How to treat a sunburn: Remedies to ease the discomfort and promote healing.


Treatment for sunburn

Treatment for sunburn usually doesn’t require any professional medical attention, however, it is important to take care of the problem ASAP, to prevent any secondary forms of inflammation and growth of bacteria that will enjoy the weak parts of your skin. How to treat sunburn is the most common question that our patients ask during the summer season. Summertime means barbecues, trips to the beach, and sunburns. Unprotected skin can burn in as little as a few minutes. But don’t panic, there are various ways to reduce the sting if you understand how to treat sunburns. In this post, we’ll look at DIY cures and preventative measures to heal your skin and lessen the discomfort.

How to treat a sunburn

What to do to get treatment for a sunburn right away

As soon as you detect that your skin has been burned, take action to begin the healing process and ease the discomfort. Most likely the emergency Treatment for sunburn will help you to alleviate the symptoms. The aim is to reduce your skin’s warmth and stop further harm from occurring.

Sunburn that requires treatment

What you should do immediately is as follows:

  • Leave the sun right away. Go indoors, seek out some shade, or at least, shield any exposed skin from the sun by wearing clothing, using an umbrella, or doing whatever else will help.
  • A sunburn causes your skin to absorb water from other areas of your body. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of water straight away and for a few days after.
  • Take a cold bath or shower. While it could hurt a little, taking a quick cold shower will cool your skin and lessen the irritation.

When to visit a doctor if you get a sunburn treatment.

The majority of sunburns are first-degree burns, which are painful and red and can typically be treated at home. If you were in the sun for a long time, you could get a second-degree burn, which results in blisters. Obtain medical attention and professional treatment of sunburn if you experience any of these signs:

  • more than 20 percent of your body is blistering
  • Weakness or fainting
  • a high temperature, a headache, a thirst, confusion, or nausea
  • Skin disease

If treatment for sunburn is ineffective, do you need to see a doctor for your sunburn?

Take care of yourself right away.

How to handle the symptoms of sunburn

home remedies for-sunburn

Depending on the symptoms of sunburn the remedies for sunburn are different.

  • Apply moisturizer or cold compresses. Avoid purposefully breaking any blisters open as this could lead to infection. Clean the affected area with gentle soap and water if a blister does break open. After that, apply an antibiotic ointment and gauze to the affected region.
  • Avoid touching the irritation to avoid delaying healing and perhaps infecting the skin. Use a cream with 1% hydrocortisone or an antihistamine.
  • Stinging and pain. To prevent future sun damage to the skin, take aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Too warm/hot skin. Take regular, chilling showers if your skin feels hot to the touch, and drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
  • Skin peeling. Avoid picking or pulling at the skin that is peeling by treating your skin softly. Put on some moisturizer, like aloe vera.

Home remedies for sunburn

  • Compressed ice. Use a fresh, lint-free cold washcloth or towel multiple times per day for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Both healing and pH equilibrium can be restored by using cider vinegar. Pour one cup of cider vinegar into a bath to use this.
  • Aromatic substances. All of the essential oils—peppermint, lavender, chamomile, and tea tree—can help to soothe irritation and cool your skin, but you must first mix them with a “carrier” oil, like almond oil, or a moisturizer like an aloe vera.
  • A natural anti-inflammatory, oatmeal. You can either add oatmeal to a cool bath and soak in it, or you can mix a paste with cold milk and apply it to your skin.
  • Coconut nut oil Natural fats with moisturizing and antibacterial characteristics, including as linoleic and lauric acids, are abundant in this multipurpose oil. It’s best to maintain skin hydrated later on in the healing process.
  • Aloe vera Chemicals in aloe have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial actions. To relieve your sunburn, utilize only treatments containing aloe.
  • Hazel witch. Applying witch hazel to the skin can reduce inflammation.
  • These trendy vegetables act as a natural painkiller and antioxidant (pain reliever). Cucumbers can be chilled before being mashed in a blender and applied to the skin as a paste.
  • Shaving lotion. Mild sunburn can be soothed with menthol-infused shaving cream. Apply a thin layer, allow to dry for 30 minutes, then rinse the afflicted area.

Sunburn stages


Following is what to anticipate when your sunburn heals:

How long does a sunburn take to heal? Healing takes longer the more severe the burn was. While a severe sunburn with blisters may take weeks to go away, a minor sunburn often heals in a few days.

What does a sunburn that is healing look like? Healing skin will eventually lose its pink or red hue and revert to normal for light sunburns. Even with a light sunburn, the skin’s outer layer may start to peel. If your sunburn is more severe, you may get blisters that will eventually go away (don’t purposefully pop them!).

How to prevent sunburn

It’s crucial to understand how to treat sunburn. Even better is knowing how to prevent it. In addition to being uncomfortable, sunburn increases your risk of skin cancer and hastens the aging process. Here are a few quick tips to keep your skin safe:

  • When ultraviolet rays are highest, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., stay out of the sun.
  • Avoid using tanning beds.
  • For sun protection, wear hats, long sleeves, pants, and umbrellas.
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 to 30 or higher. Every two hours or after swimming, reapply sunscreen, and don’t forget to protect your lips. Even if it’s cloudy, apply sunscreen 30 minutes before heading outside. Click here for solutions to some additional frequently asked issues about sunscreen.

Avoid getting sunburned to enjoy your summer. You can avoid being sunburned altogether by covering your skin from the sun’s rays. The aforementioned advice can also help you stop the discomfort and begin the healing process if you overdo it in the sun or forget to apply sunscreen to a certain area.

If you need a professional sunburn treatment in Philadelphia

Philadelphia Holistic Clinic provides multiple naturopathic healing approaches to help you with the treatment of sunburn. At the clinic, Dr. Tsan will work with you, categorize the severity of the burn, and recommend the best forms of treatment for sunburn. We use only natural remedies and regarding your medical history, our sunburn treatment will not jeopardize your medical condition. Holistic treatment for sunburn is effective, safe, and affordable. For an appointment, contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085 and schedule your office visit with one of our associates.

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