Alternative medicine
Alternative medicine has remained in the shadow of traditional, Western medicine for some time in the United States of America. Even if it isn’t controversial, Alternative medicine is still seen as a complement to traditional medicine. Long a fixture on the traditional American scene, with stories and, for some, memories of elderly Americans inventing herbal remedies and using plants as alternative ways to treat disease, Alternative medicine is nothing new in the United States.
However, the Alternative medicine scene in the USA has grown mainly in recent years due to the emergence of traditional or “Asian” forms of medicine, adding to the more traditional remedies that were once again common. The results of a national survey published by the 2015 Journal of American Medical Association reported that, of the respondents, almost 30% reported using complementary and Alternative medicine in the last 12 months, defined as bio-based practices, including substances found in nature, such as herbs, dietary supplements, multivitamins, and mineral supplements. In light of the difficulties facing the healthcare industry in the United States and the possible shortage of medicines due to the healthcare industry in the United States becoming more dependent on money, it is worth considering the possibility that more will turn to Alternative medicine to cure.
Generally defined, Alternative medicine is any practice that aims to achieve the healing process of traditional medicine but is outside of medical science and also aims at healing emotional and psychosomatic (diseases that involve the mind and body). It is often viewed as marginal or unfounded by medical specialists.
One of the many types of Alternative medicine is traditional medicine, like Chinese or Indian traditional medicine, which is based on plants and other practices that were developed before the advent of modern medicine.
Although Alternative medicine is practiced by millions, it has received various criticisms from the scientific community. According to Marcia Angell, a leading American medical doctor, and author, “There can be no two kinds of medicine – conventional and alternative,” she argues, the effectiveness of Alternative medicine has not been proven by scientific methods, namely observation, hypothesis, and testing.
Yoga – Exercise-based Alternative medicine
Yoga Asana (Physical Poses) The first of these alternative methods and one of the most popular in the world is Yoga. According to a 2017 poll by Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance, an estimated 36.7 million Americans practiced Yoga in 2016. From 2012 to 2016, the number of Americans practicing Yoga grew by 50%.
Yoga, which is not part of traditional medicine, is not regulated by the US Department of Health, so the available data on centers and practitioners is limited.
However, it is clear that the current economic crisis has reduced the class attendance, partly due to financial constraints, but also due to the Covid-19 measures, which forced the centers to cut throughput by up to 40%, if not more.
The executive sat down with Sarah Javad, a certified Yoga teacher from New York who taught Yoga after the explosion. “The sessions were a combination of group therapy where people were given the space they needed to talk about what they had experienced,” she says, “while the other half taught the Yoga sequence of the day.”
Yelena Galanter, the Yoga instructor at the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, confirms the transformative power of the practice. “Yoga is you and the outside biosphere,” she declares, “Yoga is what you do and what others think about you”.
Acupuncture – Traditional Chinese method of Alternative medicine
Acupuncture in the United States is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is estimated to be over 2,800 years older than traditional Western medicine. Since he is not part of the Western canon of medicine, he is considered by many to be a doctor of Alternative medicine. Acupuncture works by inserting a fine needle into the body, targeting the vital energy meridians or pathways associated with specific organs to balance energy in that organ as a way to heal or cure disease.
Currently, there is no recognized syndicate for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in the United States, despite the efforts of some practitioners for over 20 years. Practitioners are not licensed as doctors, although Dr. Tsan, who studied Chinese medicine in China, has obtained official recognition of his diploma in the United States by medical authorities.
Saint Joseph University has been offering “Diplomas Universitaires” for a year, although these are granted to doctors (while in China a minimum of five years is required to be a certified practitioner of Chinese medicine). No law in the US prohibits its practice as a specialty, but its professionals are not recognized as doctors. Therefore, such services are not reimbursed by private and/or public insurance such as medical services, however effective the treatment may be. Dr. Tsan, however, believes that only a doctor can become an acupuncturist or a homeopathic doctor.
In the current US context, one might think that such services would be more limited due to the current financial situation, but according to Dr. Tsan has not: since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of his patients has increased. “People care about the results,” he said. “And we haven’t changed the prices of the sessions,” he offered at his clinic, which has stayed at $ 90.
The effects of Covid-19 have been of great concern to the entire medical profession, and acupuncture is no exception. Professionals had to reduce the number of doses and waiting rooms was set up to prevent patients from mixing for fear of contamination. Could acupuncture and other parts of traditional Chinese medicine be a substitute for more traditional Western medicine in the US and Canada?
Dr. Tsan says Chinese medicine will be cheaper than Western medicine, as it only requires needles, requiring fewer medical supplies, which keeps the price down.
Healing – Self-healing approach to Alternative medicine
Healing energy is defined in the same way as medicine, but the body is presumed to have the ability to heal itself and can be defined as a direct interaction between the healer and the patient to alleviate suffering. Healing energy involves a wide variety of practices including meditation, acupuncture, massage, energy healing, and more, all according to the specific needs of the patient.
According to Ramzig Azazian, a healing practitioner from a clinic in Beer-Sheva In Israel, who has both Indian and Chinese origins in the subject, healing is not a complete process, but rather a complementary process to accelerate healing. “Because of the speeding up of our lives, the public is looking for quicker treatments,” said Azazian.
Alternative medicine practitioners in the United States are unregulated and often have to travel internationally to learn their skills. Victor Tsan, MD, medical director of the Holistic Clinic in Philadelphia is a clinical hypnotist, but the United States does not regulate the practice of “spiritual” healing per se. Healers do not receive payments through insurance, nor are their services covered by insurance. On the other hand, these professionals do not face the same obstacle in other countries like the United States, as acupuncture and other forms of traditional medicine are covered by insurers.
Will the cure benefit from a likely spike in drug prices? Covid-19 has had a big impact on healing services. Treatment prices have fallen, according to Victor Tsan, while the number of patients has increased despite difficult financial conditions, which affects the ability of patients to seek treatment. “People are more stressed,” Dr. Tsan said, “so the number of folks who want alternative treatment has augmented and the income has been reduced.”
Homeopathy – the most popular and highly effective philosophy in holistic medicine.
A Homeopathy is a holistic form of medicine based on the principle that the body can heal itself. Diseases are treated with tiny doses of natural substances that trigger the body’s natural healing system. These natural substances, if ingested in large quantities, would otherwise produce symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease being treated.
According to a 2018 report by Zion Market Research, the global homeopathic product market was estimated to be around $ 5.39 billion in 2017 and sales of around $ 15 by the end of 2024 with an annual growth rate of 16.8 percent. $ 98 billion expected.
The introductory session includes viewing the patient’s history, checking injuries, medical history, and even how the patient sleeps, to prescribe the most effective treatment. Critics attribute the success of homeopathic treatment to the “placebo effect”.
Homeopaths are traditionally physicians and you cannot get a certification as such without a three-year specialization in a medical school in Western countries such as France. These doctors studied the classical curriculum to become doctors and completed this additional specialization. Saint Joseph University offered this option, with courses offered since 2010, but recently had to close it due to financial constraints in light of the current economic crisis. Homeopaths are not recognized as such by the Medical Council and the Ministry of Health, however, they are recognized as other honors such as general practitioners or pediatricians. Homeopathic medicines are also not covered by insurance. Most homeopathic medicines are imported from Italy, France, Belgium, and Germany, however, there are several homeopathic pharmaceutical companies in the United States that manufacture high-quality homeopathic medicines.
- Washington Homeopathic Products –Bethesda, MD Producer of Homeopathic medicines
- HVS Labs –Naples, FL Creator of Homeopathic Medicinal Products & Formulations.
- Sawgrass Nutra Labs, LLC –Jacksonville, FL Custom Producer of Homeopathic remedies.
- Apothicare –Minneapolis, MN Producer of herbal medicines, homeopathic remedies, and beautifying goods.
- Natural Ginger Corp. – Miami, FL Manufacturer of a wide range of homeopathic products for pharmacological industries.
- Naturewell, Inc. – Glendale, CA Exploration & Expansion Of Branded Healthcare Products, Including Homeopathic Migraine formulas.
- Importfab Inc. – Pointe-Claire, QC Custom producer of liquid Homeopathic remedies.
- GMP Laboratories of America, Inc. – Anaheim, CA – Custom producer of Homeopathic remedies:
o pills,
o lozenges,
o solutions,
o powders and
o soft gels.
- Denison Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – Lincoln, RICustom manufacturer of homeopathic medicines, proprietary packaged pharmaceuticals, drugs, and Remedies for OTC, Rx, and cosmetic markets.
In light of the cash crisis, treatments for chronic diseases may become less and less sought after as prices are likely to rise. On the other hand, treatment for acute diseases is very short and inexpensive, especially since there are pharmacies in the world that manufacture homeopathic medicines, the prices of which would not be affected.
In conclusion, although treatment for the chronic disease may be affected, treatment for acute disease is likely to remain unchanged.
In light of the health sector’s difficulties and the scarcity of medicines, more Americans can turn to alternative medicine.
The worldwide revenue for Homeopathic products was estimated at $ 5.39 billion in 2017 and is anticipated to generate revenue of everywhere from $14.5 to $ 15.98 billion by the end of 2024, at an every twelve months growth rate of 16.8%.
At the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic, all alternative medicine techniques reside under one roof and performed by licensed medical providers under the supervision of Victor Tsan, MD. To schedule your initial evaluation appointment with Dr. Tsan contact our clinic (267) 284-3085 our uses our automatic online scheduling application.