate. These drops compliment your natural tears with artificial tears, providing added hydration and protection.

Philadelphia Holistic Clinic

Holistic medicine approaches, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, reiki, etc., are highly effective and safe for treating dry eyes.

For your appointment with our medical director, doctor-homeopath Victor Tsan, MD, contact our clinic at (267) 284-3085 or use our online application.